So it's obvious no one around here actually likes cars

Why do you hate cars then?

Tell me why I don't like cars, because I thought I did

The miata is pushed too much here, and by extension RWD. Nobody here knows anything and just spew the same opinions as Jalopnik while pretending its fact.
It gets obnoxious to the point where I can empathize with the fwd fastestlaps posters

There seems to be two types of car guys

The first type is interested in mechanics and automotive engineering, probably has experience with both, and can acknowledge the existence of automobiles ranging from the Hyundai Accent to the McClaren P1, etc.

The other types are "car guys" who actually only care about racing cars. They may or may not have actual mechanical knowledge or experience past memorizing the 0-60 times of the fastest production cars. They talk about "real cars" and insist that only cars built for motorsport are "real cars". They're the equivalent of sports "fans" who only like football and basketball and think every other sport is gay or boring.

boring, slow, uncomfortable, expensive, shit culture


What about those of us who like everything?
I like shitboxes, hypercars, racing cars, motorcycles, farming/construction equipment, vintage cars....
As for motorsports GT, Nascar, Drag, Aussie V8, LMP, F1, Indycar...

Nobody but shitposters think RWD = godmachine. The benefits of RWD or AWD in cars compared to FWD for most uses have been repeatedly discussed. The Miata is pushed because it's cheap, light, well balanced, has a huge aftermarket, and has very nice suspension design.
My brother of dark skin

Contrary to popular opinion in my circle, I don't like cars, I just like Jeeps. I just happen to be pretty good at working on cars, and smart enough to figure shit out, doesn't mean I like doing it, especially when I'm not getting paid.

I like cars in general tbqh

shitposting is just more fun

I know the feel, kinda. I found out I'm really good at wiring. A master electrician told me I'm the best he's ever scene. The thing is, I don't like wiring or electronics in general.

Leave and never come back. Also strongly consider hanging yourself.

>Leave and never come back.

I will when the board gets boring to the point of 0 chance of entertainment

I do like cars. I just hate new cars and way everything is headed.

So years and years ago? You either respond to yourself, another shitposter who doesn't mean what he says responds to you, a troll pretending to be mad responds, which could also just be you samefagging, or people respond telling you to fuck off because you've done nothing but derail a thread.

fun is subjective ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

stop being a boring twat who takes Veeky Forums seriously

Go to a shitposting board, hobby boards are not meant to be garbage. You'll even get more responses because they're more heavily populated.

but you see

cars are my favorite thing to talk about, so Id rather do it here

I stay on topic my hot opinions just trigger people

You don't like talking about cars, you like getting replies. Shoo.


otherwise Id go to the other boards I browse and do the same things

Because i can

Veeky Forums is an automotive board on the website Veeky Forums, this should be enough to answer why this board is such shit. It's not a place for serious discussion, it's a place for car related memes.

>what is GR3

found the guy that posts the yellow faces

You see, it's the same problem pretty much on every board.
People are interested in the theme of a particular board but are also immensely bored and/or their knowledge about the topic is insufficient to contribute to discussions. This makes them shitpost because it's cruise control for getting a reaction out of the others with very low effort.

Again, the funny thing is that they usually do it in boards they're actually interested in so it's like they shit and piss into their favorite food and still enjoy eating it without realizing that the more people do exactly this, one day the food will be nothing but piss and shit

Veeky Forums is the worst of the boards I browse without my help

there arent even many opportunities to "contribute" to this shithole at this point Id rather see how bad it can get than try to salvage it


Im just one of the stance posters I dont even make threads

Then why do they not bother to research a bit or learn? We all started somewhere. I took a damn ASE mechanics' course in highschool FFS. Anybody can learn about how a car works. What's good here is an aggregation of different types of car owners, and blunt, unfiltered pros/cons of cars. You can google all kinds of things related to a car prior to buying it, but chances are the best advice for a certain kind of car can come from here, what years to avoid, common fixes, recommended upgrades, etc, unless it's really, really common and old.

So then you aren't a shitposter, since you don't post golden meme faces or memestlaps images, etc.

You just have shit taste. Wait, I guess the "cringe" stuff is a troll, or do you genuinely belive that too?

>Then why do they not bother to research a bit or learn?
You're dealing here with a generation with an attention span of a fruit fly.
Most of the oldfags fucked off and oldfags who shitpost are beyond any help anyway but I doubt there's a significant number of those around.
I bet there's even a huge number of users around who are not even "allowed" to be here yet

of course I honestly believe most of you stance haters are autistic cringelords

>tfw GS400guy was one of the few people who actually gave me helpful advice on here

sure it was about spacers but w/e

I help out when I can about what I know, but i like I said shitposting/intentionally derailing is more fun

But I am of that same generation. I'm willing to bet I'm younger than most posters here who aren't underageb&.

Then you're probably just one of those people who're just actually interested in this shit.
Among a sea of shitposters, you're something like a normie now. Congrats.

According to the /r9k/ test I'm a cyborg, trapped between a robot and a normie, a fate almost worse than a robot

You're like car guy #1

I said that he acknowledges the existence of all cars, and that's almost like saying he likes all cars. Not everyone is, and I get that. But having informed opinions about automobiles based on experience and knowledge, and having personal opinions about individual cars based on that knowledge, is one thing. Blindly loving or hating vehicles based on whether or not it has RWD, two doors and a manual is just silly. Though I'm fully aware that not everyone here is serious about that.