Final Fantasy General CCXLVIII - /ffg/

Mobius Edition

>Mobius Final Fantasy out now!

>General info on Final Fantasy
The Wiki:
"What version should I play?" Information:

/ffg/'s RK FAQ:

>FF XII: The Zodiac Age

>World Of FF

/ffg/ has a linkshell on Asura: "FearTheVoid"!
FFXI July Update:

>FF Brave Exvius
Friend Codes:

>Other game information


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Surely Square Enix NA wouldn't do something so deplorable

please god

I claim this thread in the name of the one true goddess. All other waifus are perfectly acceptable

Well they're making you wait to play until 8am, so yes they would.

Threadly reminder that DVD format did nothing wrong.

1st reminder that DVD is the best format.

Reminder that UMD format did nothing wrong.

1st reminder that UMD is best format.

Considering that it has been 4 or 5 months since KHUx release and they still don't have the daily jewel quest and receive half the daily jewels from login while having a more expensive VIP pack that gives less stuff I would say SENA is pretty mercenary in this regard.

Don't expect the best, but again, you shouldn't be wasting money in mobile games anyway.

>you shouldn't be wasting money in mobile games anyway.

Fuck off Jewgle

how long until Mobiuskiller comes out

the game has already become stale and dead

Word is that the Chinese version is just as bad

BE Killer is about to kill itself before it even started

September 30 senpai

requesting crying woljak

Do I go for WoL if I already have Cecil, or should I keep saving up for Lightning?

13th for Iris!

>Do I go for WoL if I already have Cecil
>should I keep saving up for Lightning
hahahaha no



Full Break is more important than his tanking right now, so if you don't have a Vaan might as well try a few pulls, worst case you can get Lenna or Tellah and they are both good.


Anyone that played JP version of Mobius, is there any rerolling, and if so, what's the procedure for it? Anything specific with emails and shit like Exvius, or is it just deleting data and going again?

Supposedly there's an option to wipe your save built into the game, though I hear there's nothing really worth rerollling for at the moment.

Is Wall duration affected by MND?


any list of phones mobius works on?


ahahaha perfect

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

>took disc out of UMD case
>didn't work anymore
umm... lol?

Threadly reminder that you're both a literal and figurative faggot


So are you guys going for the rod or grinding TM/hero rings?

he was a bitch to a bunch of people

Both. I just get 10 hearts a day and go back to grind espers/TMs, I'm using only one craft slot for hero rings so only need to farm megacrysts every three days.

hey it's that guy from xenoblade
he's really feeling it

I'd be okay being gay for the best and most majestic example of masculinity in FF.

A bunch of people that completely deserved it.

This, based Vayne.

Everything he did was for the good of his people and would benefit the others if they weren't so butthurt, prove me wrong.

Rod, it's at least a break from the usual grind for stuff like magicite and rings. I don't mind taking a few days off to focus on the event vortex.

Iris is illecebrous!

using big words to describe her doesn't make her seem any less boring

You're boring.

>He doesn't want to intervolve with the intemerate and illecebrous Iris
I am so sorry, user.

Any tips/things to keep in mind for the anons wanting to venture into mobius?

>prove me wrong
They can't user, if there was an argument anyone too unintelligent to even recognize the worth of the True Hero sure as hell couldn't make it coherently.

What a ded thred.

Is Mobius still not out?

You can download it but not plsy till 8am

Which time zone?

8 AM where? It's already 8 where I live.

>decided to do beginner's choice since I only have 3 good weapons and figured the Lenna staff I could pick would be useful
>get this from my 11
A-at least I combined the armors into something decent

I also only got 1 5star from my other 11, are drop rates really that rough or am I just unlucky?

Each relic has a 13% chance of being 5*. So you're fairly unlucky, but not nearly as unlucky as me. No 5*s in my last NINE 11x pulls.

disregard the retard burger. it's 8 am pdt

No idea, thats all it says when I load the app.


>Rerolled in Exvius a bunch of times when the game first came out
>Played for a while and made a bunch of progress
>Accidentally logged in/out of facebook
>Account data now lost

Whelp, so much for that. It was fun while it lasted. Guess its time to find a new game.

>had a facebook account to reroll with
>didn't link final account to a FB
you only have yourself to blame.


Fuck Mobius isn't working on Nox, anyone try any other emulators?

Is mobius on google play? I can't see it.

there's a guide on Reddit on how to play the Japanese version on emulator. I would assume it works for global too.


Mali-T760 did the trick for me using MEmu

should i buy the motes with greens everytime they are available or am i swimming in them in the future like MC 1?

You'll get tons of 3* motes in the future so you can leavr them but holy shit buy those 4* motes. They're very rare and JP has actually never had them as green rewards.

oh yeah, i bought the four stars already

you'll have tons of motes eventually but unlike level cap breaks, you won't have everybody's 3* nodes filled out so might as well buy them unless you're a filthy casual who doesn't do Cid's Missions where those will come in handy.

My mobius always crashes when updating, no matter the template I use it crashes at around 10% update progress

Is Minifilia and Ida worth using? Are they worth using if I have their BSB/SSB respectively?

>unless you're a filthy casual who doesn't do Cid's Missions where those will come in handy
Or if you're buying the major orbs which are more useful than a couple one-point stat boosts.

Just beat the Melusine Ultimate.

Have to say, Indomitable Blade really carried the show here, even with Celes still being stuck at 65 until her event.

If anyone wants in, I put Indomitable Blade up as my RW for the event. Can't tell if it'll be more useful or less useful to you guys, since basically infinite use on her spellblades was pretty cool, but I figure all you Cid Mission guys might like the RW.

Code is KjpU

Why does it have to be either or, retard? You can easily get both the motes and orbs if you do your dailies

Not an argument.

>2% of currency for an ability you might be bale to buy sometime in the future that you can get from anywhere is more useful than stats that directly make your character better

so you're saying you WANT ME SHOT?

Some people have other things to do and can't grind dailies all day every day, you now. It does have to be either or for most people.

Yeah, that's right. We suddenly ignoring the fact that motes come from events too?

Quick question, is a lvl 1 Tyro as effective of a Wall RW as a lvl 80 one? Does anything other than the SB itself matter?

MND scales status duration.

It's a fixed 25 seconds (on battle speed 3) no matter his stats.
Only effects like Protect and Haste that you're familiar with in other FFs are affected by stats, and in those cases it's extended by a higher MND stat.

Wasn't that only for regular buffs? e.g. Protect, Shell, Haste?
I thought Wall was something else

Only certain events. Whereas you literally get orbs from every dungeon. If you make the genius decision to bypass motes your characters will fall behind.

Dunno. Go with what the other user said and assume it's fixed.

At this point there's so many exceptions I don't even know anymore.

I'm pretty sure the Protect/Shell on Tyro's BSB also actually goes away if the Magic Blink it gives is consumed.

Shit is weird and/or buggy.

Tyro Walls certainly always felt shorter than Y'shtola Walls to me but who knows.

>If you make the genius decision to bypass motes your characters will fall behind
Only if you obsessively boost up every character like some autist. If people go on about how top-tier SBs aren't needed for CMs, what makes you think those tiny boosts from Record Spheres are?

There's more than enough time to get greens for the motes and orbs while also doing other shit before the rewards expire.
>We suddenly ignoring the fact that motes come from events too?
And major orbs don't? for a person with good hones motes are arguably more valuable than a couple of major orbs every few weeks. Hell, depending on the orb type I've opted to get growth eggs over orbs because of Cid's Missions since I have plenty of hones but not a lot of levels for some realms. Motes are also limited whereas there's no hard cap on how many orbs you can get.
Only for some buffs retard. Wall has a static duration.

Boobs, midriff, or hips?

>Celes stuck at 65 until her event

That's a long wait, and for nothing because her MC2 was back in the Relm event.

Why not use a MC2 lode on her instead?


why not all three

10% extra damage +stats and ability usage is hardly tiny. And there currently isn't enough motes available to max out a single character, let alone all of them.


>10% extra damage +stats and ability usage is hardly tiny
We're talking about 3* motes here, genius. The boosts that are actually decent come from 4* motes, and they're rare enough that you won't be using them on many characters.

Tifa has all three, we've been over this.

Mostly because she's really not main team worthy until she gets her Knight 5 upgrade. I've got Lightning with BSB as my spellblade who ain't leaving, and another Spellblade with nothing else to show for herself isn't worth replacing any of the other people covering important abilities. I don't know what's up with the Combat 3 meme they slapped a lot of characters with (or hell, some even lack Combat completely for no reason, like Freya) but it needs to stop. Same with Knight 3 for a lot of guys, like Jecht.

You can't use 4 star motes until you've maxed out your 3-star levels.

The boosts in character advancement for 3-star motes are also still larger than a major orb, which are more readily available and abundant. So your argument doesn't work in any instance.

final fantasy mobius?

is it as faggy as it looks? Is this a fun game to get into? on a scale of 1-10 how addicting is the game? Is it explorable and comfy? Can you customize or get deep customization? Is this game something to play while waiting for your colonoscopy or is it a type of game that you would sink in to and enjoy sitting down on a bench outside while on pain killers or mild stimulants and drinking coffee and then to a restaurant bar eating a nice steak and drinking?

It's almost time!

yes, no, 5, no, yes, no, no, no

He's right, you know...

>and another Spellblade with nothing else to show for herself
Except a really nice SSB that you have. I can't really think of a better reason to use an MC2 lode.

>You can't use 4 star motes until you've maxed out your 3-star levels
Yeah, no shit. And they're significantly more common than 4* motes so you would have already maxed the guy out on 3*s that you want to use the 4* motes on unless you're a complete idiot.

>The boosts in character advancement for 3-star motes are also still larger than a major orb, which are more readily available and abundant
Major orbs may be pretty common at high levels, but you need a shitload of them. You always need hones and they benefit pretty much any party you use at any time, but spending greens on 3* motes for characters you'll use for a Cid Mission or two is NOT more valuable. It becomes less valuable the instant that your A-team gets maxed out on them.

7-8 JP version
No and yes
Play it as dualtasking