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Xth for stuck with crit gear instead of mastery
Thanks blizz D:

What's this meme called?

Ice cock

Hey Icy how do I make Thaspion notice me?

and then they die from a fart

What's the most fun class?

Is it Warrior?




i never noticed the poll in the op..... CX

So close block


Is it wrong that I want to have rough anal sex with night elf women?

Fun is subjective.

What's fun to you might not be fun to someone else.

tl;dr - see if the PTR is still up and go roll over there, try all the classes at 100.

Then go back to live and buy a boost and enjoy.

The sheriff caveman

>you'll never have sex with a fem human


>The lying scum that said he wouldnt bot another poll strikes again

What's with all the garrison fishing groups in the group finder?



wtb nice people to play wow with.

>No fabulous mustache
>Guy that likes sissies and """""girls"""""" online instead of glorious wow
Should try harder :P

How did you get this picture? I doubt he would share them since he's so ugly

>Kobolds got updated models
>Murlocs got updated models
>Satyr got updated models
>fucking Troggs got updated models
>Gnolls and Quilboar did not get updated models

I think we know where this is going. Gnolls and Quilboar confirmed for next playable races.

Hopefully fixed now; this is what i'll use from now on whenever I make an OP

someone posted it yesterday

Nice is subjective.

Whomever is nice to you might not be nice to someone else.

tl;dr - see if a RP server is high pop and go roll over there, talk to all the people you see while in-character. Add them to

Then go back to your main and enjoy.

im nice

Post btag, qt.

>want to play a tanking class
>want to be a special snowfake

I want to main my monk but I already feel bored because I'm 90% time in WW. At least druids/dks/warriors have 3 different playstyles. Fucking autism.


Consider yourself noticed my friend

What is the most overpowered scumbag PVP spec right now? Not sure if I actually want to come back and endure the Nth expansion of subpar Ele sham gameplay/design. Yet every time I come back anyways to give Blizzard undeserved sheckels.

Maybe if I play something else I might actually have fun this go around.

Played Balance until the retarded changes in Cata, so its nice to see that going away. Are they doing alright so far?

Well I only really care if they are nice to me.
And I do play on RP servers!

Are you sure??


Feral senpai

im pretty sure

I always assumed that was implemented to fix strawpoll shitting. RIP i guess

I know this has probably has been asked a ton but can anyone that's played all or at least most of the classes tell me which one is the most fun? I'm a bit disheartened by my main ret, it has some fun elements but it's mostly meh

When the fuck will I be able to play Balance without having to be A) A Moonkiin, or B) A starry spectral version of myself.

Fucking Resto Druids get to heal without any sort of cosmetic change, why can't Balance get the same treatment?



Never, fat kfc chickens are cute :3

>make a femnelf priest to level with my friends alts so we can get fast dungeon queues
>they keep making jokes about bending me over and other things like that
help what do i do

>Well I only really care if they are nice to me.

Oh, you just want orbiters. I'll pass.

I heard they got gutted quite a bit with cyclone and rejuv changes. Still worth?

let them die several times

>Not wanting to be a boomkin

Djelete yourself

its a fuckin checkbox


You bend over, obviously.

unholy dk or shadow priest for pve come legion?


Boomkin for is what made me main a Druid in the first place, I just wish I had the option to just be normal after a near complete decade.

People keep saying DK is awesome now, but what specs do they mean specifically?
I've been wanting to try out Unholy DK for a bit, but am not sure if they made it trash or what.

Unholy > Frost by a mile.

Unholy is the one they're talking about.

When it was implemented I assumed it was effective at stopping the bot votes. Guess not. Kinda annoying but w/e scriptkiddies going to be scriptkiddies


what makes unholy better than frost?

>2 shitty mogs


even fossil is better

What is the best humie face and why is it purple eyes + freckles?

Basically Blizzard's changes to how loot works in Legion is affecting more than they intended, in the case of the fishing shack, it's affecting the Murlocs.

All loot they drop is now personal, so you have 50 people all rapid fire throwing fish into the water and summoning the murlocs like crazy to get the two mounts they drop as well as the Pagle coins.

If I were you I'd do it soon, it's most likely gonna get hotfixed.

But it is pandaren!

Just generally worse. It has no sort of burst, it has lower sustain than Unholy, it for some reason even worse at AoE than Unholy as well, it's just overall worse.

And while Unholy doesn't exactly have super great single target burst, it's still got good sustained damage.

So how do you get Marks of Honour anyway? Does it have to be Ashran?

What's the new best way to gear up to 700+ without Raiding?

>Whichever stealth class opens first wins
>My random partners can never solo their target
>Have to intervene
>Kill their non stealth
>Die to rogue
>Partner dies to rogue

leaving double demo groups too, like what is the fucking point.

Fishing in the garrison is so good. I got both mounts and 150 nat pangle coins.

>We will never get a gigantic Tauren-only 2h mace totem pole weapon.

Here you go. High level pandas need to remember that the clothes you start adventuring with probably won't fit properly as you grow up.

Thanks for putting up with me tonight, wowg. If I have nothing to do tomorrow I might drop by and doodle more, but for now I'm gonna grab some food and shitpost a bit before bed.

do you draw porn?

Lookin forward to it.

Any good guilds on Moonrunner?

I'm level 25, should I bother questing or should I just do dungeons over and over?

Do I need to be farming for equipment or do I just use what dungeons drop?

is everyone running around with shoulder armor invisible?

level 1 pandas are already like twice as big as humans

almost no fan artists ever show the size difference though

What can you do when you get complete retard BRs in your dungeon queue?

This guy queued as tank, refused to speak a single word (because he desn't speak english), and had absolutely no idea how to tank. He would back up away from mobs after pulling, thunder clap away from them, heroic leap past them, and was just utterly terrible.

>Intellect items

Like seriously, I wish blizzard would do something about these people. I don't mind helping new people, but people like this guy are a total lost cause. They shouldn't be allowed to queue like this.

Why do people not want to be my wowfriend?
I am totally sweet.

cute pander

cause you're an animeposting tranny

i'm not usually into bandas but i am diamonds right now

it's called vote kick

Stop and make a character on a better server

Unfortunately not, no.
Not even a Totem weapon for all warriors...

Any advice about gearing up post-pre-patch though? Please?

yeah, they need to add in some kind of vote kick feature or something.

Please be kind this time, this is a no bullying thread

I want your pixiv or tumlbr or whatever you use

Come join literal who senpai

can someone pls draw me

Don't forget to cuddle a Worgen today, /wowg/! :3

>healing battlegrounds
>orc charges and trains you
>get a little aroused

I can't be the only one

I did that earlier!

So I'm 687 mining and still getting nuggets. Does this ever end?

Sadly none of the world bosses of WoD are soloable in Legion without some sort of AI abuse or something, Nok-Karosh still hits for 500k.

You can't votekick at the very beginning, and if you use the votekick feature two times in a row you're on a longass cooldown.

These people shouldn't even be allowed to join a dungeon to begin with with gear like that.

>still getting nuggets

from what

Durg's Heavy Maul is pretty close

>horde players

From McDonalds

Woah hey qt :)

Pat and I with our friend Yoon.