/wpsg/ - WoW Private Server General

lets all be friends edition

- L4G, Horde 1x

- GD, Alliance 7x-14x

- Atlantiss, Alliance 1x

>Where can I get game clients?
pastebin.com/mxjmsr3t (dead)

>How do I connect to [server]?
1. Register on a private server that hosts the same game client you have.
2. Copy their realmlist URL. This can usually be found on the main page of the website or on their registration page.
3. Look for a realmlist.wtf file in your WoW folder. This may either be in the root folder, or inside Wow/Data/enUS/
4. Open the realmlist.wtf file in a text editor such as Notepad and paste in the realmlist settings of the server. Make sure it starts with 'set realmlist' followed by the realmlist URL.
5. Play on atlantiss wwu

>I have set the realmlist correctly but it still connects me to XYZ server/says invalid login info.
You will need a clean wow.exe and dll files if you downloaded your WoW client from XYZ server. Check the clients section above.

>How do I stop my client from auto-updating?
• Start the game with wow.exe - not launcher.exe
• Don't use your email for logging in, use your account name

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


>Horde 1x
every time

real thread located here
shrekkies trying to shitpost the OP again

Hello friends,

I logged onto Warmane Icecrown (That's warmane.com/ if you are curious) and everything was so smooth it really made me feel I've gone back to the golden days of WoW! Everything was perfectly scripted and the people spoke English very well! The server was packed with thousands of players, more players than Atlantiss even.

I recommend Warmane Icecrown as the best WoTLK experience.

First thread wins, get fucked GD kids

Gd kids literally boogymaning ignore

> - GD, Alliance 7x-14x

>gd kids ruining the general again

>blaming shrek


Every GD guild ruins the general because they think they're better than the last when in reality most of them are too new to remember the old wrath guilds that are better than as well.

"Only" 30 online right now.
we waiting u

>making new threads because dont wanna include biggest /wpsg/ guild on OP

but that's

which ones? the molten one? outworld? shrek? I have never seen a good wotlk guild in this general

Reminder that , the most successful raiding guild this general has seen in 6+ months, is recruiting for our 2nd raid team!
We play on Gamer District (Horde)

Cool normie guild, maybe if I get bored of clearing HMs I'll roll alliance and help you guys out.

>using cheater gear
>still taking forever to do 10 man's
even slower than

>10 mans
Maybe if you didn't need near BiS and Conq gear to outgear post-nerf HM's you'd be "successful", but alas...

still has spots for 3rd raid group

Why bother with 10mans on horde side when you can be part of something bigger?

Are Gd kids actually this dumb. You can literally open atlasloot and compare the stats. The only things that are even marginally better are weapons.


At least the catababbies hold some merit, but you? No.

Why is DMC:G BiS for so many specs for so long? Why are some of the Naxx 10 and 25 trinkets about as good as the Ulduar ones? Why are HC Blues better EHP than some of the tank ones? Don't even get me started on Holy Paladin itemisation in Ulduar.

Kill yourself you shitposting autist.

This is why everyone interested in wotlk should roll with because we will soon have 3 full 25 man groups

>that messy as fuck yogg kill
>tfw you will never be part of the core 25man group
>tfw forever stuck with the 2nd group

is also recruiting for Kara and beyond please consider joining us if you are a TBC lover like myself

fuck off with your funserver bullshit meer
join Pillar Men on Vinjinz for the true TBC experience

>get DMC:G conq gear runed orb gear and boe's in a day because of how fast you can farm gold/badges
>lol look at us guys were the best!!!
you didn't even gate gearing like or

your guild is a joke

So are you an ICC guild or an ULD one? Or are the Ulduar runs in ICC gear?

If is an Ulduar guild why have you scheduled an ICC run?


Hellfire or Quel'Thalas
Which one has more people?

The Tuesday icc run is for people who want to gear up for PVP, all icc gear is banned from ulduar. Also, the icc run isn't as popular as ulduar so we usually only have one group running instead of multiple.


Ok cool, thanks. I might roll a warrior in this case. Is it ICC10 or 25?

its a fucking normie guild dude fuck off

Guild groups are ALL 25 MANS there is literally no 10man groups in guild

> this threatened by people running 25 mans and not 10 mans

Hey Overpowerme of this is Zerker.
my computer has been fried.
please, take over for me on the raid monday. it is SWP so it should be easy

the feel when you lowkey hate cobe for not doing any 10 mans and allowing the gd kids to win

Butthurt catababies btfo now that their guild is dead because of GD

Horde GD wwu


t. Foozer

>Everyone can invite and is welcome
>it's not a normie guild.

Nobody cares what you think Thrang, neck yourself

top fucking kek catakeks btfo

>first time /wpsg/ guild actually has multiple 25 man groups
>nerds in dead guilds in dead servers just shitpost

There's been over 130+ members online in the past 24 hours its one of those mass recruiting normie guilds you piece of shit

There arent even that many people that visit this general

Kill yourself Shrek shitposting normie guild enablers

Hate you

>bringing cata into GD shittery
Literally no sense

Who would comprise your ideal 25 man /wpsg/ raid group? 10 mans are nice and all but /wpsg/ has never done anything in 25 mans and it'd be a nice change.


did 25man HC

>no 25 man algalon
>no 25 man 0 light
>taking 9 months to do any of it
Answer the question seriously please.

Was gonna play TBC now thinking WOTLK
What class is in short supply?

Ret Pally.

Gdkids absolutely blown tfo

>people thinking shrek is behind Anti Gamerdistrict

eh fuck it ill roll DK

they did ~95% of wrath content in 25man
that's naxx, ulduar, toc, icc, rs and os
that's a lot of bosses
only fights left were algalon25, 0light 25 (was bugged), lich king hc and halion hc (almost got it at 2% hp)

>only fights left were the legit hard ones


me x25

>tfw there will never be a server with GD rates and ToD pre-nerf so it's actually hard but it doesn't take forever to level and gear up so people get bored faster

Why aren't you playing on GD?



ToD literally gives away max level characters and gold
even GD doesn't do that

They actually do have transfers but are very strict

24 clones of ava and me :3

>character transfers are the same thing as 7x gold, xp, resets, p2w, rep, and professions
uhhhh gd kids?

what does need? really want to do 25 mans again

If Asscobra was a real GM he would have bit the bullet and forced the guild to reroll on GD to keep the tempo going instead of futilely trying to force us to do hardmodes on ToD when they (pre-nerf) were clearly too hard for /wpsg/.

roll whatever you want we have so many players due to being a mass-inviting normie guild it doesn't even matter

>poisons not binded
>no focus macros
>no pvp shoulders
What a casual.

Legion will save us

I don't think pre-nerf is too hard for /wpsg/. There's definitely 25 players here that are good enough to full clear 25 man Ulduar pre-nerf.

I do think that it was too hard for the majority of which is why some of them went to GD though.

Neos ruined wpsg :joy::ok_hand:


>nerubian mage.jpg

Senna the betrayer and his crew of catababies ruined wpsg

you're wrong it was 100% cobe not caring about the guild i would know i was there for 4 weeks

t. foozer

WotLK is pretty fucking boring after years of doing ICC and Ulduar.

After that, even a turd like cataclysm is fresh and exciting.

You'll understand one day kiddo.

Wrong, it was Foozer not caring about the guild I would know I was there for half a year

t. Cobe

You're both wrong. It was neo shitters like Foozer and Datboi that killed the guild.

t. Catcore leader

You are all wrong it was Level not wanting to be my girlfriend that killed the guild

t. Thrang

nice falseflag
datboi was a shitter tho

It was all me

t. Pickles


Here are some bugs I run into in that piece of shit garbage horribly scripted server called L4G, aka Looking4Poop aka Looking4Cock, it's beyond me why anyone would play on that feenix-tier shithole, proof:
(note that these were all tested on their instant 70 server which has all content released)

Aran will pull you in during Flame Wreath which wipes the entire raid (he can technically do this but it shouldn't trigger Flame Wreath) Aran can also move around during the fight
ZA Eagle Boss doesn't have the proper stack/split mechanics
You can bug the ZA Eagle Boss gauntlet
A'lar fire hitbox is bugged to be about 50% bigger than the animation.
Kael'thas Councillors retain threat between first phase and phase 3.
Open world is completely fucked
Dungeon bosses are fucked in general 2nd boss in Blood Furnace doesn't cast his poison pools, Kargath doesn't do his charge shit, and various other bugs
Chess event has many bugs. Movement is on a 3 second CD instead of 12 seconds, movement and turn don't have a 3 second shared cooldown, he barely cheats, and he never cheats by using empower.
Netherspite portal beams don't have a visual.
Flametongue is fucked
The mana restore of Fathom-Brooch of the Tidewalker scales with SP allowing ele/resto shamans have infinite mana. Fel Reaver's Piston heals for 500+BH every 3 seconds instead of 500 flat over 12 seconds.
And that is just from the top of my head

Also videos related:


Do not play on L4G go Excalibur instead if you want a TBC server that isn't bugged to shit

Wrong L4G server you fucking moron.

Excalikikes are the worst.

>pickles wants to make a guild on the pay to win funserver again

Was it because you found out that tyrranis is playing on l4g and you want revenge?

wrong server

L4G has only t4 out right now with only some minor pathing issues..

besides the shill, any opinions on warmane lordaeron? thinking about rolling it, tired of slavs and pay2win on GD

>note that these were all tested on their instant 70 server

besides the shill, any opinions on warmane lordaeron? thinking about rolling it, tired of slavs and pay2win on GD

both of their servers use the same core you retards

>tired of slavs and p2w
>wanting to roll on warmane
even their supposed non-p2w server is p2w

I had no idea L4G was so shit. good thing I found this post before I leveled past 62. Thanks for the heads up.

Exactly. Their instant 60 server has none of those bugs you posted. Not one.

The only one I've seen is getting killed if you lose a duel sometimes.

Excalishills should drink bleach.

>both of their servers use the same core you retards

All those bugs are in raids not released on their progression server.

lorderon is the most jewish fucking server ever created

It is worse than excal

I'm about to roll a mage on GD. What race?

fuck off shill

then is there any server that doesn't pull donate/cash shop bs? population doesn't really matter much to me, just want decent scripting and working endgame. afaik GD is pretty much the best you can get for endgame

Wait a second I made this bug list for Hellground like 2 years ago. Why are you trying to pass this off as a L4G bug list?