Not naming the show "Gear Knobs"

>not naming the show "Gear Knobs".
>giving it a pathetic generic name

Off to a bad start Amazon, get fucked.

Other urls found in this thread:,Hu-wouwWzoh57X-2rS2ZZdV9FHnwAAAAIqAAAAAO-ABu1aIPO0yNVSDu5hHLjtAot7tQ4EhBs6rcBO_J3kHu1BnwSF_WZ9Rc0PDYF24JnXZ3nuPJ6u7ZsTcEKh1MnncTddUoeGfVWxCwTpHm1GGw5mUbKLiknZUrnt9w7tk0VxrDZEyIOFNBPZIdTP07UWBrALUERvRuW97RsqWx8ph_KAegI0j35dHrdjE7oMxgpWsAQiHgOaePJJo8dCf0jtcph5uzOAQ730GkGwqSRaZun1i59NMZWaxsbwXCzMvAhjsLscCigvwruwb-X8bG_cP4XD8gzoqrgZlkYYej-8OrQAUf9J0h6pRAXL0DseENivLzxqU7vmiv5CjHgSq1P3bKOz7rb2t0q-Jrk2kuI1ug0jcLBY8iJJTFhR62dpzDvlwnlydEh43z

God they're so fucking tsun aren't they.

I like it

Where the fuck is the name?

The name doesn't really matter to me. I'll still watch it anyway.

>May remarked that he was underwhelmed by the name and had "wanted to call it 'Nigel', or 'Roger'"

absolute madman

Are you blind?


I honestly hoped they would end up calling it 'The Interceptors.' This name's way too generic.

Yes you racist fuck why?

aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou John Madden John Madden John Madden aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou

The Grand Tour
Top Gear Two

It's literally in the title of the article you misogynist pig

They couldn't use the word "gear" because the BBC would have sued them

>39 KB
> (You)
> aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou John Madden John Madden John Madden aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou


>It was called TG
>New one is GT

Jeremy Clarkson, king of bants


It was shit when Amazon took it. fuck them. their site is worse than ebay.

>In response, May remarked that he was underwhelmed by the name and had "wanted to call it 'Nigel', or 'Roger'".

James May continues to be the best of the trio. Goddamn I'm in tears.

I don't understand why you think that's funny

I'm very easily amused and also haven't slept.


Thanks user, good to know Im not alone. Also, The Interceptors sketch was fucking awesome.

>dem judo chops
>dem fake bullets
>fuck the valet at the playboy club
>bad guy with a fez

It's ok, theres nothinf wrong with being a pleb.

Based James May is based.

Have you seen his Reassemblers show yet? I watched it while semi-dozing and thought I'd fall asleep and wound up wide awake marathoning all three episodes in a row.

>tfw you could probably own an actual Jensen Interceptor, because no-one fucking remembers them.
>One of the few good V8s in Europe with a displacement over 3.5l
>Would get raped by insurance, and a 1950s era Gearbox.
>tfw you'll never have a name like James Steed.
>You will never wave a plastic MP40 at a aeroplane full of models.

>the show will be hosted in a big tent at a different location each week

>I know that feel all to well user. Cant even grow a James Steed-esque moustache and my car, lovely as it is, has a name in numbers instead of an awesome one.

Why bother living?

It's a good name. Glad they didn't chose the maymay path.

t. oisin "I am a massive faggot who deserved a punch in the face" tymon

Why do pic related get no respect?

The tent idea is pretty cool. Seems like the new top gear will look like utter trash compared to The Grand Tour. If New Top Gear tries to be classic Top Gear with new presenters they will totally shit the bed.

Because the chick is a bitch that doesn't like going fast. The others are pretty decent though.

Tiff Needell is underrated as fuck.


Also she's a very good driver, she can drive as fast as Needell and, mind you, he raced GTLMs at Le Mans.

I want a show with Needell, Clarksy, BASED MAY, Vicki and Sabine. Perfection.

Come to Britain la

Throw Chris Harris and Eddie Jordan in there and I'd be interested.

Actually Suzi Perry as well. They should have got her for new TG.

Granted, but then itd be too crowded. Perhaps swapping Needell for Harris. Two ladies and May is a must.

Who is she? Have I found a new waifu?

She's a sports/tech presenter that did interviews for the F1 on BBC, she also did The Gadget Show.

>still no rebecca jackson

Fuck it all. There should be a show with Vicki, Suzie, Rebecca, Sabine and James May with a velvet robe. I suggest the name "James Steed's Clubhouse".

Alpha af.

But will he start with hello?

> Racial discrimination and personal injury suit
> 100k

Tymon confirmed for gold-digger.

>May remarked that he was underwhelmed by the name and had "wanted to call it 'Nigel', or 'Roger'
He would, wouldn't he?

Because they're shit-tier knockoffs.

I thought he wanted to invent the word acebiscuits and name the show like that.
>Hey you like my new shirt?
>Yeah it's acebiscuits.

I remember reading/watching something about that somewhere and now I can't remember where.

>reinvent the show after it was becoming a little stale, now with a massive budget, idgaf private backing and a new angle
>meanwhile the bbc tries to recreate the old show format with 507 presenters, none of which are worth watching, in a load of generic cars you can see on youtube

top lel

He must. And the opening must be to the tune of Bert Kämpfer.

Id give plenty shekels for a show like that.

>could probably own an actual Jensen Interceptor

good luck with that lol they are pushing 30k for a shed

>few good V8s in Europe with a displacement over 3.5l

Like every car ever can be had over here in Britain


I am in Britain, the Insurance still fucks me. Nothing's good enough for any insurance company here. I could just buy a Trabant with a Hayabusa engine if I wanted cheap performance :^)