/ovg/ - New TXR soon Edition

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We're racing on Saturday, Sunday, and sometimes on Friday. Check out our Google doc for info!

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s l o w


Stop pretending you like racing, if you did you would race (classic) touring cars.

My Wangan monster for the final round of Hot Version is now complete

>Mercedes 300 SEL
>Maserati MC12 Engine
>Mclaren MP4/4 Turbocharger
>Stock suspension, brakes and drivetrain

Thanks to Grounded Fin for making the turbo work and putting slicks on the car. It's still undriveable, but that's part of the charme of this car

Ac best sim
Most accurate tire model
Rfactor a shit




Is properly configured/well-made freetrack precise?

I'd like to make "my own" VR-like gimmick. Namely, i want to try to use moonlight to smartphone, tridef3d and freetrack as a head motion tracker. I know there are solutions like trinusvr or riftcat, but trinus needs adjustments on head rotation every minute and riftcat is not working with sims i'd like to try.

So, Freetrack users, do you think freetrack with generic ps3 eyetoy camera can give some kind of acceptable precision? I'm not asking for much, i don't even dream about rotating head full 180, i just don't want to be forced to make those adjustments, it kills entire concept.


We almost did do this, SJ actually pulled it off

Well, I tried AC out.
From the initial impressions I can say that even with all the ABS, traction control and all the assists completely off. The car is super stable and easy to control in comparison to NFS Shift2 with the PTmod.

In AC there is also a shit ton more understeer, but the car is so easy to recover from a spin and it's very hard to make the car spin.

Compare this webm and how much the wheels turn when I counter steer.

it would be a good point, but /diy/ is more about slapping two pieces of wood together than sim game tool discussion

seriously, i can't think of a better place to ask about it than sim racing thread. well, maybe /v/

to this webm, where i am countersteering as hard as I can

and this is how much the tires turn when I turn the wheel to it's maximum value

Are you autistic?

HD remake when?

>New TXR soon Edition
Is this real? Or just a fantasy?

> /diy/ is more about slapping two pieces of wood together than sim game tool discussion

No it isn't, you've got people from all background there.
/ovg/ is basically /v/ (judging from the silliness of the latest threads) and /v/ only knows about nVidia and AMD.

It's already here, it's called emulating in 1080p.


Ovgt3 ac still alive?

First Truk

It's dead Jim

Try to make a super slow and smooth turn of the wheel, this happens

Welp, my wheel is dying/dead. What is a good replacement?

I think we are waiting on a couple more cars for the car pack, which are the 240z and the impreza.

Other than that, I would like to say that there are 2 cars that are in need of a parent. They can be found under the entries of the hot version.
The first one is the Skyline R33. It was in awful condition when we found it, but I replaced the turbo, added new tires, brakes and suspension, for which pansyfaust took the time for the last one to dial it in for a good ride. It's a bit tricky to drive, but it can be relatively fast once you get the hang of it, and it pulls once you get in a straight.
The second is an NA2 NSX. Not much has been done to this car. The original motor was blown to pieces, but larguu triked a deal with Nakai-san aka the smoking chinese drunken porsche man, to give us a motor for cheap(For once larguu being a jew worked in our favor). So now a flat six resides in where a V6 was. This car is trump car, that boasts overall good performance, without understeer or oversteer, but lacks a bit in straight line speed compared to the skyline.
There is an FD in the server right which I added for good measure, but no one has shown interest in it. It has nitro "412hp", which translates to 500+ hp.

>It's a bit tricky to drive
Not really.
>drop rear tire pressure a bit
>Trail brake into corner
>Car is pointed in direction
>mash go pedal and leave everyone behind
Same as every AWD car.

AC has Forza tier drift physic. Double check if stability control is on 0% though as it makes car drift easier than in The CREW.

>driving a low powered lightweight road car with semi-slicks
>wondering why it has so much grip


For the unaware it is pansy.
And it's not like I said it's a handful.

What is the S2000 then? A High powered, heavyweight truck with bananapeel tires?

Well fuck, ya caught me.

Standing starts in this thing are the best, though.

Thrustmaster T300RS, third best wheel in the market after the Fanatec Clubsport and direct drive wheels

In Shift 2? Yes.

Go drive the drift spec E30 or something with more than 180hp.
>the car understeers!
That's because it's on fucking prius tires.


don't give him attention, he's been at it for weeks




on my way

shills pls go

aww don't let the fast man bully you
you can be slow with me

>mfw my shitty line and driving still gets within a tenth of your time

except isaac flipped him off on the track and he died irl

Heil Hitler

Is it worth it to upgrade straight to that? Or is there a better bang for buck option?

>the car understeers!
>That's because it's on fucking prius tires.
But the whole point why controling the S2000 is far more difficult is because it loses grip left and right with the PTUmod.
In original shift2 without the mod, the tires have quite a bit of grip so not only are you less likely to slide but you are more likely to regain grip from a slide.

This user here Thinks I have semi slicks, because I have "so much grip" that controlling the car is easy
Then you say "well of course the car understeers, it has prius tires"

You can't have it both ways.

lel no

>why doesn't this sim handle like my arcade game

few days ago on certain thread (not sure if Veeky Forums or 8, probbably vg board, ovg or ogc) i've seen some screenshots of some guy remaking atlantica track from nfs III to rfactor or asettocorsa
cant find this thread again, would love to see the progress
help please?

oh my god, if this is true... please someone find this thread, for this mod i would come back to AC for a while

lol found it
8c net /v/res/9084555.html#q9228494


>ass corsa

>obscure capcom game

literally never

the actual SJ was making it for rfactor a long time ago.

oh god dont summon him please

I heard if you say SJ 3 times in the mirror he appears

>implying SJ isnt another fast driver we chased out
the poor guy has even come back multiple times and he still gets ran off

I realize you are the same autistc shitposter that is mad at me.
But do try to pay attention.
>why doesn't this sim handle like my arcade game
I am actually claiming that the car handling is more stable in AC than shift2 with PTU.
Like I have been trying to discuss racing related stuff and you keep shitposting.
First it was "LOL play a sim you would spin out at every turn"
Now it's "LOL well in a sim cars are more stable"
Like you don't make any points you just take the opposite stance or what ever I post, move goal posts and shitpost endlessly.
Next you will say AC is not a real sim or something along those lines.


>try forza 6 apex
>forces you to watch some dumb unskipable cutscene
>the game brakes for you all you have to do is hold the gas and turn

how the fuck do i change the language in Forza. I am DANISH NOT DUTCH MICROSOFT

same shit.

can't you disable aids?

also try looking in the folder for an intro.bik file and disabling it

Yeah you can and

>also try looking in the folder for an intro.bik file and disabling it

check my image, no matter what I've done to try and get into that folder I can't. Googled the fuck out of it like

is it worth to get Win10 for FM6 Apex?

>new txr

Genki has made all my favorite racing games. I still play and beat TXR3 at least a few times a year.

This makes me literally giddy


So a laser-scanned Isle of Man game seems to be coming out next year. I'm assuming it shouldn't be too difficult to rip the track and convert it for games with no simulation value. We could be seeing conversions within a year from now.

I came across this looking for info on that one guy who was making the course for GPL. I think hes either dead or simply doesn't want to release it anymore, as hes developed a burning hatred for track rips over the years.

Thats some straight bullshit. Windows 10 everybody.


Not surprised, considering it's a beta.

>Fucks basically everything up
>Nothing to show for it


no it's not, i can't understand anything ingame because of fucking windows 10 dont know what language to assign me

>Race wheels are not currently supported...Adding support will be a focus of the development team during the beta period.

Fucking damn right it better be a focus.

If they ship the full game without wheels, it will be catastrophic.

A video game to only one track? That seems like it won't be fun for that long.

Also this is the developers latest motorcycle game youtu.be/N89Jts7Nn68?t=51

The only problem with track rips could be the size. From what I've heard, AC has an usable are of like 20 or 25 km2. Supposedly Tracks could be bigger, but the physics fuck up when going out of this area.

Does anybody know if it's similar for rf2 or would it support the full Isle of Man track?

Why does he turn into different bikes?

How do shit devs even get licenses for shit?

rf2 has Targa Florio, which apparently is a 72km lap


i remember people saying that the targa florio mod was pushing the limits of what rfactor could do.

Speaking off bikes, Ride is 75% off in steam. Should I bite the bullet? I heard from an user friend that it's decent.

Shift 2 is not a sim, no matter what mods you install. You can see in your Shift webm that, even though you were "countersteering", there is some game mechanic actively preventing you from turning over the grip limit of your front tires, even though you were sliding sideways and needed that extra angle. The game did not allow you to countersteer effectively, so you spun.

In AC, the cars respond to input without a driver aid in the way, so you can whip the car around and swerve all over the track without spinning, especially in a GT86 with what appear to be SS tires. This is realism.

the rF1 version certainly does and it's only half of the whole Targa Florio. I think RF2 has a larger maximum track size.

god i remember that race. so much fun.

love to do it again but no one seems to want to play rF1 anymore.

>tfw was in the lead of ovgf1 targa florio after 20km
>Barney rams me off the track
>He doesn't get any bad boy points



Don't toy with my heart, Genki, just don't.

touring car racing YES

well fuck, the Forza APEX looks much better on PC than on Xbox.. Sounds are noice.

>no pics
shill harder

dem sign physics

>Shift 2 is not a sim, no matter what mods you install.
I never claimed it was. I don't think it was ever claimed as a sim, but as a simcade.

I did not have these issues without the mods though, so there's that.

>In AC, the cars respond to input without a driver aid in the way, so you can whip the car around and swerve all over the track without spinning
Yeah, ironically to a scrub like me, it feels like AC is the one with assists that make the car so easy to recover.
The feeling is like, in simcade games like shift2 and grid autosport, if you would enable shit ton of assists that keep the car more stable from spinning out and easier to recover. That's how AC feels to me.
Except I have no assists on.

Anyway my point is, I need to do some delicate work on the S2000 in NFS with PTU to keep it from spinning out at any give them.
While in AC, everything is so stable that I have a hard time making the car spin out and a easy time recovering. (tried it with some other cars as well not just the GT86)
>SS tires
The what now?

if you have good GPU to keep fps above 60 than yes.

Keep trying with AC. Try different tires, try different setups with more camber or toe. Try different cars and feel how unique each one is.
From that webm you posted, it looks like you were on semislicks which are the default tires the game puts on - this means for the GT86 which is a 200hp car designed to be shipped with the Eco tires (those are also an option). The understeer is from the setup of the car, most street cars tend to understeer on factory setup as it's considered safer for regular people to drive. I can guarantee you if you put Eco tires and even just a touch more negative camber, you will be sliding the GT86.

sorry I meant to continue that first point; this means the 200hp GT86 on semi-slick trackday tires will have a hard time breaking traction because it just doesn't have the power.

Is there any way to bypass Microsoft's bullshit hardware requirements for Forza? I have only a GTX 570 and it won't let me install the fucking game.

As always, very helpful post, thanks man.
I have little knowledge about cars so stuff like this helps me get a better picture of what is happening.

Do you have any specific cars that you would suggest I try out that have more oversteer? I tried plenty of rearwheel and some over 200 HP and they all understeered a lot, but I guess that's because of the default tires.
(Is there a way for me to try the S2000 in AC?)

>you can attempt to bypass this block by holding "Page Up" while selecting the Quit button
Report back whether or not the game slaughters you 570


S2000 is currently being worked on as a mod, you can find it in the official forums. The model is pretty close to done, both AP1 and AP2 versions, and apparently the physics are coming along as well.

As for a good oversteer car in AC, get the M3 E92 on street tires and have fun. that car is nearly perfect out of the box, even if it's pigfat and uses paddle shifters. You'll need to be going pretty fast to get a nice powerslide going though, it has just over 400hp. Just keep trying with AC and if you do get a better wheel and pedal setup in the future you will be greatly rewarded (did I hear you have a 180 degree wheel?)

Nope, quantum break and I guess Forza apex requires at least 600 series cards cause 500 series and older doesn't support some dx12 components.

>everything is so stable
Drive the yellowbird, F40, and the lotus 98t and say that all the cars are stable.

yeah I forgot to mention the yellowbird, on 100 percent turbo it's unbelievable the things you can get away with.


this is literally what it feels like on the burgerkingring with the yellowbird at full chat

>dat adenauer forst drifting
i fucking love that video so much