Hey, Veeky Forums

Hey, Veeky Forums.
I've been mulling this over for a week or two, and I think I want to get a retired cop car.
I know they're retitred before they hit 10k miles, they're regularly maintained, and they're made of tougher stuff than regular old crown vics.
On the other hand, I know cops treat these things like rental cars. Overheating is often a problem, interior might be beat to shit, etc.
The one I got my eyes on us about $7000.
Anyone here got any experience or advice on what to look out for or what to expect when I get it?

>I know they're retired before 10k miles
Sounds like you were retired from a lack of oxygen when you were born

he probably meant 100k


Yeah. Whoops. Missed a 0

Crown Vic is the fedora of cars, esp retired cop ones.

It's a sad inevitably. A cheap and reliable RWD landbarge, only it's marked as an autism wagon and only looks good in cop car white or undercover policeman black.

Chrome accents might help.

I'd rather get black and fuck with people.
That's a plus though. I'm more into the guts of the thing more than the appearance/social strata

Elliot Rodgers: The Supreme Gentleman

7k is too much if its retired
I got a great one for 2.5k

For $2k less you can get a MGM with less miles and spend $2k on mods. Boom, four-door Mustang beater.

the cars themselves are fine. but theyve been copcars for 18 years, so everybody in front of you will go 5 under and wont change lanes. nogs always be watchin you. and everybody who doesnt know shit about will call you wuzafuzz or some stupid shit.

u no it

There were two about two hours away from me for under 3000. So I think 3000 should be the highest you go. I was tempted too but as I drive a shit load it's just not practical. But for a back up fun car to fuck around it would be fun.

Just get this kit and throw some Lexus badges on it and nobody will know the difference




Queen Latifah/10

OP don't plan to buy one of these without money leftover for modz. They suck, stock.


what about the back?

Regular civilian, or retired service model?

>Captain Asshole
That was my nickname in highschool for a while

Get a civilian version if you don't want a beat to to shit engine, trashed interior, random fucking wires cut everywhere etc.

Please dress up weird/sexy when you drive it. Pic related. As others have said, it is the fedora of cars, you need to take that and run with it.

Driving a crown vic is a lifestyle choice.

Great car but no way would I pay $7 grand for one. That's Mercury Marauder territory.

I haven't had anything go wrong on mine other than the driver door power window motor was worn out and died. Took one out from a junk yard and good as new.

They are both slow compared to modern cars. But the cop version is the lightest having almost no interior features. It also has many performance parts like anti sway bars, oil coolers, dual exhaust, shorter rear end gears.

It'll go perfect with my katana and trench coat collection


Get an IS300 badge and replace the 300 with a 370 from a z

The one I was looking at was designated as retired supervisor vehicle, hence the 7k cost.
Any difference In specs? Or should I expect a worn out rental level car.

100k miles plus a couple thousand idleing hours

Kek and show up to Lexus meets with your is370

they get treated like shit, driven up curbs and everything but whatever op your call

238K reporting in

There is no performance differences. A supervisor car may have a more civilian interior with carpet and the bench seat but that's it. The SAP (Street appearance Package) is the most expensive p71. That's the undercover model.

What do you want it for. If wanting cheap performance than a beater p71 will do. A $1k p71 will go just as fast as a $7k p71.

my wife drives a regular crown vic. they get terrible MPG, kind of slow, and they handle like a boat, if a boat had really soft springs. upside: reliable as frick, cheap to work on, cheap to buy, very comfortable.

srs about the MPG. If I'm doing 80, I'm getting 18.

I got a supervisor car for 1700 with 120k on the dash.

Differences are theyll have a complete back seat and back door locks, cruise control, CD player, Carpet instead of plastic flooring, less if any holes drilled in the dash for equipment/computers and waaaaaaay less idle hours. Theyre a much better buy if you can find one but def not worth 7k.

That's decent mpg for an antiquated v8 boat, you fucking spoiler twat.

>some generic car
>le fedora meme

It's not generic. That's why it's called the Fedora car. It's out of jealousy.

>only looks good in cop car white or undercover policeman black.
Standard Crown Vic silver looks good, as does the dark olive-type green the DEC uses around here.

Thank god cops drive commodores in Australia so there is no stigma against buying one.

>I'd rather get black and fuck with people.
this is why it's a fedora car

>grand marquis
>wanting fake 'luxury' and air shocks that die immediately and the lethargic 2.73 ass end and slower tranny

I am the fixed asset accountant for a large city. If I am writing off a crown vic and sending it to auction it is because it is not worth fixing, and they are almost always worth fixing.

I'm not going to tell you no, because some places do a blanket retirement after a few years, but I will shift these around departments until they are unrepairable

Watch your back, good luck.

Not sure where you are, but $7k is too much no matter what. Here in CA, the state sells them at no reserve auctions near Davis once a quarter or so. They usually go for 2k - 2500 all day long. Most are in OK condition, but some of them can be ratty and beat to shit. Those usually go for 800 bucks or so.

Don't need a dealer license to attend the state auction, either. Buddy of mine bought a surplused Prius a few years back for 1800 bucks and it still runs like a top. Granted it smelled like a shitter when he got it, and it took days of scrubbing before the stink went away but he got a good deal.

They sell other stuff too, like boats and quads that Fish and Game used. Depending on who shows up to bid against you, great deals can be had.

Anyway, you might google it to see if your state does the same thing. I'd be willing to bet they do.


What mileage, and year???

That's a bit steep.. Just saw a 2011 for like $2500 here.

I don't see what the problem is. All of the ones I've seen at car lots were in amazing shape and around 50k-70k miles. If there are bullets stuck in it, you won't see them.

Anyway I don't get the fedora thing either. It's kind of a lame-looking car like a Camry, but the real draw is that torque.

have fun spending half of your income on gas though

How bad are we talking, mpg-wise? I've seen 18 mpg thrown around a lot but I don't know if that's for regular Crown Vics or the CVPIs. I'm thinking of picking a retired CVPI up as a daily for a commute that's about equal parts city and highway -- I'd be fine with getting 18 overall, but if it's closer to 15 I'll look for something else.

they may have less than 100k miles on them but the engine idled for hundreds of hours while a cop sat around in it farting in the seat

there is not a retired cop car in the world that doesnt have a fucked up engine in need of repair, so just know that.

Not OP, but I found a Civilian 2004 with 50,000 miles going for $7500.
It's on my list of cars I want, but am I better off getting a fleet one?

They're rated at 24 mpg on the highway. It's quite possible to surpass EPA estimates with a manual transmission, because you can choose your gears and coast in neutral, pulse and glide, etc. However, with an archaic 4-speed slushbox working a relatively underpowered engine hard to push around 4,100 lbs, high mpg is very unlikely.

But averages on Fuelly seem to be arouns 20. YMMV (literally, lol)

Cop version is way heavier bud it also has better suspension. Got one for 2500 bucks ex port security car. Filled some holes in bought a new stereo it was great hella comfy, people get out of your way on the freeway which is where it shines anyway. In town it's a heavy, gas guzzling fucker and if it's tinted people do exactly 25 in front of ya. Which is when you speed past em with your 16.5 second quarter mile

Most MGMs did not come with air shocks. You can do a rear end swap for far less as part of the $2k mod budget. You can also find them without leather interior.

They're in much greater supply - taxis in my area are using them instead of Crown Vics because they're so plentiful. Want a Crown Vic? Craigslist will have a dozen beat up P71s and a civilian model on 24-inch spinners. Want a MGM? Find 30+ low-mile, well-maintained examples driven by grandmas who just want something a little better on gas.

It has abut the same mpg as my 2003 pt cruiser.
Must be the year

>tfw get 18.5 mpg in a 4cyl s10
>tfw it's rated for 19 mpg
>and you guys are complaining about it

You guys don't know the struggle.

Some of these anons make a great point op, you can't really trust the milage of a vic if it's being retired, idling really takes a toll on the engine.