Black Desert Online General

I have no idea what I'm doing edition

Korean gobbly-gook:

>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is an MMORPG by Pearl Abyss that was recently released for western audiences, with additional changes. It's a sandbox MMORPG that features action-oriented combat, open world PVP territory control, trading, player housing, and more.
Info from the site:

>Discord (join at your own risk)

>/bdog/ guilds


>Maps and nodes

>Useful Links
Skill Calculator:
Class Armor Sets:
Else: Google it before posting

>BDO KR/JP info + differences between NA/EU

I just recently ended up buying the game, and while I like what I'm seeing thus far, the cash shop prices are outrageous. Since I'm obviously not going to have a whole lot of inventory space for a long, long time, what tips would you give a newbie?

seconding this

I love the merv pallet, kinda gay you have to buy it monthly

if you just mean protips about space

contribution points can be spent on storage, and you can get your contribution points back if you move to another town or something

buying a wagon is good if you think you are going to run out of room in your inventory a lot too, they can hold quite a few items depending on which one you get

After reading up a bit, it looks like I'm just going to have to deal with the fact that I'm going to run out of space a lot.

I don't suppose there is anything like a bank to stash stuff, is there?

each town has its own "storage" which you can expand by using contribution points, and buying houses in the town and making them into storage places for more space

I'm at around 100spaces for heidel right now

Yeah, I just found my first one. Is the storage shared by all towns, or is it unique to each town?

Also this game is damn pretty.

unique to each town

and yea i agree

So, I seem to be racking up levels like Zubats in a cave. Are levels stupid and useless? It seems skill points are much more valuable.

yea you cap out at level 50 and 55 when it gets around 10x harder to level up for each cap

skill points are really valuable since you get your powerful skills from using them

dead as fuck shit game general


Aw shit though, anybody else keeping up with the salt with the Veritas / Meerkat alliance drama? Some no-guild was able to snipe Balenos because of it. Would love to hear from the inside if anyone here is in those guilds.

game is shit, why haven't you quit?

Because it's fun, user.

because I hate myself and I love getting cucked

You found meeee!
Is this a sleepless night in heiiidel?

So what is the highest level of horse that can be tamed in the wild? The highest I've found was a tier 4 south of Heidel..


>90% of horses i come across are tier 1

It's ok to kill them, right?


When will Kunoichi actually get some costumes?

Quitar or estique shuriken for kunoichi? Have full grunil as armor

This week

Beep boop ~

also wheres a good place to level at 50 with these stats?

it doesnt take very long to do the bag space quests which get you to like 52 slots or so which is plenty (at least for me).

still alive

No waifu no thread.

Sleep tight bdog

You're supposed to wake up, /bdog/.


Chocolate ninjas are best ninjas.

Obligatory post complaining about shit netcode, fucking new netcode or east US servers when?

you confused chocolate with ganguro.

Worth playing or ded game?

Absolutely worth playing, but deader than dead general

I looked for this general for a few nights in a row. It wasn't ever up. Thought it died off. I picked up the game again because ninja came out. Wanted to shitpost with you all again.

I'm the pink hair ranger. Remember me? On phone right now so no images.

Just do the Kunoichi and start with a clean reputation again.

>literally who
Don't bother. The thread won't survive the night.

Why? I was loved by everyone.

Nobody was loved 100% here.

It's the lantern light, it makes her look orange.

Because clearly, that's what lanterns do to people.

Very much worth playing, I'm having a blast.

Nowhere near dead. See Wildstar for an example of a dead game.

Lol page 10

Did anyone not explore the Purity node yet? I just activated it and unknowingly skipped through the text.

It said something about sex and missed it ;_;



>servers no longer crowded even on weekends
>general constantly ded

gg no re

let this pay2win garbage retard grindfest die


why did the game lose so many players? This general used to be decently active

We are not many different posters here and there is a lot of people that dislike each other. So everyone is pretty much hanging out with each other somewhere else with their guilds.

pay 2 win shit added
class balance being fucked because no awakenings
lying about forcing to +18
everyone learned node wars are just zerg fests
rng too much to handle
no cute costumes ever
boring events
required 8 hour a day grind to stay semi competitive
open world pvp essentially getting removed
shitty carebear community

there are lots of reasons, and for me the reasons to quit outweighed the reasons to stay

this +

Game slowly became less of a pvp game and more of a pve grind game to the point where it wasnt worth it as a pvp player to continue putting in the work needed to compete just so you can kill people every once in a while. Devs kept listening to shitter carebears who hated pvp and making decisions based on them

There are other pvp games I can play that require less nofun autistic time commitment and provide more of a level and fair playing field instead of putting in absurd hours just so i can seal club retards who dont stand a chance against my nolife gear

And too many waifus kills it for days.

unfortunately carebears outnumber pvp players which is why every pvp mmo except eve is dead or became a pve mmo



BDO wasn't a "pvp mmo". The game had to be made into one for NA because people wanted archeage

the game is/was literally based around open world pvp, guild wars, and node wars

like pvp is the end game content for most people

I remember the first week of release.
2 anons wanted to do Gluttony RP by using a fuckton of appearance coupons to change size every time they had 'dinner'.

Good times.

Nodewar and Castle siege is. And as you have noticed it's on specific channels only.
PA wanted PK to be more like actual murders. They mentioned a few time they wanted people to think carefully before assaulting other players. This is why it cost 200k karma in the original game. This is also why you can lose item if someone kills you as a criminal. In Valencia 2 they made PKing a little less harsh when you're in the sandy desert.
GvG is rather new. Like not even a year in Korea. They removed exp loss from PK before GVG was even something in this game. At first it was like 10m to declare a war. Then they changed it to 3m declare cost with a 300k per 2 hour fee.

but if you murder someone they usually die
in this game they just pop back up in a minute

that's a huge jaw

>make a ninja
>not even finished with the tutorial and I already have too many moves to remember


Also sorceresses in general.

could still have the mouth lowered a bit tho

Any good guilds one Jordine that's not dead or an ERP guild?

Join gevlon's guild :^)

Is there something I can heat for mythril

Does the typing indicator only appear over people's heads if it's gonna be a message you can read?

Also the only profit of PK is the chance of getting to grind alone for a while.
Which means you gamble exp and crystals for absolutely nothing.

Fuck rangers.

for like 2 minutes at best
if they dont want to add the backwards progression on getting pk then force them to respawn in town if no one resurrects them

>Getting towned at Kuit.
Good luck justifying that to casual scrubs.


I'm a new player, no real bias towards the game, but.

This "dead game" nonsense isn't true. I always have 1-2 people on my mini-map. Every town I've been to has had a handful of people in it.

Compare that to Aion, Wildstar, and even GW2 - I never run into other people while playing those games. Everyone in GW is either on their way to a world boss or just hangs out in Lion's Arch all day.

no it doesnt?

also your waifu looks garbage

lmao it looks like someone shit in your hair and you couldn't wash it out

Should I just shove all my money into black spirit until he throws up TRIverto?
I have pri armor and plain accesories.

>I never run into other people while playing those games
I bet you play Asmodian.

Also there's almost no new players. Everyone and their mother is in Endgame territories and capitals.

Go gathering until you hit artisan and then punch that black penis-worm in it's teeth with all the shards you have.

Also never enchant to +15, buy it.

>tfw bought a +14 liverto
>already had 25 failstacks
>try blackstone
>+15 first try

If you don't add details on what you think that looks wrong I can't change it.

Going to try that later then.

like i want to give some faggot advice on his ugly "waifu", kill yourself

>Fail 16 times at +9 starting at 15 FS.

Kill yourself

I already said your hair looks like someone shit in it, just look how mangly the ends look

>purple hair
just stop

inb4 you have some special snowflake reason why she looks like a crack addict

you shouldnt care what others think, people will always point out the flaws but not what they like about a character

also people just like to troll to make people think their character is ugly, when its personal preference

Here's a good point:
You managed to not completely blind your character with that eyepatch and emo hair combination that I see daily.

I hope you find your sasukesniper69.

What's the best spot to grind for silver?

Silver mine

There's nothing wrong with pointing out flaws and if you post your character here then you should welcome it. I'll take constructive criticism over praise any day because it's actually useful.

EU waifus>NA waifus

It's not purple. If the hair is looking like shit because of the mangly ends, its fine since is as intended. So the garbage looks you are talking about it's not a problem.

>people will always point out the flaws but not what they like about a character

Well that is what I expect so I can see what I should change or not.
People like to troll (Nice try kids) but if they don't details what they are disliking its usually an obvious troll.

>It's intended to look like garbage.
So you just can't do any better.

One man's trash etc

>Literal garbage looks good to anyone.

Listen to yourself.

Please show a picture of your beautiful waifu yourself before bullying others.

Nice try kid

At least it's not the shitty raised hair one.

hey guys i wanna try this game before i buy it anyone have one of those 7 days passes they're willing to give me?

Nice try, you chinese gold selling piece of shit.