Truckerfag Thread

"We all Roehl Now" Edition

Previous Thread
CR England, Swift, JB Hunt, CRST and Schneider will train you for free, and guarantee you a job in six weeks.
>wut sum gud cumpnees?
Not CR England, Swift, JB Hunt, CRST or Schneider
>I could totally go to school but I'd rather be a trucker.
Live the dream, user.
>truckers are fat underpaid slave labor cucks automatically at fault for everything targetted by cops for easy revenue hated by all other drivers clog up the roads with their hulking death machines and also superior nations have different regulations
>EF a SupahTruckah
>Whiney is that goofy nephew you are proud of for finally holding down a job
>Gundam gettin a new truck
>Tfag claims he makes millions
I'm sure I'm missing a few

Other urls found in this thread:

>Pepsi can't use a camera
Sorry guise

beverage truck driver barely counts as a truck driver job

How is hogan?

I asked this in another thread but didn't get much input, have you guys looked into being a UPS/Fedex driver or working for a uniform company like Aramark? I know some of these guys that come into my shop and they make a lot of money with insane benefits, seems like a good way to go if you can tolerate driving a truck around all day

>Tfag claims he makes millions
More like
>Tfag claims he makes billions

Former neet now loose on the road. Driving for ITLO

School me on lot lizzards. My run will be saint louis to Brantford Ontario moving soap

I always say I'm not a trucker, but I do drive trucks.

I guarantee I will weave a trailer around city streets better than most OTR drivers though.

I deliver to an Aramark vending place. And we get our uniforms from them too. No idea what those dudes make.

I was just fishing at this lake behind some warehouses and some Jamaican owner-op flatbedder was cleaning out his truck and getting ready to set off. I was talking to him for awhile asking about companies and stuff. He did Budweiser for 3 years, and then did OTR for UPS for awhile. He said they are all team drivers and he just stacked money doing that until he could buy his Freightshaker.

He always drives at night ever since UPS. He said the main guy hated driving at night so he got used to it and now racks up the miles while nobody else is on the road.

Not trying to start a fight, but somebody from another board said he always sees Tfag somewhere else and he is full of bullshit when it comes to what he makes. Not going to lie, some of the numbers don't add up.


For what purpose?


>bcuz i can?
driver training/testing maybe?

I drive an F350 delivering shit, am I technically a trucker? Pic somewhat related, only too clean and no liftgate

I talk with a lot of aramark guys. It's always the same thing; I love my job, we're Union, good benefits.

I have a comfy job myself, but I've considered looking into it.

Do you sleep in the cab?

I sleep at home in my bed (or couch) so I'm not a trucker. Among other reasons...

Funny you say that. It has a rather comfortable bench seat, and there's been at least 4 times where I've been 3 hours from home and said 'fuck it, I'm sleeping here.' Tuck the seat belt latches away and you're good.

But no, I get your point.

I have fallen asleep in my truck once or twice. The one time I really went out, the alternator in my truck died and I had to wait like 2hrs for new batteries. Woke up to the mechanic working on the battery box right next to the driver door.

My 350 doesn't have half the gauges yours does

That's just the T800s, the ProStars have a 1998 Dodge Caravan dashboard. Such shitty trucks.

And while I do love all the gauges in the Kenworth, most of them are basically useless. Differential temps and shit. Could just be replaced by a warning light.

Let's go fags u all like impersonating me. Try living the super trucker live once in a while. Notice my unmistakable shitty sleeve

No. You are a glorified ute courier.

any of you truck fags ever stolen any shit from your deliveries?

>Tool poster

Not gonna totally hate on them, just hating on people who wear Tool shirts or have Tool posters on their wall.

Not stolen, but I get lotsa free stuff.

Nice cuckshed. Did she give you a pity fuck?

I work for FedEx Express. UPS drivers make way more thanks to having a union, but I think we have a somewhat lighter workload

I deliver and install restaurant equipment, so I'll scrap some stuff the boss doesn't know about. I only make an extra 100-150 a month from it though.

Idk, dude. I was getting impersonated on a daily basis for a while on other boards. My numbers are a bit fast and loose, but nowhere near what EF makes. A cozy $110k or so after expenses and taxes is right about where I've been at the last few years. I'll break $1M lifetime gross this year, but that's my only claim to millions.

Maybe your prostate.

simulating =/= stimulating
>inb4 spelling nazi

Kek. Starting orientation Monday. One day we're all Roehl.

I love Tool and all, but this 3dpd shit posting needs to stop.

I also can't argue with my subtitle on the OP.

which sanshou would you sanyou?

Probably a stupid question but how are you supposed to carry your medical card when it's this size? I know some are foldable to credit card size but the place I went to gave me a 6x8 sheet

My old one was credit card sized so I just laminated it and put it in my wallet. The new one is 8.5x11 and I keep it in my backpack that rides with me.

State has everything on record so I'm sure it wouldn't be an issue if I didn't have it in the truck.

>how do I get my drivers to stop tailgating?

2 minutes is a long-ass time to be under 2-seconds following distance. When they give excuses, point that out to them.

If they won't change their behavior, fire them and hire drivers who will listen. You get these old-ass dudes who dropped out of school in 9th grade, who think that since they've been doing the same thing for 20 years, it must obviously be the right thing. If they were so fucking good at trucking, they'd have their own trucks by now.
You see these losers in every industry. They're dead weight. Get rid of them.

But of course, who am I fucking kidding, you have no authority to fire anyone. You're probably just supposed to wave some middle-manager magic wand and make the shitheads they gave you to into little angels. I would start documenting in an unobtrusive way on the "reports" something like "driver unreceptive to coaching" or "driver has been previously coached on this topic" - just slip it in somewhere without drawing attention to it. Also, use whatever scheduling/dispatching powers you have to limit road time of your worst offenders. Do both of those things, and best case scenario, you cut into their pay enough that they leave the company on their own. Worst case scenario, the documentation will cover your ass when the inevitable disaster happens.

>the "lets get user killed" thread on Veeky Forums

> A fired Texas trucking company worker bent on revenge returned to the office Wednesday and fatally shot a supervisor with a shotgun before he killed himself.

>"You ruined my life," the worker yelled as he opened fire, Ryan Sullivan, a spokesman for the Harris County Sheriff's Department, told NBC News.

I mean sure why not, what's the worst that could happen?

Gubs are not allowed at our work place. So your wrong.

The signs protect us.

Roehl has one. They create scenarios to drive through and throw in a bunch of shit to make sure you aren't retarded - example: roll through a construction detour, tight space, lots of moving equipment, then at the end, the intersection you're on has only one valid turn because the other two have 10-ton weight limit signs. Both the other dudes in the room with me missed the signs lol.
Good luck mango. I'll still be around for the driving with a trainer this week, at least for a few days. My name's Landon if you run into our group. I'll probably be wearing a Nintendo shirt Monday.
I keep the long form in a folder that I keep in the truck. It doesn't have to be on your person at all times, just in the truck when you're driving.
Roehl went ahead and did our medical cards since we had to do a physical assessment and drug test anyway, but this clinic doesn't make the small card. Lame.
They were talking about this earlier in the week. One guy said the company he worked for kept dispatch in another state and drivers didn't know the address. Crazy shit.

>small card
The place Pepsi sends us used to give it to us on a ~3"x5" card so you could still fit it in your wallet folded up. But when I did mine a couple years ago, it was an envelope full of stuff and the main card was a full 8.5"x11". They said something about DOT laws changing but not sure if that is true.

I miss the credit card sized one I got from the chiropractor when I did it on my own. Plus it was way easier than the place Pepsi sends us to. $60 and 5min (blood pressure and vision pretty much) and you're done. Pepsi does Concentra so if you go there at the wrong time of day, it's a 3hr+ ordeal with a full physical and urine test n everything. They probably bill Pepsi like $400 for it too.

From what I saw at Werner and gordo they either keep them behind bullet proof glass or scatter them to the 4 winds to ensure you can never find the asshole who's pissing you off
>got eye strain so bad yesterday Litterally could not look at light of any kind without throwing up
>dispatch surprisingly ok with me stopping early
>turns out no one told anyone else the situation
Ah there we go I was wondering how I'd be blamed for this.
>Apparently lowes only provides one security guard for check ins
>get stuck at a gate for an hour while he has to sign in 250 people.
Welp so much for the pre plans.

>no where near what EF makes.
Ohhhhh please. Im not too far from that either except I run hard for the truck payment. I don't even got my own trailer yet. But I'm looking to build a Fontaine revolution before the end of the year.

Better drink a shit ton of water boys defiantly was a drug fueled weekend

How many of you fans have a cb and yell obscenities all day?

Do you shave your legs?

>boss was late today
>makes me go sign for the freight we're going to unload when she gets to work
>have to wake up driver
>takes two minutes of hard knocking to get him out of bed
>foggy and spooky as shit
>driver gets up
>opens door
>turns to face me, hand me bill and make small talk
>front of boxers are wide open
>he notices
>makes shitty joke about me using as a pen to sign the papers

pretty much all that happened because she showed up right as he was saying it

I sleep naked.
If you wake me up unexpectedly you're getting an eyefull of roll upon roll of black hair and white flab.

This is trucker fag thread - it's a bare minimum requirement to call yourself a trucker.

Can you tell us how much the payment is?

Gotta suck bank managers cock twice a week and give him $100 each time too.

Completed cargo securement training. One babby step closer to flatbedding.

I had a feeling today was going to be a bad day.

Do whut nao. Whiney is this seriously your fault? Side note anyone seen the video of the Swift driver refusing to cooperate with customs at a checkpoint near the US-Mexico border and getting removed and arrested?

Is that a trashforce?

Wait a minute you're supposed to be pulling Central trailers.

That's me

No, I pull a variety of reefer trailers. Mainly Central but I do get Swift.

Sheeit son how'd you do this? Didn't give yourself enough room for a left turn?

I gave myself all the room the road had to offer but left side slid into the ditch.

Wrecker is on his way, not sure how badly my CSA score will go up but it's all good. I drive for Swift, after all :^)

>For what purpose?

Simulating things that are too expensive or dangerous to do with a real truck or situations that can involve collisions with people or other vehicles. It's easy enough to set the difficulty level for the simulator to be easier than the real life case. So if you cannot pass the entry level simulator practicum, you aren't going to move on to using the real truck in driver training. There's no point in you wrecking a real truck if the easier to drive simulator already weeds you out as being unable to drive a truck.

I'm sure it won't ruin you. All you've done is piss some folks off.


It's not a busy street, only one person has asked me what happened and even then she was nice about it.

Yeah you'll be fine.


Here have a few (You)'s to make you feel better senpai

Thanks senpai, and I'm out. Only managed to damage a tire in the process.

And now Whiney is a certified Swift driver

>today was going to be a bad day

Every day you wake up is a bad day.

I think he became one when he hit the bimmer. He only now needs to hit a bridge and he will be fast tracked to a swift veteran's progran

And it only took a year.

You're not wrong. I've already accepted I will be a weeb wage slave until I die.

I know you're going through something whiney but I took this picture just for you..

hi pepsifag

places to train for class b cdl in southern california?

>places to train for class b cdl
Why would you do that to yourself and limit yourself to earning less than TOP $20 an hour?
Go full A

You have the shittiest tier waifu, from a shitty weeb game none the less. I bet you don't even watch anime you fucking casual.

You poor soul.

If I had to go full weeb and claim a waifu, I have only one valid choice.

Whoops wrong one

Go full weeb already, you'll be worse at your job and never get laid. It's great!


Should of just backed up ya goof did you even try faggot

Welp, quads confirm it, moot wills it.

Also dem dubble dubs.

Woah, what did I miss?

At least that's probably only a few hundred $$ worth of damage.

What up fampai

Not looking for a career, just something to pay the bills while I work from mom and pa's whilst pursuing entrepreneurial ventures
plus looking to get hazmat certified so I become more specialized/special snowflakey

Nah literally just get your CDL A, even if you're just going to get a class B job. No reason not to, unless the cost of a class B is SIGNIFICANTLY less in your area.

No real companies will want to hire you with a Class B unless you specifically want to just drive busses or possibly for a shitty trash company.

Example- Pepsi has Class B vending truck but will only hire people with a Class A for that shitty job.

What do you even have to do for the Class B? I don't think it's the full coarse. Just take the permit test on your own and find somebody with a bus or straight truck who will let you drive a little and take the test in their truck for

The kid cant back a trailer let plebs be plebs

Thats initially why Im looking into class B because im unaware of the time/money investment to get class A. Really I have no idea at all what im getting into, as im just a college dropout that is looking to make more than minimum wage and where I live theres tons of ads for class A/B drivers with hazmat certs.
Any tips on getting into the industry? any advice will do

Rain all day tomorrow that means no work fuck yeah

Yeah, not too bad in retrospect and the guy said I'm probably the 50th or so truck to get stuck there.

whiney pls
I bet my waifu could drive a truck better than you

You'll want class A then, no one hauls hazmat in a box truck get tanker too.
There's a road masters in fontAna but you are better off googling cdl schools near your zip code or checking truckers report
Gdi whiney, not cause of the trailer but cause you keep insulting other people's waifus, that is not the way! It creates bad karma (and as a swift driver you don't need help with this)

how do you know I live in fontana

on a scale of 1 to 10, how lucky is this guy on the tappan zee bridge

yes, this happened on friday the 13th

Will it be a garbage truck? Because that's the only place trash should be.

He doesn't. Lots of big truck companies have offices in Fontana. Therefore independent trucking school are also stationed there. Fontana is a big hub for trucking in SoCal. Like Stockton in central valley.

Because fontana IS southern California if you aren't saying LA or San Bernardino it's implied fontana. But really,
avoid road masters it's too expensive to be sat in a werner lot for 2 months.
This is the reason I still mumble "checking muh mirrs" when i turn too. They gonna make you pay for the tow? Or was it a swift lot?

alternatives to roadmasters around fontana?

You'd have to Google it,I did my classes in washington.

Advice? Do your research and find a good school in your area - if it's more expensive but the teaching is better, it's worth the expense. Also be applying for these jobs while training. Hell you could be applying now and calling and asking if they can assist you with getting a CDL. Lots of places are happy to hire nubs.
That's some Final Destination shit right there.

I don't think so, the other driver I met that works for this account got his trailer stuck on a cement post and they never charged him for the wrecker.