League of legends general /lolg/

Denting Blows Edition

old: eyosongive.us

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Armor pen reds over traditional ADC runes on Draven?

>1-1-3 vs 1-1-3 in Dota

lolbabs can't into trilanes huh

Quick, how do I lose, but make it look like I was trying?

Yes, make sure to start longsword no pots as well because you live life on the edge and are already playing the game's snowballiest champ?

for what purpose

Builld subpar items
Only get 1 cs per wave

>People legitimately believe that carries must go bot lane with the support to be a carry

Guess I'm not a carry then, huh?

Who the fuck invented proxy singed? I remember it randomly being a thing sometime in pre-season 3. But is there anyone credited with actually innovating the idea?

Seems like such a random concept to come about, pretty crazy how it became the only way to play singed over time


Constantly allin your lane opponent whenever possible, never cs

>mfw TSM lost to P1
>mfw the backwater municipality of TSM forfeits their perfect season to fucking ADAM SANDLER'S team

its just one or two retards
They aren't called "carry toplaners" for nothing

There are people in diamond who play lane singed I believe

Warwick rework when?

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Would I be a bad person if I left my bronze boyfriend for a diamond 3 guy who is willing to carry me?


>crit garen is only for people who know what they're doing
>i don't know what the fuck i just did

t-thanks guys

>no mid carries


not at all

the fuck kinda question is that? of course.


Around 7.2-7.4

Nobody knows. And it's not the only way to play him. It just makes sense. You're tanky as fuck, so you can go behind their lane and tank creep damage and get free CS. Meanwhile, your enemy has to tank creep damage or try to farm under tower, meaning either him or the tower are taking damage constantly because they have no creep barrier. And who's gonna chase after you except for retards?

But Trynd's the perfect counter since he can tank creep damage and then heal up. So, he's not forced to farm under tower.

I hope so...

>only botlaners are carries!
>ADCs are only relevant 35 minutes into the game unless ridiculously fed
>the majority of games are carried by mid and top

Its the only way to play him if you want to win

Get rid of rever and shiv and get deadmans and spirt visage. You go fast without getting destroyed

No, it's not. Stop talking shit you clearly know nothing about.

Finally a new edition
You did well son

are you ready for another fucking TI?

>Get rid of rever

>get rid of F R E E cdr

Thing is that I was already moderately tanky due to garens W passive providing 30 armor and magres, i could've probably done better by getting merc treads to get 113/103 AR/MR, but my main deaths were to a lucian and a lee sin.

Blame Riot for being lazy designers.

The meta was constantly being subverted in AoS and DotA, then it became mainstream and suddenly the most popular franchises a fascists about sticking to one or two macro strategies?

Yeah pretty sure singed gets dicked by any conventional toplaner if he actually tries to lane with them head on

>That feel when you realize you've been using twitch streams as surrogate friends

>this entire fucking season

I just wish I could put all of it in the bin.

Which league champion is most likely to be a girl in disguise?

how is every other e"""""""""""""sport""""""""""""" such a fucking poverty game?

that's not the point user

Carries inhabit every single role of this game

Including support? Inb4 Sona


It's alright, Gold is still the top 20%.

Proxy Singed is so overpowered he was nerfed for regular play. Unless you're playing against someone who just follows you in a straight line or stands in your poison Singed is insanely easy to counter... Unless you proxy.

Proxy is the only way to force a difficult cost benefit analysis on your opponent, otherwise it's as simple as 'I don't want to die, so I'll not stand still'.

how much money did dotards pony up this year?


If you suck, sure. Otherwise you can still flip them and gas them out like you would normally. Because proxy farming is ideally only for people who are good. Otherwise you'll get some idiot (you) trying it because "its meta fuck you its meta i do whats meta its the only way to get gg fukn fgt" and then you'll get raped in the ass when the jungler and top laner close in on you and gank you a dozen times before 20 minutes when you finally surrender.

Kayle is a girl silly.

Zyra and Brand

Vel'koz before his most recent rework

Does Karma qualify?

veigar tilts me.

On very cold days, Nunu drinks the breast milk from Willump, the female Yeti.

xth for love and happiness

Unless, of course, you're playing against someone competent.

Do you know how to counter flip? Run away. Playing Singed like that is a good way to get ganked.

>play really well
>gets himself killed when we have everything we need to win
>team follows him
okay so

i mightve gotten a bit upset

So basically you're saying proxy Singed is the way to play if you know what you're doing and you want to rank up, but you can lane normally in normals?

Good point.

Debatable. She's currently strong as fuck and has occasionally been run mid, but her kit's not really about pure DPS with bonus utility like the other two.

so...is this game dead?
genuinely curious

Dead? No.
Over the peak? Definitely.
Dying? Debatable.

It may have stagnated but it is long from dying
It's just dota/ow shitposters spamming it every thread

no she is a owl, no way she could turn her head that way otherwise, also explain the feather

>It may have stagnated but it is long from dying

Honestly kinda glad they lost now rather than potentially in the playoffs

>1000 ping from 6:34 to 47:43
>still win because I'm Sion and my team is good

godbless this champion

Xin Zhao is a obvious rip off from Mulan. Think about it.

Why would they? Trilanes are inefficient in league since the jungle is so much easier to farm.

>no boots
>just kidding nothing you can do if your team want to pick retarded fight for some reason, just splitpush and try to 1v3 so they can lose the 4v2 and blame you

git gud

Poor meteos, his chat is now crowded with some el epic tyler1 fans

tyler1 > meteos

c9 is reddit team
kys fag

You're right but they're inefficient specifically because Riot wants to intentionally disincentivize them. There was a time when duo top instead of a jungler was a genuine teamcomp decision and viable, but Riot didn't like that so they revamped exp to make it impossible, for instance.

Tyler is a manlet cuckold who cries hard over a videogame

I dont like meteos much but tyler should actually kill himself

worthless cancer l m a o

haha epic! XD

hehe xD

yes you would be you gross hoe, grow a spine you degenerate

I did it..



>next game after this ruined by d/c
epic 90 ,lp curse riot

pretty much

definitely not as active as it was 2 years ago

Whats the fastest way to 30?
>inb4Buy an account

I lold

That would be too adorable.


According to streamers, 3v3 bots. A lot of them group up with other people who are leveling accounts to make it go by faster.


>There was a time when duo top instead of a jungler was a genuine teamcomp decision and viable, but Riot didn't like that so they revamped exp to make it impossible, for instance.

The only time that was ever true was during the introduction of Relic Shield, where it was completely busted so duo top was decent. Outside of that, Riot actually buffed the exp for duo lanes, early season 3~4 had buffs to exp range and exp compensation in case you left lane and came back after roaming

I can see that it's a child and a mummy so gender can be hard to tell.

So we can milk those.

We already have Akali s

>We will never go back to Pantheon/Taric Top

Thanks a lot Riot.

ayo senpai can you update the vayne mayne image with this one?


nobody ever bothered to sex him

Do the void creatures even have gender? Do they even reproduce sexually?

rek'sai is a queen

the rest are referred to as male

rek'sai's a queen so yes they do have genders.

"Genders are more easily discerned by the pitch of their cries." - Vel'koz


Yes but the boys can be Mpreg'd

I love Lissandra!


Rek'sai is canon female, Cho, Vel, Kog and Kha are all 'male' in that nowhere or in nothing about them is it confirmed that they're female.

I think he's talking about the natives of Runeterra not the void things.

Is she like an ant queen and going to have so many babies?

Not even once.

Why does Illaoi's W scale like garbage?

reminder soraka is cancer when viable and needs to be put in the dirt

reminder morello was right

>wasting your time on a tf2 remake

Tf2 is shit by the way

>tfw morello never stops being right