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ded on arrival


Rip in piece /tesg/

You were good to me.


>Skyrim in 2016
>STILL no modular men's armor like there is for women
what is this bullshit

I just want some bonemold pauldrons

I really need to install that no spider mod

But they love you! They just want to give you hugs!

super ded

post you're latest screenshot

I am not a screenshot.

yeah some stuffs ded



well okay

she looks happy

imgur update?


What mods for a Paladin? I don't want any of those over the top golden winged sets, but a nice chainmail set would be appreciated


>restoration spell mods / perk overhauls

how do you make friends in /tesg/?

well she is happy!

soon-ish maybe, I just gotta find a house with decent lighting first to take more shots






>nice chainmail
good luck, chainmail tends to look like shit because when it stretches it deforms horribly but look at this


and give it a shot with MadMasker which has some cool medieval knight helmets to go with it


Be friendly.

I should work on my dunmer (or drow) husbando soon.

Thanks, I'll try that Artifact one out since it comes with a quest

but you already got the face for it

Still trying to nail some interior settings.
Too orange, too dark, no shadows, I also need more books for Big Hat's bookshelf.

r u d e

>Countshitter again

Do you have an alarm for whenever he posts

Do you guys actually play the game or just take pictures?

wtf is that her period juice on Ilx's lips?

Do you do most of your lighting edits with your ENB or CK?
I'm still debating on working on Veit's new home, mainly because these light sources are just way too orange.


ENB for the most part.
You could always ask Meara about light sources in homes, he seems to have a good handle on that.

I play the game.

No, that is her semen on Ilx's lips.


fap to waifu or other peoples waifu?

>not fapping to both

Both and husbandos.

This is the latest one I took.

You be a likeable person like snake, the beast posters or nordguard.

Nobody can teach you charisma.

What's the benefit of merging multiple mods, less crashing?

What mods give me a disarm enchantment?

More .esp slots

Is this the best ENB ever?


I think it is

K Cucks BTFO

That looks comfy

You can add more mods. Skyrim is limited to 255.esp/esm


Ahh, thanks.
I don't think I'll be going up to 255 .esp/esms though since I might start crashing 50 or less alone.

>disarm enchantment

But I'll never be able to compete with snake's sword size.

that's not elder scrolls

Yeah mate, look at the pictures here
Looks like absolute shit.

I'ma have to talk to him then.

Wrong thread?


Hey, you're here.

You know anything about editing light sources to house mods? I've been looking to edit one particular house mod because the lighting is way too orange.

nah, you can easily go past 255 with even just a toaster.

It's not that big....
He's just really good with it.

Well, basically you have to go into the CK and switch out the lights with a different type.
It's a pretty straightforward thing to do.

Is the Monster Mod really that bad as you say /tesg/?
I'm tired of seeing the same Draguyrs (whatever the fuck they're spelled) in every dungeon

Yeah...I don't really use CK at all honestly.
I've only used it once and that was only to change a follower's height.

I'll see what I can do though. CK is completely foreign to me.

I hear lots of bad things about it, but I've never used it myself because of that (although I did download it to rip out the monsters at some point).
I've used Immersive Creatures lots though, works great for adding new baddies imo. Really spices up the game. Also ASIS + Genesis will give ya lots of extra's to kill with new locations for them as well.

>Immersive Creatures
whoosh, went over my head
Completely forgot about that, kudos. I'll also check out Genesis, thanks again.

Just make sure if you have Arousal and Creature Framework installed that you disable Creature Arousal in the Creature Framework, otherwise it can cause lots of stability issues.

Does anyone know how to make hair show with helmets in Morrowind? I've edited the gondolier's hat to remove the crappy cloth part

I imagine I'll need to make an .esp to change bones but it would be nice if there was something out there that already does it

I don't know much about Morrowind, but for Skyrim, if you flag the hat as a circlet instead of a hair piece it will leave the hair in place (obviously if you flag it as hair, it removes your hair). I'd look at your meshes for something similar maybe?

yeah, it would be an easier thing in Skyrim, but for starters-

there's no bsdismember branch here, I can't even find an instance of the word "bone"

maybe I can merge the hair mesh with it?

>first time installing mods
>installing so much shit
>afraid that my game will go haywire as soon as I boot it

oh god

I have no clue. like I said, I've never messed around with Morrowind meshes at all. I'd imagine it would be trickier and you would likely need to do some trickery like joining them like you mentioned (I doubt they have as many slots to play around with). I'm pretty sure when Skyrim first came out it had like half the slots it now has as well, so I'm guessing Morrowind is much worse off.

Use loot.

should I use Sweet FX for skyrim at all?

Or is it kind of redundant with ENB?

depends on your hardware mostly and what mods you're using. installing a bunch of mods that add a bunch of npc's can be bad, especially if they come with a lot of scripting. using textures that are too high with limited vram will kill your game, lots of city overhauls, etc... you have to get a 'feel' for what your system can handle.

I do, even with an ENB. For starters, if an ENB is too taxing for your system, just playing with SweetFX enabled will give you better visuals and hardly ruins your framerate at all. Just remember to take your screencaps with the sweetfx printscreen function, don't use anything else unless you're using fraps or a pvr or something.

what do you use in Sweetfx settings?

When is the Animation section going to be done in the tesg site?

I use to use a sweetfx from unbleak enb, but recently I switched to the sweetfx that eiries put out with his enb.

there's a lot of configurations for it, just google around and you'll find some, they're like enb's, it's all a matter of personal taste.

It's not redundant, it adds a bit of extra AA, sharpening and contrast. It's not necessary but it's nice to have it, especially since you can turn it on and off. Shame it doesn't have an ingame menu like ENB.

Why is it that when I edit some settings in Tony's Kountervibe, it doesn't register? Changing ambient light has no effect, SweetFX no longer seems like it's doing anything. Any ideas?

IgnoreWeatherSystem, is it set to true or false?

Have you taken a look at Kafeid's circlets to see how they're set up?

I was walking near the solitude docks and jack the ripper came out and tried to kill me. I ran off and jumped into the damn sea to escape him.

Does Companions Insight just not work with mod companions?

Cause I still hurt mine with everything.

they're set up as pauldrons

yeah almost no slots sadly
I think I can merge it though

You probably disabled the SweetFX, press scrolllock to turn it back on (otherwise you probably changed that key in the configuration).

Can't help much with Tony's ENB unfortunately, I never used it much.

sounds like it was time for Jack to let 'er rip

gib dress

jack the ripper is a loli btw
fucking jap I swear

what mod has jack the ripper in it?

Colorful Magic.

Yeah that mod is pretty dope. Although a little annoying after awhile due to random monsters popping up..

Colorful Magic

Colorful magic.

I've had that mod a long time and still haven't tried it out, I should probably feel ashamed about that. People seem to really like it.

damn asians and their shit taste

It's called Noble outfit or something, I'm not too sure of the official name

Looked like a grown man to me

I mixed and matched some argonian hair pieces once. I don't remember the exact procedure but in blendr you just import the hat, import the hair, move the hair into the proper position then select both and export.

I don't think you have to actually merge them in blender, just have both selected when you export. Merging is only for meshes that have animations, because Morrowind will only let you animate a mesh if it has a single branch or something like that.

The hat is already using the hair slot by default so it should all line up and the hair should carry over it's uv setup. If not, its still simple to re position it in blender.