Do we agree

companies (car) arrange the mechanics of the car hard to make it difficult to work on ourselves?

On the phone and don't have a slowpoke image here, just pretend I posted one.

Not nearly as hard as sentence structure.

>be replacing the control arm bushings
>need to remove the entire axle, wheel hub to get at them
>factory manual says the bolts should be the other way around which would make this repair easy
>idiot koreans assembled the car with the bolt hanging down so they wouldnt need to hold it.

its not so much to do with intentionally making it hard to repair. it's just corner cutting in regards to assembly time hence cost. consumers who buy new cars dont want a car to last 50 years like a beetle. they want it for 5 years then to trade up. companies, richfags, idiots on leases ect.

doesnt matter. they cant ever make it difficult enough. tools are easy to fabricate and engines in principle will always be simple.

wtf? no
Companies design everything on a car to be the most cost effective and efficient possible.
It's not a conspiracy theory to make it hard for the common person.

>Companies design everything on a car to be the most cost effective and efficient possible.
I have even heard coworkers say "Accountants build cars nowadays".

sometimes it is actually evil though.

Considering I had to go out and buy another screwdriver to get the engine shield off the bottom of my car to get at the oil drain plug and filter?
At least they put the filter on the bottom instead of invisible behind the radiator.


yes. esp engine management and electrics

Its inevitable that something (for instance itt, a car) gets more complicated the more features it has.

9/10 a car from the 60's will be more simple than a car from the current year because the car from the current year will have electric this, electric that, airbags, different fuel delivery systems, automatic chokes rather manual ones.

you may not be aware of this but there is a way to put things together faster than they can be taken apart

You bought a German car didn't you.

>dat camel toe
>didn't even read all of the OP
But I think we can agree on one thing at least

like the side of a tree on the forest moon of Endor

Holy fuck. I went and put the bolts back in the same way twice already.

If I just did it your way it would be a 30 mins job and not another 2 hour one.

You're wrong. Why do you think Nintendo uses those security screws on everything they make? Same reason.

>t.someone who has never worked on a German car directly after working on a Japanese car.

There is also the issue that a lot of engineers don't wrench themselves, and don't really think about making parts accessible to be serviced or replaced when they're designing things.

And I say this as an engineer. I’ve seen some shit..

Car companies arrange the parts on a car to be as easy as possible to assemble. Anything after that doesn't concern them.

Nice trips

So that children can't disassemble their products and injure themselves. The RF cages in the NES and SNES are actually really sharp and easy to slice your finger open on, and you'll notice the NES had no security screws while the SNES and everything after does.

I don't know about you, but when I was about 5, if you gave me a screwdriver, I'd disassemble basically everything in the house, especially electronics.


>you will never sit in an engine bay on a modern car

You also have to remember that they have dealerships that pay mechanics to work on their shit. Anything they do to make it harder for you to work on it makes it harder for their technicians to work on it.

Germans are better than Japs at doing things in a efficient way.

>inb4 muh overcomplicated german overengineering
Fuck out of here boomer.

no, everything is optimised around cost and meeting regulations

Yes. Dealerships generate most of their profits from their service department.

Don't forget about planned obsolescence too.

>le boomers meme

Technology is not inherently bad. Stupid uses of technology are the problem. Engines with no dipsticks, etc.

Why would you want a dipstick if the ECU monitors the oil level?
I'd be more worried towards the trend of ending the production of manual gearboxes because of emissions.
Ending shit that actually makes cars fun is what bothers me, not unnecessary shit like dipsticks when there is technology available to suppress things like that.

>not having fun with your dipstick

Just replaced the starter on my Element why Honda put it under the intakemanafold is beyond senpi


Why the fuck do y'all complain about an electronic dipstick, shits cash

>slight fender bender
>airbags go off
>car still runs fine
>its illegal to not have working "steering wheel"
>fucking airbag was in the steering wheel
>it's illegal to have the airbag light on
>fucking airbags cost ten thousand dollars or more to replace every fucking one
>more and more side, seat, front, passenger airbags added every year
>slight fender bender now writes off your car when the automatic balloon system automatically wrecks your car for you
>thanks manufacturer

I'd rather rely on my eyes than trust a sensor. A strip of steel cannot go bad whereas I've broker the plastic threaded sensors when replacing them or pulling an oil pan and needing it removed for clearance. Not saying an oil pressure sender is bad, but an oil level sender is not needed when you have a dipstick which can tell you the exact oil level vs an idiot light that just says low.

Computers fail, dipsticks don't.

at least you dont have an astra where the water pump hose runs through the intake and the only way to access the hose clamp is to remove the ridiculous manifold.

does this mean that you need to hook up a scanner to the car to check that you filled it to spec now? or it somehow tells you the level of the oil all the time to within 0.1L like the dipstick will do?

Why do you faggots keep arguing which one is better

Obviously having both would be best.

Because retards here are saying that the goal is to "optmise cost." Having both types is redundancy, not optimization.

If your ECU fails, the least of your worries is the oil level tbqh.

while also in a grey Subaru?

To a point, but im more concerned they went the "sensor is better, so lets get rid of the dipstick" route on most cars today. There's talk starting that they may be able to offer a sealed system engine soon that needs one change every 30k-50k miles. Lord help us.

It has a sensor, obviously. Just like any other sensor it displays a message when it finds something irregular.

That looks like it would strip pretty easily

Considering just how little space there is to get a tool onto the oil filter in my car? Yes.

>>thanks manufacturer
Thanks, pigfat americans who think it's a valid choice to not wear seatbelts.

Better just take it in to the dealer. They can flush your coolant too while you are there!

That's a guy

That is almost worth just fucking welding the tool onto so you make sure it doesn't strip.

What? You mean you cant program your own headlight bulbs?


They prefer cars to be quick and easy to assemble on the line instead - which isn't always conducive to being quick and easy to repair.

Fucking fags, the whole lot of you.
Who is this semen demon?
Sauce it you fags.

audi invalidates your argument

A swimmer.

From Greece.

tripfag confirmed for retard.

BMW has faulty-ass oil level sensors that have failed before. Few cases people blew engines because the sensor went bad, shot an error code and the drivers are too lazy to take it back in.

I can't speak for all cars, but on newer BMWs with oil level sensors, there's a little level bar thingy (like an HP bar in a game) that you can bring up on the screen in the cluster.

However it's kinda bullshit and not that accurate, and IIRC only displays a range of a liter or two.