/msc/ - My Summer Car #5

AKA Finland Simulator

Completing the car should be a requirement for posting on this board.

The Trailer: youtu.be/rIZ3zs26RDQ


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Fuck, I posted the wrong video in the OP


Nah, it is the right video.

The one in the OP is a shortened re-upload of the actual video from the creator. It's only 8 mins opposed to 50.

The adjust valves aren't clicking for me? I screwed a few of them up and went way more down / up than I should've but that shouldn't actually matter because there's only 18 settings right? But even the ones I've done the proper 18 down then 7 up with don't click at all. What's going on?

Car is now running, gonna get the body work on and then attempt to find the shop.

Also I'm full of piss.

Do you mean the adjustment nuts or the valves themselves? The valves aren't supposed to click, that noise comes from the pistons hitting the valves. The nuts don't click either. They also spin infinitely. I'm not sure about the whole 18 setting thing, someone posted it in the thread so I copied it into the guide. Your best bet is to just go by trial and error and rev it with the throttle linkage until you can get it to bounce off the rev limiter.

sorry I did mean nuts but I suppose trial and error it is

My car keeps overheating on the highway. do i need to make it more lean or rich?

Idle Adjust Screw on the carb.

I've just spent like an hour trying to figure out how to do anything. With all those actions to execute and those clunky controls it's like trying to learn to use your own hands. All I've managed so far is drive to the store and back to buy sausage and peer, drink peer, piss behind the house and move some parts around.

>car runs well
>did redline test, no fire
>huh, the oil light is on
>forgot to put oil in
>car somehow didn't explode

Well to be honest, we are playing a build that was never meant to be played by more than 6 people and was leaked, so it's going to be clunky.

Why wont my game start at all? I just downloaded the zip and everytime I get to the loading screen after you make the license it crashes. Any ideas?

>Idle Adjust Screw on the carb.
yeah but richer or leaner?

Man i feel like such a pro, my car works great and this game actually feels like second nature by now. im about to hit 200 km on the odometer

My guess is it's lean, it would be backfiring and have a lot of exhaust if it were rich.

fuel filter bolts to where?

Next to the coil. It took me like 5 minutes to get the fucker lined up just right to go in.

Passenger side of the engine bay.

>finally get car started
>muh rally car stage
>oh shit no brakes
>reset vehicle
>drive a little further
>wheel, brake, spindle falls off
>careen into the woods
10/10 game

>My guess is it's lean, it would be backfiring and have a lot of exhaust if it were rich.
I had it to the point where it smoked and then one tick back. it just heats up and then starts smoking again and running rough. i then tried +15 lean and it still overheats and starts smoking.

got a pic? mother fucker is not playing nice

nevermind got the fucker

i found it to be 3/4 filled with oil. will test drive again.

My handbrake works but the regular brakes don't. I have filled it up with brake fluid and tightened all the bolts, it still doesn't brake when I press the brake pedal. Any ideas?

seems to be fixed now. will make the fuel mixture back to how it was and test again

i wonder if the current savegame will work on the release.

nvm i didnt have any fluid.

Op from the very first thread here, it feels gud that more people know about this now.

where do the electrics go?

So I finally got the car running well, everything working. Naturally, I shifted into 1st at 80kmh and the engine shat out all the bearings and blew out one piston.
Good thing I was already drunk and simultaneously pissing myself.

Like literally I couldn't stop laughing from that video

nvm sorry got it, thought they went on the chassis

radiator hose 1 where guys ?

This game and these posts are beautiful.

Multiplayer when?

ids habbenig!!!

placing bets on turn key result...

Fucking thing wont run, it says "should be data folder next to the executable."

it is indeed in there with the folder. what gives? Running Win 7

It catches on fire and all your work will be for nothing.

turns over but won't fire. ideas anyone?

Did you remember to fill up the gas tank? Also are all fuel bits and pieces installed and properly connected? The fuel line has a fuckton of bolts you need to tighten

gauge is showing half a tank when the ignition comes on, will go on a bolt hunt.

Waited long with downloading this, time to get into it.

let me know where you installed it to, I cant get it to run

Just extracted the folder to my disk and clicked the .exe.

I did the same but it doesnt seem to see the data folder. What are the requirements for this game?

My toaster plays it fine with 2.6ghz cpu and 512mb video card.

I also just extracted it and clicked the .exe.

I'm playing it on Windows, I didn't extract it to my desktop but a seperate partition I have for games. But I doubt it makes a big difference.

Does it give you an error message?

I put mine in a games directory on C:\

>Data Folder Not Found
>There should be 'My Summer Car_Data'
>folder next to the executable

except the folder is right fucking there

pic related

Went peer shopping. Turns out the van can hold a fuckton of peer (stopped counting around 100, added a couple more crates and there still was room for at least ten more (including the cabin).

Van struggles with the load though. Might have reached 50 km/h downhill at best and suspension was dying, wobbly as fuck.


Nevertheless I managed to do a barrel roll. Underwater.

Recovery of the peers was painful.

I don't know what to suggest, mines set up the same way but it works.

apparently renaming the folder or the .exe will break it.

hmm. show me your data folder.


im missing resources, level0, and maindata.

checked my zip file, looks like they didnt extract for some reson. this has been remedied and the launcher popped up. gonna try to start it now.

it works!

...oh god where do i start im just a lube monkey

where the hell does the second radiator pipe go?

1 is the upper hose, 2 goes around the back of the engine (heater hose?), 3 is the lower hose.

>pick up gas canister
>press backspace and type shop
>press enter and spawn at shop
>fill gas and drop it under the road
>exit the game and you'll find the can inside the pit

I tried to spawn back to the house but no luck

Losing my shit, this is hilarious.

2 and 3 get joined together, you have to put 2 on first, it attaches near the water pump.

Pull the choke out

You don't have to, I always put 3 on from the radiator first.

>cheap wacom tablet is missing
>don't feel like doing anything super intricate
Have a map you cunts. Haven't gone to the left yet, I was just happy to get to the store and back.

Where is the lake on this map?

Are there any brake line fittings on the rear brakes?
The fluid leaks out because the save file says I have 4 bolts that aren't tight. I got the ones at the front wheels, the master cylinder and the prop valve on firewall, but couldn't see any toward the rear of the car.

If you go to the left you come to a bunch of t intersections. I made it to the shop by taking all left turns but it took what felt like 15 mins or more.

Yeah missed those too, go under the car, they're over the handbrake lines

sorry, checked again, between the trail arm bolts, if you bend over near the wheel you can see them.
Also two crates of peer and the bottle of booze will send you into a come, woke up near the antenna

You're not welcome here, git out.

That map is shit. Lemme make one real quick.

Here's my drunken rendition of the map from memory. Never been to the dragstrip or rally course so Idk where they are.

Wow, somehow you managed to make it look even worse.

I tried. It makes sense to me at least.

The two things I tried to convey with this map are:
1. The highway is circular, and
2. The quickest route to the highway and the store is to head right from your house, take a left, then take a right down a grassy shortcut to the highway.

are there any other games like this? putting together and taking apart cars
one I know of is world of guns, but you have to pay for the cars

Car Mechanic Simulator

street legal racing redline

bootlid keeps falling off and doing this to my rear

>drive to the shop to deliver envelope
>it has fallen out of my car at some point

i probably know when too, since i flew off the road and into a mound, almost tipping my car over. however, my car doesnt have a windshield so i presume it flew out through the gaping hole in the front

>flying down a new road i havent been down at around 100km/h
>slam the brakes but its too late
>land in that ditch
>10 minutes and an overheated engine later, i got out, but barely

goddamn what a magnificent game

>rocking between reverse and 2nd gear to climb out

how do I use the forklift?

page up and down

thanks guy

fuck desu

>get it running
>no major fuckups
>won't fucking move
Fuck it, I'm out until he actually starts selling the game.

its your fault its not moving though, i had the same issue but in the end i was careless when assembling shit, same goes for my perpetual lack of brakes

Where's the motor mounts peeps?

nvm, figured it out

Can someone help me with lifting this damn car up off the ground?

scissor jack under front of frame and floor jack at the base of the rear bumper

Nope I can't get it, the guide says to lower the engine until the screws appear, I'm ussing the 11m wrench is it a different wrench?

How do I get my car over the pit when it isnt running? I heard you can use the floor jack but I cant figure out how

Its easier just to install everything using the floor jack outside the garage. You only need the header for the engine to run.

>put on steering wheel
>it disappears

How do I undrink the peer?