/shmupg/ - Shmup General

Stop being so dead edition.

This general is for discussing all shmups/stgs (shoot 'em ups/shooting type games).

Previous thread: Need something to play? Check this shit out: mega.nz/#!mlwG3ZCJ!NMdWxNY4pjqc1vFGwzyPIbtGor0GHObcfENNMgOQW1s

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Mecha Ritz Steel Rondo



Shmups Skill Test



Blue Revolver



DoDonPachi Daifukkatsu

>Don't forget to vote!

Other links
STG stream aggregator: stgrillz.appspot.com/

/shmupg/ high-score list:

/Shmupg/ community YT channel:

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>muh flamingos
>lets bomb stuff to get more points, so much fun!
>dude, better remember which weapon to destroy boss parts with, lol!
>letters instead of numbers in the score, so quirky and le random!

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Guess, we ran out of bombs.
Proper dodging ahead.

go play lolishmups

this wasnt funny the first time you posted it and its less funny each time you do after


How do we put a stop to cavedrones?

By releeasing Rai-oh wait.

We can't. The problem with CAVE is that they not just pander to the lowest common denominator, but also to the absolute elite who want to play games with ridiculously difficult scoring mechanics. That's why it's accepted.

By stopping complaining about other what shmups other people like and start playing and talking about shmups yourself.

It's just a theory...



>The problem with CAVE is that they not just pander to the lowest common denominator, but also to the absolute elite who want to play games with ridiculously difficult scoring mechanics.
>The problem with CAVE is they made games enjoyable by all

>enjoyable by all
No, it's only enjoyable to waifufags (lowest common denominator), and absolute pros who play single games hundrets of hours for score.

The normal STG player rather prefers stuff like Gradius, R-Type, Ikaruga, because it's not full of waifushit, has high quality production and is more accessible.

>The normal STG player rather prefers stuff like Gradius, R-Type, Ikaruga
That's not the normal STG player, that's the "we want the krauts" audience


Of course it is, reason why these series are the most popular. CAVE is pretty niche compared to them, because it only attracts niche audiences (otakus, and scoring pros).

1cc sluts love cave though

1cc sluts love evrything.

>all of those series died out ages ago
>cave has been the most popular shmup developer for 20 years

>cave games are niche and the methodical masterpieces are the games people really want to play
kraut logic

>>all of those series died out ages ago
So did Cave, your point?
>>cave has been the most popular shmup developer for 20 years

LMAO, they are only popular amongst otakus and hardcore STG fans. Normal players mostly don't know shit about them, much in contrary to Konami, Treasure or Irem.
>>cave games are niche and the methodical masterpieces are the games people really want to play

Just let us die already

Except for the fact DDP is one of the most famous shmups of all time.

Definitely not as famous as Gradius and co

Still doesn't change the fact that it's very well known, even outside of otakus and scoring pros

learn business 101 kraut. if konami, irem, treasure shmups were so popular they would have continued making them. they stopped because nobody wanted them any more. cave got to make lots of games because they made money with them, and they stopped making games when they stopped making money. now there's nobody else making shmups. all that's left are le retro indie meme games and raiden 5.

Not really.

Konami, irem, treasure stopped making shmups, because the genre as whole didn't sell anymore. In contrary to cave they actually also developed other genres, that's why they attracted way more people and also kept developing even when shmups died. It's not like cave didn't stop making shmups either.

I don't know, I've still never played it!

But I'm going to play it! Right now! On stream!
twitch tv/harrykoakuma


>twitch tv/harrykoakuma
I'm in. I hear it's very easy.

is this this one? "Acceleration of SUGURI X-Edition HD"

No, that's the second one.

The second one isn't"Acceleration of SUGURI 2"?


Stream had to end early, thanks for watching. Sorry, I usually stream late at night to avoid things like this...


This one is just called "Suguri". I don't know how this series and its sequels work but I'm assuming this is the first one. I checked the Steam store and this was on sale so I assumed it was the one.

Man, I should try playing 'galuda again.

Nah stuff like Ketsui and Dangun are perfectly fine for non-waifufag casuals like me. Mushi onwards is cancer though

>Mushi onwards is cancer though

Which character from the Touhou project franchise would you like to make sweet love with?

Unfortunately I can't play Dangun because I don't like disco.

Elder God Tier:

High Tier:

Mid Tier:

Low Tier:

Shit Tier:


more input lag

Elder god tier:

Shit tier:

Cee should be on the same level as Kraut tbqh

Konami's latest shmup was only 5 years ago, though...

You're right. Cee can't even score better than the kraut in such games as Satazius.

We need a new board for Desuposters so they can dump their shitty opinions and art elsewhere.

They are almost as cancerous as /jp/

stop posting about yourself gus, nobody cares

Hey, I don't try and start trouble. I like "waifu" shmups, ship shmups, I'll play anything. Contrary to apparently popular opinion, it doesn't have to be mutually exclusive.

And most of the time I only post art as an excuse to bump the thread from a deep page. Like I would be doing right now.


Fish game da bes

looks comf comf

you could try going here

I'm not a waifufag, haven't nearly the time or dedication to play a single game for hundreds of hours, and find Cave to be perfectly fine. Stop stirring up shit for bumps.


Made it to Stage 8 of Batsugun Special

Desufag pls go.

>I'll play anything
What was the last shmup you played then? I bet my ass it was a waifu shmup.

Casper poster is literally the best thing this place has, please do not bully.

Casperfag is good people

C-Can't we all just get along...?

It was Mushihimesama. Or Suguri earlier today if that counts. But yeah lately I've been focusing on Mushihimesama. And after I reach my goal in that, I plan to try out CCWI (which I have already bought). I also dabble in Gradius and Galaga if I just feel like killing some time leisurely I suck at Gradius. I play Deathsmiles sporadically.

I've also considered playing shmups like Strikers 1945 and Gunbird on shmupmame, but I'd heard that Psikyo shmups have emulation problems or something. I'll probably still give them a try sometime though.

Point is, games are games, and some people put way too much stock in whether the playable character is a girl or a plane or whatever. Why is it such a big deal?

I prefer the disputes between cee and kbr, frankly. At least some interesting mechanics dissection arises from it.


100% fact.

Never let your guard down!

my mom just said that mushihimesama futari sounded like a baby crying

>enter shmup discord channels expecting waifufaggotry, shitpost, cropped anime porn, the usual
>surprised by people actually discussing the games and sharing replays/tips/streams

what is discord anyway? the modern day ventrilo?

No matter how much you post this Discord will never stop being anything other than complete shit.

that game looked weird.

Suguri is alright, but I'm not such a fan of its gimmick.

I beat my high-score today! it's still shit

So is there any word on Blue Revolver yet?

The Steam page still says that it's supposed to be out in the first quarter of 2016.

No updates on the main website either.

Ikaruga is alright, but I'm not such a fan of its gimmick.

What game?

Palm isn't a baby!

I agree, gimmicks that make bullets not dangerous some of the time are stupid.

Dead game, like the genre.

Like bombs?

I'm lazily trying to 1cc eschatos normal original, I've been playing other games and haven't really put much effort into it. I made it to stage 20/26. Scoring in this game seems neat.

Keep at it dude!

I suck at Eschatos, I'm so used to relying on dodging because of other shmups that I almost never use the shield.

I'm pretty sure some of the patterns almost require the use of the shield. I need to kick it up and go full shmup on it. I'm not even sure where the ships hitbox is/how large it is.

Bullet reflecting > Bullet buzzing > Bullet absorbing > Bullet cancelling

>ship shmups
boatcolle sniffcolle shootan game when?

Oh, thanks. I'm glad you like... the stuff I do.

I do try to at least not go overboard with my Deathsmiles/GoMa stuff with respects to the people who DON'T like it. I usually limit posting to when I have something to say/someone to reply to, or when the thread is in need of a bump anyways. I don't needlessly just dump art or anything outside of dead hours. If there's a steady stream of conversation going on that I can't contribute to, I probably won't post.

It was unusual, but kinda fun in its own way. You can boost through light bullets but the physical stuff (rockets, etc.) will still hurt you so it's not as easy as it might sound. Not easy at all, really. Still, it was interesting, and I'll certainly give it another go sometime.

Actually I have stayed out of the KanColle business entirely. I'm just not interested in it.

I was going to do a Mushi stream tonight but unfortunately my internet is acting up. Hopefully it calms down, otherwise that Maniac clear might have to wait until some other time.


And what's in it for me if I do?

My internet seems to be working again so I'll set up in a few minutes. twitch tv/harrykoakuma

fame, fortune, and witnesses to your 1cc.

Rough day today?

There is an unlockable option to display all hitboxes (including yours and the Wonderwitches) in Eschatos, at some option level.

Dude, raise your bitrate. I can barely tell what's going on.

Stream is over, thanks for watching.

Little bit. Nothing that Casper can't fix.

Huh, you're the first person that's said anything about it. I tried raising the bitrate and it started dropping frames. I'll play around with it some more and see if I can at least get some better bitrate than I had, without dropping frames.

>Dude, raise your bitrate. I can barely tell what's going on.
Then you have fucking eye troubles, it's 100% fine you twat burger.

Someone stream a nice shmup

KBR when will you beat Gradius 3 arcade? It's a methodical masterpiece only for the hardcore.

I'll stream in like 7 hours if you can wait a bit

So in other words, you still clearly prefer waifu shmups and just play other stuff casually. That was my whole point.

>Why is it such a big deal?
Art style is a big deal in video games. They are a very visual medium, and waifu games mostly don't just have a girl as playable character, but also the whole mood of the game is totally different (music, artworks, enemies, soundeffects, etc).

I also like waifu shmups, but I rather prefer sci-fi shmups.

One day, not sure when. I am still occupied with CCWI atm. Also still have to finally get the R-type 2-ALL, and some other stuff. After that, maybe.