He wants to have sex in his car

>he wants to have sex in his car
>mfw when


How do you let yourself get to that level

ur fatass won't even fit

>3d women

Man that is just sad, get outside some bud

>1.34 miles into cruise and chill and she makes this face

>mfw when
>my face when when

>being heterosexual
Ew, gross.

He's right tho.

He's right

He is right.

>same fagging this hard
I really do feel sorry for you

He is right, though.

>same fagging this hard


who's she? she's fucking hot

Didn't really have a choice when I was 16 and horny

That's because she's out of her tank...

P.s. I'd fuck it

> tfw Once nerds start having virtual babies with their virtual wives they'll actually be able to drive them around as their self driving car's AI.
Fucking kill me now

>tfw my nephews roomate said he was getting married on final fantasy
>tfw he has no car, let alone license or even a permit

>gf tries to get frisky in car
>wants to do it in backseat like movies
Turns out the best way to fuck in cars is to recline the passenger seat.
Who knew?

It's an actual in game function, gives you stuff for doing it so nearly everyone does.

Not samefagging
What's one thing a woman offers that isn't sex or (maybe) doing chores and cooking that you can't get with your mates

>getting rekt by quint 5s

I haven't played FF since VII, just sounded really nerdy IMO.


>2 seconds in paint
>selection + fill

Either way you're pathetic

The unlucky cunt that draws the short straw for that is gonna need a ute



He's right.

>tfw I thought you were old then read and realize you're probably about my age and just stopped playing video games when you became an adult

Whats the smallest car someone could fuck in?

Depends on how small the people are. Twingo is very small but seems to have a lot of fuckspace inside though. I'm 6'6 and could probably fuck in it.

>not being part of the wagon master race
Gee whiz I sure hope you hooligans refrain from living like this

>ITT guys who can't get a girl and make up excuses


Rebel Wilson, Australian comedienne

no u

Would you fuck Rebel Wilson in the back of your shitbox?


You an '80s baby too?

>tfw drove a Buick Roadmaster wagon in highschool
>spacious and comfy as fuck inside
>Could tell all the guys it has a Corvette engine