The Shittest Car of This Century

Is this the shittiest car ever made?

>spawned a cult following of weeb bench racers
>created an era of speed being more important than driving pleasure
>electronic fag-fest of AWD and traction control for maximum disconnection from the drive
>autotragic, turbocharged, six miles wide, ugly, shit interior, sounds shit

Other urls found in this thread:

It's shit alright, but I've driven Chinese, east German, and Russian automobiles. I can't call the GTR the worst no matter how much I rationalize it.

Looks like shit hellcat>gtr

none of those are even problems
the ones that could be are subjective

its one of the greatest cars ever produced in recent times

I think it's pretty close between the GTR and the Faggatti Gayron as to which is a better purchase if you absolutely have to tell everyone you know nothing about cars.

Will Veeky Forums ever be free of shitposters?

>gm fangirls are this assmad

I dont hate it t b h

This is some salty-ass bait.
OP's boypuss must be hurtin' real bad

>the car Randy Pobst chose to climb Pikes peak
>anything less than legendary
Poor bait OP

lmao 8 years difference between the launch of the two cars and the GTR still pisses all over it, no fucking chance, not to mention the Hellcat can't turn.

I have respect for the car, but I am no fan of it. That said:

>>spawned a cult following of weeb bench racers
This has been around for ages. At least since the 2F2F days.

>>created an era of speed being more important than driving pleasure
This has also been around forever. Also what constitutes as "driving pleasure" varies from one person to the next and can mean just about anything relating to the car.

>>electronic fag-fest of AWD and traction control for maximum disconnection from the drive
AWD and electronic aids has almost always equated to making the car go faster. The disconnect with the driver doesn't mean anything when you get humbled in front of everybody in 1985 hipster-mobile.

>>autotragic, turbocharged, six miles wide, ugly, shit interior, sounds shit
I don't like tubrochargers and I think the GT-R sounds just "okay" at best, but even I know that thinking that all these are inherently bad is inherently subjective edgelord fodder.

That said, I think the car is due for a design refresh. I also think it's doesn't look great either, but it's styling hasn't changed for almost a decade which is practically an eternity for highend sportscars.

>random American who thinks a Camaro is better than a BMW M4
>opinion worth anything
wow you sure convinced me

Honestly I don't dislike the car itself, I just hate the legions of fanboys it has.

It's like the default "I'm 12 and this is the best car ever" answer for kids who don't actually know much about cars.

I can't bash on it too hard because I can't afford it and probably never will be able to, but if I was looking to spend that much money on a car there are other cars I'd buy first.

>chink car
I'm sorry.

>had to google how to take a screenshot

>implying that isn't part of the funny

>random american who dailys a bmw 325
You were close with the bait


nigga it wasn't my post anyway

GM fangirl megadetected

It's an old meme you cuck

ITT: jelly poorfags

>buying a gtr when there are far superior vehicles for the same price or less


yeah let's buy some autist shitbox instead

Anything is better than a bmw. Rather have a Lexus or Cadillac.

>$101,000 nissan gtr
>anything at that price range is shit except the gtr
nigger wut

I meant challenger

The Charger has the exact same drivetrain and actually has a higher top speed because it has a more aerodynamic front.

beta fuccboi detected

the bugatti is actually ugly as shit

>spawned a cult following of weeb bench racers
creating a thread to complain about a car you will never sit in let alone own, and using this as a reason why you hate the car. classic.

you are the bench racer. you are what you despise.

18 year old senior detected

Agreed. I hate this fucking car.

Its ugly as shit
Horrible entry level Nissan Sentra interior

I dont care about the rest.

>being this new

Veyron is more like telling everyone you own so many different cars that you may as well have this one too just for kicks.

lol damn nigga u dumb

Please kill yourself

more like you dont know shit about cars so you buy the most ebin one with the highest price tag and top speed

also, if you actually knew your shit you would stop hating on this car

How can it be shit when all things considered, it receives consistent praise?

Not every car needs to be a hardcore track day special. You're not impressing anyone. You aren't convincing anyone that you're too hardcore for the GTR.

Only retards can't appreciate the fact that that comfy and as fast as it is.

And btw (it beats a hennessey venom gt in a 1/4 mile, and the venom gt is the fastest production car in the world at 265.6 mph because of its AWD vr38dett engine that produces 545 hp)

>"I'd rather lose in a car with feeling then win in that glorified computer on wheels!"
>said by people who would kill themselves in either car

This is a lie, look at accel speeds and see who wins. The gtr thanks to AWD launch control twin turbo.

*its japanese

>been out almost 10 years
>still a worthy adversary
I'd say objectively it's one of the greatest cars ever made, regardless what you or I think of it.

no it's a great feat of engineering and a great supercar

shitty sports car though

It's not a supercar, it's a high performance GT that can eat supercars for breakfast

I agree

thanks mum

>not a complete failure of a car

it's a meme you dip.
fucking newfaggot.

Weak bait b8

>it's a meme you dip.

So is this.

you forgot v6 trash unlike the other god tier gtr straight6s

but then it wouldn't have been a midship

> Put tall gears on a top speed car
> Gets whipped by another car
Some how an achievement

Just get a Bentley and swap an FI Viper V10 in. Congratulations you now have a luxurious, fast car that isn't a meme

you idiot


Nigga, that r35 freaked out and sent him off a cliff.
The stability systems were fighting him.

Also, Randy chose the r35 because it's easy to drive.
That's his reason.

> Can afford a Spaghetti Veyron
> Can't afford a Bentley

I heard that Chevrolet finally posted a hurr durr ring time for the Corvette, can anyone find it?


By the way OP, trolling does not mean acting like an idiot and getting everyone to laugh at you.

Trolling is when you back someone into a corner with brilliant arguments and slight logical fallacies.

you heard wrong

>believes he owns a bentley with a blown Viper V10

>I posted it again mom

buttmad GM fangirl detected

The GTR is the metaphorical equivalent of that faggot you went to school with that was born rich and brags about how hard he had to work to get where he is, etc. He gets pretty girls, has whatever he wants, etc. and in the end will never really be liked by anyone that doesn't just look at the obvious. Everything comes easy to him and thus any achievement he ever makes is going to be overlooked because anyone in his position could do it just as easily.

That is what the GTR is. A born rich yuppie fuck.

sounds you are just jelly of those kind of guys

perhaps you were the lonely virgin loser no one cared about?

A couple months ago some asshole was weaving through heavy downtown traffic in one. Called 911 on his ass and saw him pulled over by the time I got to the highway on-ramp. It was a good day.

no user, this is the GTR

You must be stupid. Sure, the GTR might not be what some want from a car, but one can't deny that it's a engineering achievement that's putting pressure on all manufacturers to up their game.

Pic related is the worst car. The most polluting car that Toyota makes. Normies can't grasp how bad the batteries are for the environment. They spend a lot of money on a car because they think that they can save the environment when they are actually destroying it. The Prius would probably be killer with a normal petrol/diesel engine as the whole car is designed for efficacy.

>born rich
You're so mad and poor at the same time that you don't even understand what you're saying.

>made by gooks
>that guy
>not a gook
you should make a trip so I can filter it

Why would I want a Blown Bentley, that's like asking if I want a black dildo.
The answer is, no you faggot.

Ironically the GTR sucks ass to drive on the road and is only good on a track setting fast lap times


Lithium salts are extracted from water in mineral springs, brine pools and brine deposits. The metal is produced through electrolysis from a mixture of fused 55% lithium chloride and 45% potassium chloride at about 450 °C

As of 2015 most of the world’s lithium production is in South America, where lithium-containing brine is extracted from underground pools and concentrated by solar evaporation

And it's not like that lithium needs to be transported all over the world twice to be made into cells then batteries then finally shoved into those horrid little shitboxes

No? It's shipped to Canada for processing then railed to US for assembly. It's green as fuck.

the fanbase is shit but it's not a bad car.
same goes for the hardcore miata/honda/stance fanbase.
none of it is individually bad, especially stancefags that accept their car is a showpiece, but it's just the lengths people take it to.

that being said, I find myself hating the Pontiac Solstice more than is healthy.

hey mister logical man, do yourself a favor and lurk more, you'll find yourself feeling a whole lot better that way when it comes to this board.

lol no

lol yes.

>I would've got one myself just didn't want one
>it's shit but I just told you it was a good idea

i was watching a video from thesmokingtire channel on youtube. the owner was telling matt that he bought the gtr because he likes to drive.

i thought the R35 was the antithesis to a drivers car. kind of made me cringe.

stop spewing your anti battery nonsense you got from Clarkson on Top Gear.

Tesla built a huge solar and wind powered battery factory. Where raw materials go in and completed batteries come out.

plus it still isn't as bad as oil. it just doesn't sprign out of the ground as 92 octance gasoline, where ever a gas station is built. you have to drill and pump it out. excess flammable gasses have to be burnt. then shipped or piped to a refiniery. where massive amounts of energy is used and pollution is generated. then shipped and piped again and against to the gas station. then you have the political impacts of oil. Tyrants and terrorists using oil money to fund them selves and wars all over the damn place. Nothing pollutes like war.

Why would I want a luxury vehicle. I'm not some geriatric old man with a bad back that needs a bunch of bullshit like that.
You give me a V10 Cuda and I'll drive the shit out of that.
The only reason I chose a Bentley was because it has the luxury interior and isn't an RR.

Oh right, because large amounts of solar panels are made by pixies donating their dust

You sound like you don't even own a car

And that's how Tesla makes their batteries. But others might not produce them as green.

if the panels make it their entire service life in a solar appropriate area. Then they should be responsible for less CO2 per kilowatt, compared to fossil fuels.

Nah your mom drives me around after I hammer her back door with my dick

Still worse than nuclear

I recommend you stop fucking corpses

I'll fuck your grandma too

edgier than a /b/tard

Got a sister?

yes, but nuclear is a politically radioactive.

which is stupid. When you have France being mostly nuclear for decades with out incident.