/tesog/ - The Elder Scrolls Online General

Why Couldn't They Have Made The Breton Armour Look Like This Edition

Elder Thread: >Official news

Dark Brotherhood DLC is out!

One Tamriel announced (Q4 2016):

First DLC dungeon pack coming soon™:

>Latest patch notes

>Sales and deals
dlgamer.us/download-the_elder_scrolls_online-pc_games-p-19435.html (authorized reseller)
kinguin.net/es/catalogsearch/result/index/?q=elder scrolls online (some anons have been using it without issues so far)

>Beginner's Guide by Alcast

>Online lore portal and map

>UI addons for PC

>Assorted links

>/tesog/ Guilds
[PC NA] message (not whisper) @clv or @the_kyrox for invite
[PC EU] message (not whisper) @the_kyrox for invite
[PS4 NA and EU] message PSN: kibukj for invite

>We have a Discord open for every platform:

>Platform poll:

>Can I play X class doing Y role with an Z race?

Other urls found in this thread:


2nd for the best Dunmer House.

1st for telvanni masters

4th for Brave Knights

BTW, I hope you guys are prepared to bend over and take it deep with no lube if you're planning on getting any race/name changes.

Race Change: 3000 crowns
Name Change: 2500 crowns (by itself about $20)
Combo of Race and Name Change: 3500 crowns (still over $30 to buy that amount of crowns outright)

Even appearance change is a little pricey at 1000 crowns ($10)

For comparison an appearance change costs just over $4 worth of gems in GW2 and a name change costs $10 worth (and you can buy gems for in game gold), and there's a bundle that costs about $12.50 worth of gems to do both.

ESO crown store prices are fucking ridiculous.

I'm not buying it. End of story.

>mfw I've leveled up my stam skills on sorc ready for change
>them prices
I don't even give a fuck any more, the entire 10 page thread on the forum is literally people like well fuck it, won't buy it, if you priced it reasonably I would of changed name, race, appearance for every single character. The stupid fucking thing about it I can just make a new fucking character and level it to 50 in under 8 god damn hours.

WoW (shit game nowadays imo.)

Race Change: 25$
Name Change: 10$
Appearance change: 15$


I wouldn't buy those in TESO even if those changes cost 5$, until we have a proper barbershop

How exactly do you make changes to your addons? I just want to move the UI I have around.

>Race Change: 3000 crowns

desu they have to make it expensive, or people will just be switching races back and forth to fit the current fotm

Appearance change at 1000c is bullshit tho

They are going to make fucking bank with all the people changing to khajiit and redguard

Im 19 and ive played for more than 8 hours, am I retarded? How do I get to 50 that fast?

>desu they have to make it expensive, or people will just be switching races back and forth to fit the current fotm
And that would make them more money, what you want 20 people changing once or 100 people changing every fucking month, what going to make you more money here.


By grinding and ignoring silly things like quests and dialogue. Don't do that if you're new.

Im a healer who doesnt know anyone playing the game, would doing random dungeons be faster than questing? Exp wise I mean

>would doing random dungeons be faster than questing

if you have a group that doesn't wipe and clears trash and bosses fast, then yes.

Need some advice. Which one of the five looks best?


I am almost at cp160, so it's probably time to start thinking about gearing. What sets do I want as a dps magblade? I gather that pretty much everything mag uses Willpower jewelry set, but what else? I have 6 researched traits in all light armor, so that's the highest I can craft.

they all look the same desu

Twice Born Star is great, if you can find someone to craft you that.

Next best is Julianos

Otherwise Kagrenacs

Fuck. I want to talk about tesl but I don't want to make a reddit account or use Bethesda forums. What should I do, guys?

At least you can play the fucking game.

Yes I'm bitter.

If it picks up we'll see a tesl general hopefully.

/tesg/ hasn't been hostile to my posts
but there's no one else with the game
/v/ or a ded general is your only option

last 2 are shit

Lol. I'm installing it now. I decided to download the launcher to save time, and now it seems like I had the beta invite all along, just never received the email. I was even checking my spam folder, guess it got caught and never even seen (considering how spammy it apparently seemed).

No longer bitter.

and they should expect people to change races back and forth when they themselves fuck with racial passives on people. They changed Argonians from tanks to healers

if some magicka abilities have stam morphs, why don't stam abilities have magicka morphs?

not at that price. At that price it'll be more economical to just roll a new character. I'd be willing to race change for no more than $10, with a $15 (1500 crowns, or 1 month sub) to change both race and name. Anything else, I guess I just won't play that character anymore instead.

dumb Veeky Forums fags don't have the mental capacity to learn the gifts of magic

I just randomly applied for the beta and got an email 12 hours later, how are people not getting in? I can't believe there are so many people playing that they have to turn folks away.

Honestly, try making a new account and reapplying. I sent my request thing Thursday and got in Friday.

It's fun but frustrating because suddenly you're playing magic with no good cards, browse around to see what's good before you jump in, so you know what to dust and craft.

how2build decks
it feels hollow whenever i win with the default decks they give you

>leveling my champion points after hitting 50
>get help with armor yesterday
>makes a world of difference, fly through the levels with this help
>dps ques almost instant for some reason
>get like 5 or 6 dungeons done solo queing in one session
>group I'm with in dungeons adds me up and tells me to message them anytime
>find a stack of 100 embroidery for super cheap
>some random approaches me while at the markets
>offers to craft me a full set of any type for 6k
>I have not enough traits so this is a godsend
>we start chatting, he makes most of the set purple for free and tells me to come to him anytime
Goddamn it I'm having so much f u n with this game, I don't want off this ride yet
Couple questions for anyone PS4 NA:

I think in the last thread a couple people mentioned they'd just joined on console. If so, would you like to group up in a few hours for fungeon grinding for gear and quick leveling? I've got a lvl 30 m8 I'll be helping and the more the merrier. No mic needed.

If not low level, would anyone be interested in general dungeon delving? I'm cp 40ish.

And does anyone have any dwarven oil I can buy off them?

If you've ever played mtg or Hearthstone it's similar. Runes discourage aggro though, be aware. You'll hit your opponent for 15 damage and give him 3 answers, it's a bunch of shit.

Items are good, make sure to look at everything when you craft, don't dust legends indiscriminately. Blue red is a good start, good mix of creatures, weapons and spells

Specific combos that come to mind: use weapons on the 0 drop charge guys that markarth bannerman gives you for attacking, use the rihad horseman in the covered lane, the battlemage in the uncovered lane (mage is a guard), having the option is op, etc

Bought this the other day and its still on 1%, how long does this fucker take to download?

I know my Internets shit but fuck me its been a nearly 2 days of downloading, i thought it would at least be at 2% for fucks sake.

Oh, and Idk how long it'll last, but make a deck that'll stand up to expert practice, you get crafting dust for winning. I mean it's like 100 expert victories for one legendary, but if that's what it takes to get your deck up to speed and refine it, so be it.

Fuck I wish there was a general, I love ccgs

It downloaded in an hour or so for me.

>nearly 2 days of downloading
>i thought it would at least be at 2%

so just how shit is your internet?

>spend a lifetime researching and learning the powers of magicka
>still end up being weaker than some Chad who was just born naturally athletic

It keeps going from Patching at 4.788 MB/s to downloading at 793 KB/s

I think I heard some people's launchers don't update their percentage correctly. But if you say it's patching and downloading shit, it should be alright.

I have shit internet too and it took me 3-4 days to download so hang tight

The amount remaining thing seems to go back up when it switches from patch to download, is that normal?

hmm, not sure about that one

you COULD try repairing it and see what happens, but I don't know whether or not the download will restart or something. People have had trouble with repairing

It probably finishes downloading one patch and starts from 0% on the next. Just let it do its thing.

I thought it could be that except it goes from 12000 Mb remaining to Around 2000 and then up to 7000.

That seems a bit big.

the game is like 50gb

Why do you want to gain level so fast, sit back and enjoy the ride user. There is a lot of lore here.

I wish it would be possible to unlock both morphs of an ability, so we could easily switch between PvE and PvP setups. This isn't a dumb idea, is it?

I don't presume to know better, but just from looking at the sets it seems to me that Julianos is the better one of those. Spell crit and dmg, opposed to just health-stamina-magicka incrase and a second boon. Or is a second mundus stone that big of a deal? And if it is, which two boons are recommended?

Yeah shadow and thief mundus TBS with all divines gear is equivalent to Julianos... except with other crit buffs like warhorn and rearming trap it gets even better.

Is there a cheaper way to get all the DLC?

Are there any plans to sell them all at once or should I just get ESO plus?

>Watch Star Trek in the theaters yesterday
>log into ESO today and play my magicka sorcerer
>force pulse is now phasers
>crystal fragments is now photon torpedos
>hardened ward is now shields
>streak is now warp speed

... I've reached terminal stage nerd haven't I?

There's a gold edition coming out soon, which will have the base game + all DLC's at like 60$. But ESO+ is always a good choice, because of all the extra benefits you get, like craft bag, and costumes dyes in the next update. Probably even more shit down the road.

more like terminal autism

And get undaunted mettle a SECOND time? That's absolute madness.

Might as well just get plus for till then I suppose, then I can get them all at once. Cheers

I agree with That's not really nerdy, Especially since Trek hasn't been a nerd thing since the first rebuild movies.

>spend days learning the mechanics of vma and beat it
>ring of glory and a soul gem

Haven't played since the beta because I wasn't arsed to pay sub fee.

Whats new?


some dungeons n shit

Any ps4 plebs wanting to hop on a leveling train reply here

What daggers are these?

whats the plan?

And you could have waited 2 more days for a guaranteed weapon.

Random dungeons until we're sick of it, mob grinding between ques if it's not a full group, there's just two of us so far. Gonna start up in about a half hour/45 min if you're interested!

I don't have much to grind for but I'd be happy to help with dungeons for a bit. My psn is kibukj

altmer - steel

I have so much shit to sell, and yet I'm in such shitty trading guilds that it takes literally months for me to move even a fraction of my stock, and I don't know how to get in to any of the good trading guilds. There's so much to love about ESO's market system, and equally much to hate. Sometimes I wish it would just have your regular auction house.

Still got that polymorph and title.

kibuk m8, I'm starting to think we're the only ps4 people in the general posting
I'd gladly send you an invite when we start if you'd be interested in some comfy running to help a newer guy out

when can I roll a daedra?

its coming with the dwemer race update

The Vestige sort of is a daedra.

I've a couple legendaries and a good chunk of dust now. Just no idea what I wanna do.

Weapons have been pretty nice but I dunno if I like this kind of playstyle. :d
Rolling with a blue/red deck now. Feels like one of those "balanced" decks you try to make whenever you do those Hearthstone arenas.

Right, makes sense. I guess I'll go with that and a 3 piece Julianos then. thanks

Still seeking help here. I'm trying to move around some of the custom UI stuff I installed but I have no clue how to do it.

Tesl constructed really is on the level of hs arena at the moment. The two decks I do the best with are a red gold aggro and then red blue...mix, I guess? Creatures, weapons, spells, etc.

Be sure to always give your portcullis the axe

It's addon specific.

Is there a way to edit each add-on? Do I have to go in and put certain spots in its doc files?

No idea. You'd probably have to look at the code.

ESC -> Settings -> Addon Settings
will give you most of the controls over addons you've installed. Many UI addons come with their modules "locked", so this is where you go to unlock them to move them around. When unlocked, just exit all menus and enter cursor mode look at your keybindings to see what button it's bound to, if you don't know and move them. Some addons you can just move around from cursor mode straight away

>am DC
>doing Cadwell's Gold
>Covenant soldiers taken prisoner after the battle
>me running by them
>"Please, free us!"
>ok, why not
>kill the lizard guarding them
>they yell "murderous scum!" and slap me with a 900g bounty

this is the last time I try to help someone


>tfw you'll never belong to a more perfect race that has three living gods

>tfw you'll never be a skooma addled khajiit with a barbed penis selling crude drawings of yourself to tamriel's furfags to support your habit
Life is cruel

holy fuck, you need 150 mats for each cp160 item? where the hell do I get that many? I sure as hell can't buy anything

on magicka classes you need to be either a templar or a nightblade running rearming trap for tbs to > julianos unbuffed.

Farm cloth and ore from 160 zones like you would any other cloth or ore. Farming leather in Old Orsinium if you have the DLC is a really quick way of getting that. Farmin Tel Var stones in IC sewers is another good way of getting leather since you can trade in stones for leather.

As someone who needed about 750 pieces of the leather, it turned out surprisingly easy to get. If you put 10 points into clothing to make it so all your 160 leather drops are rubedo, you'll get the leather you need in no time once you have a good farm spot (seriously, the second area in Old Orsinium with the bears, harpies and epauls or whatever, is like 3-400 an hour).

Daedra races are coming in next year in daedra race bundle. It will include dremora, xivkyn, dark seducers and golden saints.
Sadly there is no ETA on elf race DLC. Elf race DLC is going to include maormer, falmer, dwemer and ayleids.
I'm pissed because they aren't planning to release goblins as playable race, at least we have the polymorph.

5k crown per race, 20k crown for 3 race bundle :^)

I was merely joking.



Literally was planning on changing my race from tiny elf and finally getting back into it and subbing

not anymore, fuck that


just grind a new character to 50 in 5 hours


Screenshots are so much nicer after you disabled UI, keep it up!

You get 1500 crowns/month with a sub.