/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #422

No one failed to qualify edition

>Current Swimsuit Characters in the Gacha Pool:
SSR Vira, SSR De La Fille
SR Eugen, SR Tanya, SR Katalina, SR Sara
R Walder, R Ippatsu

>Schedule for July:
6/30 - 7/8 - Robomi (Rerun and Sequel)
7/8 - 7/15 - Dark Giant of the Blue Sea (Rerun)
7/15 - 7/22 - Balmy Breeze and Foamy Deep (Rerun)
7/23 - 7/30 - Guild War (Wind)
7/31 - 8/8 - Story Event
7/15 - 8/31 - Swimsuit Characters
7/21 - 8/4 - 12 Million/Summer Celebration Part One (1/2 Off Coop, Other Goodies)
Sometime this Summer (Probably) - UI Improvement (Skill Queue, etc.)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Info (Updated)

>DEFEND ORDER schedule and star halo times

>Tweetdeck Raid Search Phrases

>Japanese Wiki

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


deport muslims


Blame it on the gold bar

I love Jeanne!




Woke up to see my guild in the 2600s.

Feels bad man.

>Another beatrix edition

Someone tell the dumb beatrixcuck to stop spamming threads of his shitty waifu

English Only Patricians ww@

>eop shitters kept screaming about ranks since yesterday
>oldfags just casually ranked it in the last hours

>Can't seed

Maybe we were the cheaters all along.

stupid beatrix poster

When GW will start again? I managed to get only one weapon, I'm scared.

Please let EOP guild get matched with another EOP guild

Didn't even break a sweat

>i can't into basic math
What a dumb dumb poster

Post 'em.

Guild status?

Remember to +1 your horse

I love Horse Jeanne!

We can switch

Marie why are you hiding your name?

Are you really a girl?


I'm going to marry Sizuru.


L-like this?

Feels comfy being alone and already done everything this early

Because I felt like it.

Who knows.

>stealing other people's screenshots

>Spanish Fujo

Wow, /gbfg/ is really filled with trannies

> タイマヒメ - Level 47

You cant escape

when can i kill shit again

How much honour do the various Grudge Chunk raids hand out?

JP wiki only has up to EX+ for the last GW.

>This is Flag's response for not qualifying

Someone poach me. Rhyme is a dumb fuck.

Too lazy to edit

>all EOP guild at the top
>all JOP guild almost failed to qualify


they're just going to replace you with a twitter tranny when you leave

new official tranny guild



All the trannies went over to the viramate guild. Explains why flag didn't qualify tbqh

Let's get this shit started
>Falz Flag


I want to be poached too.
next poach wave when

>April GW
"Oh man the /gbfg/ guilds nearly failed to qualify!"
"We didn't want to overshoot."
>May GW
"Oh man the /gbfg/ guilds nearly failed to qualify!"
"We didn't want to overshoot."
>July GW
"Oh man the /gbfg/ guilds nearly failed to qualify!"
"We didn't want to overshoot."

Every time.

t. EOP

Rank the guild leaders now in order of competence


Guild name: Falz Flag
Link: gbf.game.mbga.jp/#guild/detail/479206
Profile ID referrer: 7594555

I can't tell which posts are dumb EOPs or just false flags


>Falz Flag

>still too scared to pokerbot even though I didn't even get banned

>Lum1 had 5 active players during GW
>still qualified
>(You) has to get all 30 members together for 24h to barely make 400mil honor

>Falz flag false flagging again while assuming the identity of viramateHQ

Next level memes


Everyone else

trannies are known for being attention whores and they're the new official tranny guild

the memes never end

>falz flag

>Wow, /gbfg/ is really filled with trannies
Not everyone on earth with a vagina is a post-op.

I'm scared too, but I literally can't stop myself. Game isn't even worth playing if I can't even get my 3 free animas every day.

>all 30
nice memes.

Salty JOPs strike again.


>stop pokerbot
>superbingo next day
Pokerbot held me back.

tranny please

They say it takes greater strength to disable your opponent alive than it does to go overboard and kill them.

EOPs are a lot like those weaklings who have to do their all just to come out of the battle kicking, while the JOP guilds defeat their opponents with casual ease and turn them into living onaholes whose asses are impregnated for the rest of their lives.

What a faggot


I love Magisa!

They're going to force us all to become trannies just you wait

>can't even be assed to carry the guild

/gbfg/ how do we stop the tranny invasion?

One was enough but now there's a whole guild of them

I'd honestly just disband if I did 30m and the rest of my guild couldn't do the rest of the job.

>Lum1 poached high level players, play hardcore esport veterans pretend
>all 30 self-proclaimed veteran jops can't even get higher than the points of 1 single nip

You don't just like the Arab hordes they own you now.

This desu, here in LG we don't just beat our enemy, we impregnate them.

Post yfw you made it through the prelims

what the fuck dude

>all 30 self-proclaimed veteran jops can't even get higher than the points of 1 single nip
I mean, now you're just grasping at straws. Resource management is an important factor for GW. If everyone wastes all their pots/meat in the prelims then you're fucked.


>the nip still has 6k meats

That fujo is actually pretty cute.




What were the bullets to use for light GS again?


Fedora wearers wouldn't talk about impregnating boipussy. Just go the fuck back to plebbit where you belong.

Fuck you

Legit question, did idols fail?

Its your average twitter tumblrina. I swear they're all fujos and they're ALL into danganrompa.

Just need to add the bit about being some made up sexuality and how you need to address them with the right pronoun.

Let me rephrase that

>30 Lum1 tryhard jops can't even outfarm 1 nip on eyes
>a fire nip that they keep memeing for years at that


>30 Lum1 tryhard jops can't even outfarm 1 nip on eyes
Neither could you or your guild.


I'm in Candesence you dumb shitter it's what you retarded nigger faggots deserve for memeing me. Same goes for (you) niggers.

if you ask here you'll probably get meme answers and end up with shit bullets, ask someone you see using it ingame


>1600 "eyes"
>389m honors

Eurofag here, any release date?

If I got an APK, would I miss any features at all?

can't we do that in order of incompetence instead?


nice post