You guys hate on this, but really, it satisfies lots of check boxes for many people

you guys hate on this, but really, it satisfies lots of check boxes for many people

300 hp
4 door
interior awesome

why all the hate on Veeky Forums

It'll blow up one day or 10 miles outside the warranty period.

Mostly because it's still $40k for a Golf, much like the Focus RS is still $40k for a Focus.

Over engineered piece of German shit

Because for 40k you can get a rwd v8 sports car instead of a shitty 4-cylinder.

does it come with a 2nd check engine light so we can know if an actual issue happens while the other one is perpetually lit

>shitty Haldex """"""AWD""""""

""""""""Hot"""""""" hatches are cuck cars by default.
They're the type of vehicle you buy when your wife wants something practical, safe and sensible, but you still want to tell yourself you've got a fast, sporty car.

It will never compare to something like a Mustang, Camaro, Nissan Z or even a fucking Toyobaru or Miata in terms of fun.

It's a compromise, tries to be a jack of all trades, but fails to master any of them.

This. I cringe everytime I see someone in a hatchback

not him, what would you get with 25-35k? (v8) and not flashy



"sometimes" awd IS NOT awd

VW a shit

haldex a shit

shit thread to be honest

>hate on

Well there's nothing that meets those criteria and isn't flashy. G8 gxp? Or gt. Maybe get a deal on a new SS. Mustang gt is a flashy option.

>not using casual nigger speak as a litmus test for normies

>responding to normie threads

ugly no bitches-mobile.

I think VW is actually starting a promotion where you get a free snapback and vaping starter kit when you lease or finance a new golft.


its haldex you fucking illiterate faggot

its absolute shit

and its H A L D E X




Why do people not fucking use spaces on the top word.

God damn.

Some people just know nothing of A E S T H E T I C S



I like them. They are too expensive. And the Haldex meme is like 8 years out of date. It's barely the same anymore. It always takes Veeky Forums a decade to catch up.

This post reminds me that Veeky Forums is inhabited by juveniles.

Shittier FWD-based though.
Skoda and Audi offer the same car with more interior room.
>interior awesome
No. It's bottom-tier VAG.
Both meaningless. Modern cars have very little NVH anyways.

It's a wonderful car for non car guys, but when it comes to me:
> it lacks at least 1 cylinder for sound
> its drivetrain isn't full time AWD or just RWD (I could sacrifice that bit of cargo space, it's still big)
> it's SO FLASHY for a Golf and there no choice for it not to be because rims and front (you can opt out of badges)
If it had Golf 4 R32 exterior look and engine + full time AWD I wouldn't look at anything else.

lol no
>300 hp
>4 door
not really
lol plastics by VW
nah, suspension too stiff for compfy but shitty for "sport"
in what?

0/10 vw shill

Too be fair, if you want a good sounding engine on the same platform, go fir an RS3. Dat inline five.

>you guys hate on this
because people on here hate everything, especially VWs. In reality it's a very good car for the money.

I know, but I still like the Golf more. The last point is easy to "fix", just let me opt out of ricey rims, badges, keep front stock and let me choose the I5. There's still Haldex instead of Torsen but I'd live with it if I could get the Golf, as described in here, from factory, with warranty.

just buy a focus rs nigga 10k cheaper

I cringe everytime I see a "muh RWD" post from some no-car kid. Mustangs, Camaros drive like complete and utter shit compared to any european hot hatch.

so everyone that hates this car post what you drive or what car you want to own
>inb4 bmws

I'm so I can't say I hate it, but I actually drive 2 VWs.

The Golf R *would* be a great car if it was $10K cheaper, but it's TWICE the price of a base Golf. Nearly $40K for a car most people will look at and think cost $20K! It's embarrassing.

>this is what I tell myself since I'm not allowed to have more than 50hp

Good thing tbqh

Car doesn't attract attention but can still be used for weekend hooning.

Half of Veeky Forums drives BMWs, it's the new meme car

I'd get a Golf R. Veeky Forums is stuck 10 years in the past with their haldex complaints, the Golf R with Haldex actually outhandles it's platform twin with mechanical 50/50 split (RS3) just because the Haldex reacts way faster than it did in the past to the point that it's unnoticeable, and it has torque vectoring on both axles (XDS E Diff from GTI). Most Haldex complaints have to do with the initial release of the system on the VW R32/Mazdaspeed 6/Volvo S60 and V70R where it was laggy and the front biased nature was noticeable. The new one can even oversteer on demand and drove faster than the WRX STI around a track. It's a good car.

It's a grown up WRX STi that's less likely to nuke a motor and will nickle and dime you to death instead. Or a cheaper Audi S3.

Hot hatches and the culture therein was popularized by young first time car buyers looking for speed and handling on the cheap, not middle aged people struggling with 2 of their wife's kids and an upside down mortgage.

It's shit m8

I've driven the new Golf R. Off the line the car hesistates to get going if you want to go at speed. Why? Because the car is figuring out which wheels have the most traction, because it always defaults to FWD (default Haldex torque split is 90/10) thus to which wheels it should send power. Putting 300hp through front wheels is a struggle for any car, peartucilarly one trying to be as all-rounder as the Golf, so it has to split the torque bias more to the rear wheels. It is also a little twitchy in corners for the same reason. You know the feeling of a non-LSD car having a small amount of wheel slip on the outside wheel? You feel that in the Golf, and then suddenly the car has traction on that wheel due to the fake torque vectoring and HALDEX torque split. When you insinctively react to changes in the car's behavior, the car is already ahead of you, but not by much, so you end up interfering a little so the car has to adapt to your adaptations which makes the car feel confusing as fuck. the solution is to basically let the car work its own shit out and simply remove yourself from most of the driving process, other than accelerating, slowing, and pointing the car's wheels in the direction you wish to travel.

The only reason it gets such fucking pirase is because most modern drivers are so numb to how cars communicate subtle changes in road condition or weight shifting or what have you that the Golf feels like an epic car that can do everything. Any driver who understands cars and driving and who likes to drive properly will fucking hate it.

Looks like it is made for autistic children

Very good explanation. You're probably the only poster in this thread who has actually driven a Golf R.
