>7 litres
>No replacement for displacement

Can europeans ever dream of owning such a car?

Side note: So fucking excited for the 2nd version of this, with EV's to supplement the low end power for a crazier launch.

They got it down to 2.4 seconds with raw power alone, imagine this fucker with instant electric torque.

Other urls found in this thread:

reminder this car was built by a charismatic country boy with parts he stole from customer cars.

>wouldn't exist without lotus

Fuck off OP, this /int/ shit is part of what's killing Veeky Forums

T. Merican

but thats a European car

Hennessy is a hack and that car is shit anyway

American beating heart


haha nice try. The only thing left that's lotus is the literal frame. Every other panel has been replaced.

Are you this much in denial right now?

You do realize it long stopped being a lotus, right?

It's completely stripped and rebuilt.

Every single performance part is american, they just used the lotus because they knew they could make it look nice.

HSV W427 has a 7 litre V8

good old American build quality

Is it faster than the ONE:1?

why bother about one fuel pump when you have THREE and just one provides you with the HP you need?

Meanwhile europoors need 178 fuel pumps just to get 200hp on their 1.2 litre turbo

or one problematic high pressure one on a certain turbo 3.0 straight six

Europoor here. Good for you. But this thing can only go in american roads, because there is no point for it in every other part of the world. Well maybe it could work in Australia too.
The rest of the world had a thing called civilization(and by civilization I don't mean red people sitting in tents smoking questionable contents in their pipes all day), and we've built roads for carriages and all that, so our roads are tighter and smaller, because they were built on those pre-existing stone roads. So, apart from the the twisties, european roads are vastly different from the american roads. We don't really needed big engines, because we didn't have the roads to stretch them. Instead people drove insignificant little cars with little to no power into dirt roads pushing them at the limit. Would I like it otherwise? Probably not, because it's nice to drive them around. Besides when the american invasion happened, american thought they would steam roll european hatches and sedan with their 5+ liter engine and loads of power and torque, only to realise lightweight cars don't need that much power and they be left behind in the corners.

Still, that's an impressive achievement. I would like to see hennessey roll out an original chassis and not rely on a pre existing one. Also I heard from an american friend of mine that only a handfull of those cars ever got delivered(like 3 or 4) and one of them is owned by steven tyler iirc. And is it true that Hennessey is hack and blows up engines from customer cars?

> viper
> v8

tldr: eurocucks think their 1.3l hatchbacks are performance cars

>no replacement for displacement
>twin turboed v8
I'm American and you're still retarded. Also this was what 4 years ago? Who cares.

>Can europeans ever dream of owning such a car?

that's all anyone, anywhere can do, because it's hennessey. this is like if bernie madoff told you he knows this nigerian prince that only needs the last 4 of your social and birthday. if you are stupid enough to give that man your money, you fuckin' deserve to get robbed by him at this point, plain and simple.

t. I use my engine to compensate for my small ego.
Also I was talking about the older days, like pic related. Notice how that mini is in front of the mustang? But if that makes you feel important somehow, go on by all means.

Whos to say the mustang isn't about to lap the mini.

I think it must be lapping for the 6th time in the race. We all know americans are so much better, apart from the worst brakes, suspension, steering nad all that extra weight, right?

>put a mouse and a cat in a 6 inch tunnel
>somehow impressed that the mouse moves faster


Suddenly cars breaking apart is a cool thing.
Fuck you OP and fuck your le american-european car

>Fuel pump fails


lotus is european


> titled as a lotus
> not considered a production car because less than a dozen are made

>all American performance parts
>brembos clearly visible in OP pic

The manufacturer, Hennessey Performance Engineering, states the modified chassis uses components from the Lotus Exige, including the roof, doors, side glass, windscreen,cockpit, floorpan, HVAC system, wiper and head lamps.

Italian Brembo brakes

English Ricardo transmission

Stefano Ricci bespoke Italian interior


Fastest lap of the nurburgringby a road legal production car: British
Fastest top speed of a production car: French
Fastest 0-62: British
Fastest 0-62-0: British
Fastest 0-100-0: British

Lower official top speed than a FR-S. Nice return run.

>i would like to see RUF with their own original chassis

>And is it true that Hennessey is hack and blows up engines from customer cars?

No, he just steals the parts from them.


When did you stop masturbating in the shower, user?

Never, obviously.

>make it look nice

It looks fucking hideous.


>That's great but our roads are too horrible for good cars
>We like the thrill of cramped spaces and blind corners more than the efficiency of going fast along straight lines and gentle curves designed for high speed travel, really

Nice lotus.

>We like the thrill of cramped spaces and blind corners more than the efficiency of going fast along straight lines and gentle curves designed for high speed travel, really

Yes user, you got the point.

Muh /int/ shitposting aside, I actually like it. Hennessey might be a fraud but VAG also refrained from mentioning that each and every production supersport will be limited to 415 kph or w/e due to tires (more like cant get that handbuilt engine to reach 430 consistently)

Also the application of a 1000+ hp rwd lightweight car is pretty exciting tbqhonest with you. Normally I'd say its pretty sad state if a hick modifying a lotus and some bald swede are making the premier supercars in the world but enough time has passed for whatever history other automakers had to not matter anymore I think

I know this is stupid bait but I really can't tell excactly what caused the crash...

It seems to me that either there was a malfunction with abs or the abs was dissengaged and driver error caused the wheels to lock up.

If the brakes didn't lock then there would have been sufficient braking distance.

>Muh /int/ shitposting aside, I actually like it. Hennessey might be a fraud but VAG also refrained from mentioning that each and every production supersport will be limited to 415 kph or w/e due to tires (more like cant get that handbuilt engine to reach 430 consistently)

You can have that limiter removed an any super sport if you are prepared to meet the requirements VAG put in place.

sauce. I have a hard time believing each model will be able to go as fast as the top gear VAG sanctioned test one

Sauce? dude. Any speed limiter is easy to take off.

sauce on VAGs requirements and shit

>I have a hard time believing each model will be able to go as fast as the top gear VAG sanctioned test one

Ah you are a retard. Right, should have made that clear sooner.

how about just prove it :D

You made the supposition that the engines can't do it, the burden of proof for that statement lies with you.

>Good cars
>A car made for a record, where you cannot put the power down in a pudlic road, and you need an airfield to get to top speed, and that you cannot own unless you are a rock star

>"We like the thrill of cramped spaces and blind corners more than the efficiency of going fast along straight lines and gentle curves designed for high speed travel, really"

Your best motorsport achievement was nascar, so that explains a lot.

>B-B-But it's on a racetrack! It won't be able to pass it! M-Make it an 4 lane interstate and we'll see who's the b-boss!

The tyres can't take the strain and will explode, the speed limiter is there for a reason you retarded fucks.

>Can europeans ever dream of owning such a car?
can americans? it costs a couple of million dollars, so no.

don't be stupid user

What about drag races? Derby competitions?

top kek

yanks wont be able to handlke the bantz

>Fastest 0-62: British
>Fastest 0-62-0: British
>Fastest 0-100-0: British

since when is Koenigsegg british?

And that it's a Lotus Elise with an engine swap and a bodykit.