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ahaha what the fuck was this

R8 my new build:


dark sousl 3?


>attempt to make a build centered around harassing spells
>darts do almost the same as throwing dagger
>can't even punish estus
I tried all rings except clutch and even the shit dagger and cardcaptor. What's the point of this spell other than being a fancy knife spam?

not particularly. 1 and 2 were better

its worth 1 playthrough at least

Guys, I don't have a dark sword.
Anyone got an extra?

>tfw everyone kissuing but I dont have a dark hand

which is weird because I thought i did

>tfw my dark hand never plays the animation

I wonder why

Feeble cursed one, you wouldn't understand the magnificence of these spells

Remember never to attend /dsg/ FCs

You've been a cumslut since before you came out of your mother's womb

Why is it bad to attend /dsg/ FCs?

What's a good level to stop leveling Int and Fth as a pyromancer? 30/30?

So, manus is the furtive pygmy right?

He's been sperging out ever since there's a dsg fc over the past few weeks.
I'd say he probably got wrecked by andy or fudman or one of the metamen

Is there an event going on in DkS1?

There is a fuck ton of summon signs every where.


ay yo why invited that WP asshole

so who's the asshole chucking greatarrows like, who shit in his humanity

It gives a bunch of entitled brats who got rejected from Pontiff's with their low skill a soap box to shit on everyone else

Not to mention it's full of cheaters, meta abusers, egotistical and cancerous personalities who try to integrate themselves into /dsg/ 'culture' without using a trip

is it safe to say i'll find plenty of co-op and invasions on ng+ at 120? isn't that what people decided on for 'muh meta'

Why is it always this spot in particular that I get invaded?

>entitled brats
>egotistical and cancerous personalities
>without using a trip


>full of cheaters
>the most fun i've had since forever
seriously dude you need fap or something lmao

>just finished Dragon Shrine in SotFS
I still don't know what everyone hates about the remaster. Based on what I've read and watched about the base game, a lot of the enemy and item placement changes make more sense. Plus the things you use the torches for are actually useful.

>DaS2: random non-respawning Heide Knights all over the world in non-sensical locations, but none inside HEIDE'S Tower of Flame
>SotFS: bunch of respawning Heide Knights in the area instead of a bunch of crappy Old Knights, making the area actually challenging

>DaS2: Licia keeps invading you even if you sequence-break and kill her at Heide
>SotFS: killing Licia early stops Nameless Usurper from invading

>DaS2: have to get all the way to Iron Keep before you can get the Dull Ember and start infusing weapons
>SotFS: having the balls to face and beat the Pursuer at early levels rewards you with the Dull Ember, allowing you to diversify your build after potentially two bosses

>DaS2: have to fight and beat the Belfry Gargoyles in a hot PvP area in order to get a key that lets you make the Lost Sinner fight not stupidly hard
>SotFS: you can get the Bastille Key near Straid's, making both the Belfry areas optional

>DaS2: Undead Lockaway Key is just stored in some random place
>SotFS: Undead Lockaway Key is hidden in an area with Skeletons and Necromancers, teaching players how to deal with them before they face the Executioner's Chariot

>DaS2: lighting up Undead Crypt does nothing but make it look prettier
>SotFS: game gives you a single sconce that summons a single invader, which serves as a warning sign that you you should not light the big one if you didn't pay attention to what Agdayne said

And a bunch of other stuff too.

what a faggot

>egotistical and cancerous personalities who try to integrate themselves into /dsg/ 'culture' without using a trip

Look at his nigger talking shit about those poor kettles.

I explained my motives a long time ago.

>guy who had 99 in all stats
>guy who killed everyone at the cosplay event with knives
>and at the demon bridge one time

>Paddrick, Natalya, etc.
>think they're better than everyone else when they're horrendous at the game

>egotistical and cancerous personalities who try to integrate themselves into /dsg/ 'culture' without using a trip

The only thing I didn't like about SotFS was the Weeb Knight gangbang in Iron Keep. Other than that, I felt it improved DaS2 quite a bit too.

>making both the Belfry areas optional

This is not a good thing in terms of online activity. The Belfries were optional before, now they're optional and there's not much good reason to go through them either.

I don't disagree with the other stuff, but I think what rankles most people is just that you have to spend even a single extra cent getting all that shit when you could be playing BB or DS3 instead.

1v1 me right now highwall password: dsg

dont forget the Gutter, there's more torch sconces now and lighting them all nets you a special invader.

to add to the Heide Knights, in going with their theme of heresy/heathen, there's one locked up in sinner's rise, AND the one with the iron mask got dumped down the pit into the gutter.

thats another nice touch: actually including the Iron mask Heide knight instead of getting it from a noob chest right around Dragonslayer.

base game ruined the iron mask. it was the scrub helmet to go with the Drangleic scrub set

>same pass as FC

i've been literally playing with the most random shit weapons and cosplaying

who the FUCK cares if you die i'm having fun

The only person I recognize is Natalya, and that's only because I've fought him several times. Who cares if he thinks he's better than everyone else or not?

Well im off to bed, thanks for the FC anons. It was very comfy.

The one thing I liked about DS2 was that it had a lot of *stuff* in it. Enemy encounters, areas, and invasions.

It wasn't necessarily good stuff, but it was... well, stuff to discover. DS3 lacks content by contrast.

I think I used all my +9'd and +10'd weapons in the FC now excluding metamemes like the CCS and HSGS but I still got tons of titanite
What weapons are fun?

it was a trick ;)

dorkmoon is too strong

i'm sorry depression

im also sorry

>die to Dorkmoon Estoc after a good fight against it
>game actually crashes as soon as I die

What the fuck.

never be sorry, it was a fun fight

Host here, going to shut down FC in about 15 minutes.

i just don't want to seem cheap or like a meta fag for using an estoc

One of the major faults with DaS2 is that it was way too ambitious and tried to do too much.

DaS1 was small enough that the bread-crumb lore pieces could be reasonably pieced together into a small enough world (reading about things like Gwyn's Firstborn and equating that with the missing statue in Ornstein and Smough's boss room, getting the Crimson Set and Remedy spell in Blighttown and learning that there are three Sealers from New Londo, etc.). But in DaS2, you just have small bits and pieces about things like Alva and Zullie and maybe some Saint or other, some knights trying to invade and conquer the Undead Crypt, nothing at all about who the fuck Amana is, and shit like that. As pretty as a bunch of areas in DaS2 are, the "lore" isn't really for shit compared to the first game.

Was I lagging when I fought you? I'm the guy that you killed while I killed you with the artorias memesword
There were a couple of sliding moments in that fight

>nothing at all about who the fuck Amana
Its just a name.

Amana is a shrine handled by Lindelt knights. Lindelt itself was created by former Drakebloods after Yorgh accidentally Shulva

I didn't see any lag, but I just fought that Black Knight Sword dude a minute ago and I had lagged there

I hope they fix weapon effects being missing in the right hand but inexplicably present in the left

>your face when you start getting phantom hit stunlocked and you know you're screwed

>this axe
Everyone told me the demon's GA is shit so I decided to see exactly how shit
You fuckers lied to me, this thing is amazing
I love it so much dammit

I only commend the B team for having ambition, because I didn't like DS2 on the whole. I respect them for trying a lot of ideas that ultimately failed. It just was a shame that DS3 didn't pull together the best of what all the games in the series did well.

I don't know if DS3 came up so short on interactive content because the development was rushed, if Miyazaki was tired of the series, or if there was some team friction, but its flawed in the opposite direction that DS2 was.

I still play DS3 just because the combat is as snappy as in Bloodborne, and ultimately the gameplay is what I liked about Souls games (and what I disliked about DS2, which was that combat frequently felt like it was happening underwater).

So Yorshka, with her tail and ears, is the sister of Gwyndolin and Gwynevere and probably Nameless King as well.

I think this suggests that the person who fucked a dragon in the course of creating Priscilla was Gwyn himself. Gwyndolin's bottom half is a bunch of serpents, serpents being imperfect dragons according to Dark Souls lore, so he was probably another product of Gwyn banging outside his own species; in addition to explaining his otherwise non-sequitor snake feet, this would also explain why his upbringing was so strange both in its secrecy and in the reversed gender. He was a bastard child and thus in need of hiding, much like Priscilla and perhaps Yorshka as well. That you're meant to associate Yorshka with Priscilla seems undeniable, and considering that Priscilla is a halfbreed, that Gwyndolin could well have been a halfbreed (why does he like magic so much in opposition to the miracles of his father and brother?), and that Gwyndolin and Yorshka are explicitly related, it seems quite plausible that Priscilla was Gwyn's own child as well, another embarrassing product of adultery hidden away from sight.

This also somewhat fits Gwyn's image as the Zeus of the Dark Souls cosmology; Zeus loved boning women who weren't his wife and plenty of the demi-gods of Greek mythology were the fruit of his loins.

I really hope we learn more about the Furtive Pygmy in the DLC. I hope it's set in Londor and somehow ties in with the Pygmy; it's the only figure of the original creation myth shown in the opening cine of DS1 who remains mysterious in any way.

Actually, I'd also like to learn about Gwyn's wife if he had one, the Hera of Dark Souls so to speak. I mean, he must have birthed his legitimate children with someone, right?






Thanks for hosting I had a blast dying.

>killing patches

>Be madman
>Get killed by a 3 man gank squad
>Invade into it again
>Host does the welcome gesture while the phantoms rush me
>R1 both of them to death
>Wave at the host before I disappear
>Get invited to steam group "r1 r1 r1"

why complain about somebody playing like an asshole when you play like an asshole

Nice work Mike Tyson

>Not loving Patches as the loveable scamp he is

Reddit's just a search away, pal

Not the same guy, but I only keep him alive each playthrough to get the squat and a few other items

You get most of his loot from his ashes anyway so why keep the skin-headed jerk alive?

Who's Unbreakable Patches?

>Lindelt itself was created by former Drakebloods after Yorgh accidentally Shulva

Alright, FC over, thanks for coming guys.

I just realized how much I miss the wanderer set.

thanks for hosting you glorious faggot

i bet all you fags kissed each other irl

ah I see, the slumbering dragon shield's description post-SotFS release
their equipments don't even look related...

>this jealous she didn't get any kisses

The Dancer is hot until you get a good look at her face.

>purging stone

"Because it's only okay when I do it."

t. Ganker

Thank you for posting Best Girl

Thanks for the fun

This Blade of the Dorkmoon thanks you for hosting
Blessing of the moon upon your journey

>inb4 estoc meta fag

Why would I care about her face when all I'll see is her bodacious bod and beatiful butt?

>Ass crest
>Arty's shitty sword


It's fine to use the estoc

>tfw you didn't get the chance to kissu anyone

Always next time I guess.

I didn't mind fighting the Estoc since the only people I ever encounter with it in Pontiff are absolute garbage, and fighting someone who's actually good with it gives good practice. You had some very skilled use of the R2s as well, I didn't know they had as much range as they did in 3.

Estoc isn't really that good after the nerf
Fought you like 4 times today, good fun you, props on not R1R1R1R1R1R1R1R1

gimme a kissie please

Just another jolly undead outcast trying to make his way in the world.

Thanks anons

thanks for hosting, have a nice long weekend

thats some neat speculation there actually

Yorshka's Chime says that the chime along with Yorshka's name was a gift from his brother, so I always assumed that if Gwyn threw her out for being a crossbreed, Gwyndolin took care of her in secret until he grew ill.


Did I miss an item description?

>he must have birthed his legitimate children with someone, right?

Whoops, meant to say her brother.

The description for Yorshka's Chime is:

"A sacred chime belonging to Yorshka. Her brother, the former knight captain, presented her with this medium together with another gift: her name.
The ringing of the chime must have done much to soothe her loneliness."

god i wish that was me

>that picture

I recognize that art, didn't this guy also draw the 4 Kings (female) arguing over the CU?

QUICK, sorcery or hex for DaS2 PvP?

>Gwyn's wife is just Gwynevere who he fucked into birthing herself and NK through convoluted time


Yeah, I think she's called tamyra

Shit went wrong in Anor Londo long before the flame ever began to fade.

Aside from the nose it's pretty good, all things considered.

Well, what are you waiting for?!

Post it already!