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Why aren't my coolers working? Edition


RimWorld follows three survivors from a crashed space liner as they build a colony on a frontier world at the rim of known space. Inspired by the space western vibe of Firefly, the deep simulation of Dwarf Fortress, and the epic scale of Dune and Warhammer 40,000.

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Please leave any suggestions for the OP pastebin as replies to this post.

Old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


You forgot the modpack that some user made that had the multiplayer mod, and the installation instruction pastebin.

continuing my request for spoonfeeding in this thread
my colonists are bugging out with the ExtendedStorage mod for some reason.
For example, I'll set an empty Fabric Hamper to Muffalo Leather only. A colonist will come bring a stack to the hamper, then stand in place while acting like they intend to haul a nearby stack of Turkey Leather.

I feel bad for the poor user that posted this
It's still pretty funny though

>Rape gives participants a mood bonus but severely damages the recipients
>Certain character carry a negative guilt attribute that last longer than the boost

"Guys, what material should I make this parka out of, for maximum protection against the cold?"

"Why not lizard skin?"

"Also make it masterwork."

"Say no more, my nigga. Say no more."

since we have a new thread i post my base again.

rate my base

Threadly reminder that as long as you have a room that all other rooms connect to, one single cooler can heat your entire base, all you need to do is adjust the vent in the diagram shown to increase or decrease the heat in the rooms

Download link for the newest version plox?

Also what mods are good/compatible anymore?

mega in previous thread

Can you grow in hydroponic basins in winter? I just finished setting them up and have only 1 day of food left, but I can't figure out how to grow now. It says that I can't grow in winter, but I also haven't heated up the room yet.

>rooms being marked as outdoors or all joining into one big room when i build a door

fucking why

Ya need heat son.

Surgery RNg is so fucking bad

hey folks thanks gracious to user now I'm up to date

can you guys give ideas on how to defense this settlement? this is proving to a challenge
I'm still pretty low on resources to build an all around wall...
my next plan is build a toolshed with everything related nearby the thermal vent, the old crypt to be sort of a main hall, but right those cryptcaskets are proving very useful to keep people I can't deal with

>a dozen angry manhunting boomalopes try to assault my base during a dry sunny day
>oh shit
>foggy rain begins right as the first shot lands

Thanks RNGJesus

pls why

Use glitterworld medicine you cuck.

Why do you expect 40%-penalty herbal medicine to be enough to do heart surgery?

I've literally failed 0 surgeries with glitter medicine and a mediocre 10 Doctor

I am you fucking dumbass, I'm even using glitter tech with an 11 medicine doctor. I literally have to constantly reload saves because he's removing fucking heads trying to install a lung. You're fucking lying, or incredible lucky. Considering the website we're on, I'm inclined to believe your just a fuckin liar.

Get good

Fuck off tynan.

How comfy is this game on a wcale 1-10?

One of many. I bought the exoskeleton by the way, this wasn't an Orion soldier

And to the right is my medical room, a masterwork steel bed with vitals monitor on sterile tile.

>my pioneer colonist went berserk and let him kill himself just because some slut doesnt want him anymore

i dont want to feel this feel anymore

Should I build a wall with a small sandbagged corridor near the bottom of the screen to herd all incoming baddies through a small opening?

>tfw Cassandra Classic on Challenge no longer proves to be difficult

I guess it's time to wait another 2 years to rediscover the game.

I would build a mighty wall, and make the raiders pay for it.

so for a mountain base, do you rush stonecutting? like how do i put my power cables in a wall if i gotta replace all the walls and stuff

You should move your base south towards the geothermal vent. Use it for power and heat, then you can deconstruct the cyrochambers walls to fortify the small northen exit. After that, you can focus on defending the south.

In the mean time, place a bunker in the north west and east of your old base to give you temporary defense solution.

Stonecutting is a must even without a mountain base. Walls and whatnot made of stone walls not only look nicer and make your people less whiny bitches, but they also won't catch on fire like wood or steel.

making vancidium requires research 5 and craft 8?

how the fuck do i make one when i cant raise my research skill anymore because theres nothing else to research?

Is there anyway to select an entire segment of wall instantly instead of clicking it piece by piece?

I have steel in a stockpile but I can't build a wall because I don't have steel in stock. wat


Everyone starved, though. I shouldn't have ever kept those prisoners around all the time, and tundra winter is much longer than I thought.

>gets fucked in raid
>sent to hospital
>breaks, berserk
>gets beat down
>back to hospital
>breaks, berserk
>repeat forever
>now have half my colony in the hospital
>20,000 person raid

pretty confy until shit happens

give it to me straight boys

is it over

I don't know, but I sure hope it is. That base is bad and you should feel bad.

caved this room as a prison, but somehow this isn't getting recognized as indoors...
can anyone spot this might be happening? or just bugged?
already removed and rebuilt roof and door

build some holes on the sides so you can flank the fuckers.

Depends on what kind of mods you are using. Get some extra floors and the "glass+lights" one, windows are a must-have for comfy builds.

How do I into minimap?

ok I figured it out myself.
you have to build the extended storage units (like hampers and pallets) on clear ground. If you build it on squares that already have a textile or material it'll bug out your dudes

anyone? how do i prevent/fix this room leakage?

>that wind turbine
>everything made of wood
>tiny room with four beds
>it's winter and this is all you have built


>tfw you look around the map and see all the 2 year old corpses of dead escape pod victims because you didn't have the time or resources to take care of them.

Huddle up in some of the ruins and let the bandits burn it down. Then you can build a new base come spring

try building a wall there to completly lock around the room then put the door on the wall where you want it
if not using mods search on the forums

Question about sterile tiles; do you have to make the door tile sterile as well?

Pause the game, go to Mod Help (I think it's called), enable Minimap

The mod has nano-skill trainers to raise skills.

Did you click the bed and hit "Prisoner", or is that where the issue is?

>that wind turbine
what's wrong with it?

>everything made of wood
I only just got stonecutting

>tiny room with four beds
I didn't need more than one hospital bed until just now

>it's winter and this is all you have built
I have bedrooms off screen, what else should I even have?

>>that wind turbine
>what's wrong with it?

other than it being indoors?

it's unroofed, though, it works fine

Good thing they fell far enough. Noone cares about them as long as they cant see them.

>huge ass group of manhunter boars rush my base
>friendly neighbor traders kill half of them, injure the rest
>my few little colonists finish them off
>only two trader survived
>two medkits for a ton of stuff, +15 releations
pretty good trade neighbor!


>"honeymoon phase" is cancelling out "my wife died"


Mega for the mod pack and multiplayer server?

Why not use a simple heater with the vents?

>min maxing coolers

you ever hear of fun?

gonna be fun when your geothermal plant catches fire

Anyone else think its a bit presumptuous having the game call its different modes 'storytellers'? All they really do, for all their lavish character art, is change the frequency of pirate raids. One of their lovingly named and illustrated 'storytellers' is just a glorified RNG button ffs.

I'll be the judge of whether Rimworld produces emergent storylines or not, the game cant just tell me that its a story.

Your level of autism on this topic is vastly larger than the amount it warrants

it doesn't get recognized as a room, you can't see the mouse but it should over there, still defined as outdoors
thus I can't set bed to prisioner (tried already)

it may have something to do with what this guy has too

How do I know when infection is going to kill someone?

Why doesn't it immediately go away at 100% immunity?

okay its unroofed, but wind turbines need free space to the front and back you dingus...

The middle one should be edited to put on a medical glove, preppin to violate your ass...

>its a bit presumptuous
maybe a tiny bit but i cant say im annoyed by it in any way. Compared to the shit AAA publishers say about their games i think this one is not in any way offensive.

Why do every single complain about this game has to mention the graphics or illustrations? T should have stated with massive red letters that this is not dwarffortress. The shitters of df are now coming out of the closet to shit on this game because its not a 1-to-1 copy of their glorified calculator game.

Oh Randy.

>start new permadeath game
>get pet dog
>two of the colonists immediately contract the plague
>escape pod crashes, it's one guys father
>capture him
>one colonist dies from the disease
>dog goes zerk and mauls his father to death
>bury them next to each other
>everyone is feeling terrible
>suddenly pirate raid
>run out to meet them, get borked
>they kindap one and leave
>the other two each have a leg blown off
>the moment the pirates leave the map another gang arrives to raid
>proceeds to finish me off and burn down the hamlet

10/10 would die again

Thats why i play on basebuilder. Much comfier to have a dedicated security team that handles raids so my workers dont have to risk their life.
Raids scale in an insane way, especially with mods that have unbalanced wealth values.

the characters and art add a nice touch to it...
but seriously they do have differences:
normal mode will progressively throw challenges while giving rewards in the mean time
chill mode makes the challenges more far apart while randy may throw anything at anytime...

the storytelling literally checks how well you're doing, meaning it will throw harsher challenges on you when you're chill, but may also throw you some bones when you're struggling.

Because the image is for demo purposes. My entire clusterfuck of a base is heated by a single cooler. I only have heaters as a safety net for my crops at this point.

>Building 10 extra heaters instead of just using one of your coolers

To each their own I suppose.

The AI director in L4D is also known as a storyteller. It's designed not to be random, but to look at how you are progressing, and address things accordingly. Get a surplus of food? You might get hit with an event that causes you to burn food. Colonists have been on the verge of starvation and any day might be your last? The AI director might decide to cut you some slack and give you a food drop pod. All Tynan did was personify these directors since observing the way the game is going, and choosing events accordingly already is humanlike.

If you have immunity you're safe, infections will kill when you get severe illness warning if they don't gain immunity/amputate very soon.


oh fuck I never even thought of that

I've lost two asshats to infection and I maybe could've saved them

I've found that if I don't have the feeling of present danger I easilly get bored. But anyway this run was rather extreme in terms of bad events. I've played on Randy before and had much smoother starts.

anyone else losing sound after a crack sound?

>manhunter boomrat pack


well thats the point, you never know what happens with randy...
right now I'm having a smooth sailing sort of

I would like this very much


have ur kitchen & freezer connected to a common area which all ur rooms connect to

you fucked yourself, hope that you get some visitors before they break down the doors.
Next time make sure you have at least one very defensible building where you can send everyone when shit like that happens. Survival meals optional but can help.
>toxic fallout

Yeah but the way "normal" scales you are pretty much forced to play very defensively all the time.
If you scale it down a little you will have a lot more options. Combat is pretty much the same except you dont have to send out everyone at once. Buildings can be a lot nicer which is what im goin for.

I used to play on hard until a few alphas ago, having a defensive checkpoint on all four corners of my buildings with sandbags n shit ruined the look.

Or you could just get mods and go to Extreme.

>manhunter pack of boomrats
>get destroyed with only 4 of my guys burned

>5th of Spring Year 2, my personal best so far
>both infected
>both incapacitated

Gabe you were a shitter, but Mia you were a champion



All the difficulty does is prolong the early game, all mods do is make the game easier by giving more systems for different playstyles.

It's been 5 days since I started producing beer and there's already been two mental breaks for booze binge

I'm shutting this down right now

holy fuck bionics are OP just legs a spine and 1 hand and my constructor is at 900% construc speed and 520% movement

this gives me an idea to just go rambo with full bionics, power armor the works but start with nothing, might be fun on like an ice sheet

>tfw no plasteel

>bionic hand
>bionic spine

Is the quickest way to make dosh in this game to just shit out artwork and sell it?

What is even the purpose of beer in this?

you can bet your ass that someone set up a second barrel down in the hole and the cop is in on it.

>spending time/power/space on growing green and brewing beer
>no benefits at all
>only #fun
what are you a pussy? keep makin that shit

Not him but it's the bionic mod I have it too.

Makes them happy I guess

What is even the purpose of beer in life?

Don't you play on permadeath either?

>girl with chem fascination goes on a beer binge
>drinks beer
>goes wandering out of the base until sober
>drinks beer again
>repeats this 3 times
>she never went beyond stage 1 drunk
im starting to think that my colonists are too well behaved for their own good
>first harsh winter comes
>running out of food
>still have 400 beers
>the animals start eating the beers instead of colonist food
hurray for alcoho tho, i guess

I'm about to remove the spine from my most important guy

Wish me luck

They grabbed him when they were starving, but still.

And yes, chairs at workbenches add comfiness.

Best of fortune to you Dr Mengele