Millennials hate driving

Why do millennials hate driving and against owning cars?

I'm 20 and many of my friends and classmates don't even have a learners permit yet. A lot of them don't even see a need to own one or learn how to drive and I've been ridiculed for having an interest in them and owning 2 shitboxes that I work on.

What gives?

Same, I'm 19 taking auto tech classes at a community college (for the ASE certs) and work at a walmart TLE. I'm the youngest at both places by far. Most of my friends think I'm weird and stupid for owning two cars and funneling most of my paychecks into both of them.

most people have no interest in cars. millenials are just in a position where they dont need a car for work yet because lolnojob

your average person thinks their car is an appliance and sees no difference between having a car and ubering

All of my friends like cars.

Get better friends faggot.

how do i find people who like them

Not saying that this pertains to you, but it seems that most millies abhor the prospect of responsibility and having to take any upon themselves. Cars are a huge commitment. Plus most seem to want to be perpetual children with no desire to leave home or grow the fuck up. So as long as mommy and daddy will drive them to the con so that they can rock their cosplay, they will be content in not owning a vehicle.

its responsibility, they are hiding from it

Because the ADD generation values instant self gratification and empty "popularity" on "social media" among peers too much to be bothered putting down the appledroid ismartdevice for 5 minutes to do something productive or challenging. Anything not piss-easy and inclusive to all "underprivileged individuals" is dangerous to the fragile millenial psyche, so working on cars and enjoying racing is taboo. Plus, it's the archetypal 20th century masculine trait to want a car and the freedom of self-transport, and anything historically masculine is problematic.

Also, muh environment.

But honestly, if you look in the right circles, there are millenial car enthusiasts too, I have met them and helped some out who are just starting in the hobby.

IDK I still hang out with my friends from elementary school and they all just grew up liking what I do; cars and jeeps/land cruisers, guns, mountain biking, skiing, etc.

So find a group of friends like me.

because driving is a boring chore

caring about millennials

Most of them assume that if you want a car it'll cost five digits, and they don't want more debt on top of student loans. Also being raised by the helicopter parent generation, many have no clue how to take care of their own car (let alone themselves) and thus are scared to try to get something cheaper off Craigslist.

It depends on where you live, where I grew up you had to have a car to get anywhere. I got my licence when I was 15 and have driven ever since. I own only one car at the moment due to space but am going to get a project here soon.

>Muh penis compensators
Kek masculinity so fragile

Millennials don't see driving as a hobby or a form of escapism since we have
>video games
>social media
>the internet in general
all easily available and for next to nothing.

"Normies" spend too much on clothes and alcohol so they think driving is expensive. Anti-social people don't want to do anything where they can fail and most see cars as more stress than they want in their lives. The people ARE into cars keep to themselves since they either can't afford insurance for a car they would be proud of or have no friends/community to share their love of driving with.

It's described to them as a chore, and having fun cars is condemned by poorfags who bellow about compensation while jacking off to leased entry level luxury cars.

Lol at this faggotry. I'm 20 and everyone I know drives a car unless they're some college freshman without one.

>Most of my friends think I'm weird and stupid for owning two cars and funneling most of my paychecks into both of them.
They are right that is pretty stupid.

After having spent 3 years teaching and selling to millennials I will try and sum up the biggest problems with them as a generation:

-Helicopter parents resulting in little to no understanding of how to function as an adult in the real world

-Coming from parents will little to no practical skills means they have no idea how to buy or maintain a shit box, and most were pulled in to /g/ or /v/ related hobbies

-Complete lack of any real perspective on the world due to being consumer by social media

-Metric fuck loads of them who have worthless degrees and thus stagger around with 40K in loan debt for their women and gender's studies/philosophy/history/art degree

-Boomer level sense of entitlement (born from the complete lack of practical skills, real world perspective, and useless degrees)

A: Cars, even beaters, are expensive and the recent economic issues have young people paying a little more attention to their wallets.

B: Do you live in an urban area? Cars are often just not necessary to daily life in such places.

C: Commuting and any driving in traffic sucks donkey dick. It's just time out of your life. You can't do much except sit there, listen to some music and wait to get to your destination. There's pretty much no connection between enjoying spirited driving and how you feel about daily driving where there are other people.

Everyone I know who's actually into cars is from a rural or semi-rural area where they had to drive to get anywhere and there were places to have fun with it. If you grow up elsewhere it makes perfect sense to have other priorities.

Your friends are right. You're selling time out of your young life to buy shit for a pair of cars. Think about that.

Oh look here come the internet hardasses. There's an economic explanation for trends like this besides your superiority complex.

Cars are about as important as a means for travel as they've always been, they're just weakening as a status symbol for teenagers/young adults. Probably because a large degree of independence that they used to only get with a car is afforded to them a lot earlier on with access to smartphones/the internet.

Will probably see this trend continue as self-driving cars become a reality and ridesharing gets even bigger.

This has to be copypasta from one of those "I hate millennials" facebook pages for grumpy boomers, gen x-ers and self-loathing "tfw born in the wrong generation" millennials.

I'm 20 and a lot of my friends either:

A: own a car because they need it to drive to school, work, etc, but don't see it as any more than transportation

B: like their car and are convinced it's cool, but don't realize that they don't drive anything more than a base model econobox

Or C: don't drive because their older sibling is their taxi

>tfw pretended to nocar for three years as to never be designated driver

I'm 18, still no license yet. I'm holding off until I become a Texas resident to do so. I'm trying to save my parents the insurance money.

We're supposed to be getting nearly $100k come August from inheritance, and they're going to use part of that to buy me a first car. All my friends love driving, half of them own anything from FiSTs to M4s.

I'm probably just going to get an LS430 and save my parents the cash.

Every girl I talk to hates driving.
Also never had a girlfriend.

well, it's a good thing kinda.

less idiots on the road, less traffic

and its a sign that public transport is doing well.

plenty of young people love cars they just drive hondas civics and hyundai tiburons and vape and are probably mexican

because cars are for poorfags, millennials are working hard through college and after to achieve their dreams and to make the world they were left with a better place, and they are smart enough to not fall for the work with your hands meme that achieves nothing in this new era. The less you get your hands dirty, the smarter you are

>working hard through college and after to achieve their dreams

When will this meme end?
This fucking society and its bloated ambitions.

when you become smart enough to stop replying to bait

I know this was bait, but the question remains.

Because cars are just another dumb luxury to "strive for" because that's the "normal" thing to "strive for".

How about you just get a cheap little car and be happy with your life. Cars don't bring anything to your life other than getting you from point a to point b. You truly are vain if you think your car somehow makes you a better person just because it can do a burnout or is rear wheel drive. Your car won't make you a more interesting person at a party; do you want to be known for the kind of person you are or as the guy that owns the M3 out front? Newsflash - nobody cares and nobody goes home wishing they were you just because you own a Shelby gt500.

Having a separate car for race tracks is ok. That's actually a hobby worth doing.

So don't blame millennials for seeing through the bullshit consumerism and not being sucked in by some leather and fancy screens and power they'll never use.

>So don't blame millennials for seeing through the bullshit consumerism


I'm a millennial and I love working with my hands. I just got out of high school and I'm not going to college. I'm going to be an electrician, and I do sidework in the tree business.

Yeah. Well consumerism has pushed that if you don't drive a luxury vehicle you're a lesser person.

Like Cadillacs new commercials. "Those who dare are better people and better people drive Cadillac". Fuck off.

And there are people that think if you drive an American car you're a lesser person. Fuck off too

That's exactly how millennial don't think.

Did someone make fun of youCavalier, user?

>typed from my iPad

>Well consumerism has pushed that if you don't drive a luxury vehicle you're a lesser person.
That's not consumerism you retard, that's basic human reaction.

In history if you weren't a lord you were a peasant.

No. And even if they did I wouldn't care because my car doesn't define me. What I do defines me.

And besides I don't even own a car so I know. But when I buy a car, what drives me to buy a car won't be how others will perceive me. It will be about value and simplicity.

If you want to make a statement like Chinese people go ahead and buy an Audi and be like Chinese losers that just do it to separate themselves from the poor.

Did some Chads laugh at you while waiting for the bus?

I don't ride the bus though I respect those that do.

Did mom buy the wrong brand of tendies?

unless your city got a metro there is no way that the bus is better than a car. Using a transportation method that barely outrun a pedestrian fucking suck. Trust me even kids who cant park a car at school/work will eventually get a shitbox.

>be millenial
>live in a crowded, endless suburban hell where there are no good roads and cops are everywhere
>lol no tracks (besides a really small meh go kart track)
>drivers around here are fucking terrible, so you can't even really enjoy cruising
>probably the only way you can enjoy cars at all is parking lot meet-ups, which is why a lot of stancefags live in this area and a lot of old muscle cars sit in garages slowly rotting away
>can't do autocross even though there are miles of parking lots available
>insurance is through the fucking roof so you have to buy something boring and practical or piss blood

>and you wonder why millenials have no passion for driving

Holy shit you fucking normie get off my board

>>insurance is through the fucking roof so you have to buy something boring and practical or piss blood

Why do you need passion for driving. Driving is just driving to most people.

There are 1 billion drivers on the road in the world. Last I checked all the race tracks in the world have about 1 million registrants. So do the math. Driving is not meant to be a hobby. It's a means of getting around.

I ride a bike around and save. Cars get you home quicker but you get home quicker to just play with yourself so good for you. I'm out in the world experiencing the weather and nature and you're at home in the bathroom.

Not everyone is like you

I'm going to college for mechanical and aerospace engineering. The amount of work and studying that needs to be done is insane, not to mention having an internship at Northrop.

Why do you study space. You are on earth.

>tfw 10 years ago there were plenty of tracks in Sydney
>tfw people started building houses around them
>tfw middle aged moms brought those houses knowing there was a track right next to them, yet still complained about the noise, resulting in most tracks that weren't a million miles away being shut down
feels bad man.

Probably 70% of all the students at my uni are into cars. But it's an engineering school. I bet if you asked a libral arts school you find a bunch of hipster faggots who hate cars.

lpg got it right on the nose

Because I want to be a planetman.

NIMBYs not once, uleh.

Is everyone working 20 hours a week at McDonalds and supporting 3 kids?

The cost to own a car is not that expensive.


>most were pulled in to /g/ or /v/ related hobbies
Don't forget /a/. At the university I go to you're weird if you don't follow some sort of anime or manga.

>-Helicopter parents resulting in little to no understanding of how to function as an adult in the real world
My parents actually did a pretty good job. Forced me to do my own stuff with my own money so I had to work to pay for things.
>-Coming from parents will little to no practical skills means they have no idea how to buy or maintain a shit box, and most were pulled in to /g/ or /v/ related hobbies
Dad was a mechanical engineer that became part of a Fortune 500 company, Mom also worked for said company as an accountant. I never got a car until I was out of college with a job because I never had enough money for one, including insurance and maintenance. I carpooled with friends instead.

/g/ and /v/ hobbies is very true for me.
>-Complete lack of any real perspective on the world due to being consumer by social media
The most social media I use is checking facebook once a day to see what my friends are up to. I only friend people I know.
>-Metric fuck loads of them who have worthless degrees and thus stagger around with 40K in loan debt for their women and gender's studies/philosophy/history/art degree
Good thing I got an economics degree so I can work with taxes (which is my internship with a different Fortune 500 company)
>-Boomer level sense of entitlement (born from the complete lack of practical skills, real world perspective, and useless degrees)
I've no sense of entitlement. I get what I deserve for what I do. Nobody owes me anything. That kind of thing is what my parents taught me.

Obviously I'm not the rule.

I have a younger cousin (20/m) who I taught how to drive stick a few times in the parking lot but he says he'd rather save his money.

I even told him of all the great things about having a car, like picking up girls, learning new skills (repairs and basic maintenance), and having the freedom to go anywhere you want.

But he isn't biting. He says he's okay with taking the bus.

What do I do br/o/s?

Obviously you have exceptions man, but that's just my opinion from having had to deal with them close up the last 3 years.

My wife's two roommates from undergrad are prime examples. Bullshit degrees in shit fields. Both are still waiting tables unable to find a real job. Neither have any concept of how to function or operate in the real world/zero practical skills. Tons of student loan debt. One is now going back for a masters in gender studies.

Social media bullshit was also all consuming, at least among the kids I was tasked with trying to teach during my masters. You were lucky to pull their heads out of a phone for 5 minutes to try and cram some knowledge into them. And most are so self centered it was almost sickening

>pic related, a kid I had in class for an entire semester. Literally spent every day talking about shoes, watches, clothes, and hats

>He says he's okay with taking the bus.
The choice is clear

Tell him to drive buses for a living

>Obviously you have exceptions man, but that's just my opinion from having had to deal with them close up the last 3 years.
I know, I've lived it with a front row seat. Many people would rather sit on their phone than have a conversation, complain how mom and dad didn't get them the phone that they wanted, and go nuts over whatever meme shit was on Twitter that day.

I was talking with a guy the other day taking out the trash while I was baking some chicken for dinner, he said "man I wish I knew how to cook. It's probably expensive though." while he talked about his four dollar chicken microwave dinners. Who lives like that?

I can't wait to see what the weight of responsibility does to these people. They'll probably provide more of your late-night dealership stories.

>man I wish I knew how to cook.

Like it's hard ...

Exactly. It's literally preparing the food with seasonings, throw in the oven, and wait. The internet is chock full of recipes and guides. There's no excuse other than laziness or fear of the unknown.

>fear of the unknown.

They're nuking "chicken" and goo.

My brother in law just surprised his son with a shitbox Cavalier as an early 18th birthday/graduation present. Kid looked at it with complete disgust and asked if that meant he wouldn't be getting rides to community college. He wants to grow up to be an anime artist. I weep for this generation.

As far as they know, that's easier than having to watch food so it doesn't burn and that's all they care about.

Your brother and you fucked up.
Lucky broads think guys who can cook is sexy.

>Lucky broads think guys who can cook is sexy.
That's what my mom always said. We'll see if that's true. I can't deal with most women my age. There are a few here and there that are really great and fun, but way too many of them are divas and and not nearly enough of them have the body of a diva.

>wants to grow up to be an anime artist

Oh god, that reminds me of trying to talk to kids in my classes about what sort of career they want for themselves

>Me: So dipshitMcClownshoes, what are your career plans for after college?
>him: I wanna be a video game designer
>Me: Excellent! What sort of math and programming classes have you got lined out?
>him: Uh, why would I need to know math or programming to do video game design? I just wanna like, write out the story and stuff

>One is now going back for a masters in gender studies.
I nearly had a masters in gender studies when I went to university back in the 90's, first year girls will fuck nearly anything, anywhere but by the 3rd year they get trickier to nail.

Anyway, employed a lot of millennials and run tech/customer service training courses for them over the last 15 or so years. Lot of them are keen to work and learn, but they're generally easily bored and need a lot of new challenges constantly- or they go into media-mode, fuck around with their phone, update social media and generally wonder when its snack time or some shit. Being a bit of a cunt I blocked facebook-twitter and a fair few other popular sites at the firewall- then gave them clear instructions on 'what to do' when things got quiet. To their credit they did actually do those things but it was often a case of putting them in a group of people who came from different age groups and could act as a mentor to give them some work ethics.

But overall, its kind of nice to have groups of people that generally know how to use a computer and aren't terrified of a phone.
I've also employed people from age groups of up to boomers and most boomers tended to fuck around and spend more time shirking- finding ways to do less work, while still actually turning up on the job and exploiting ways to get paid more by doing even less work.
>kill me

>Millenials on cars
They do, but the higher end of society doesn't because they're just sort of entitled 'post-boomers' at that stage. I'd roll up to work in my old R32 GTR, Silvia or GTO and there's now a whole new generation ruined that ran out and bought grey-market jap cars as a result.

>tfw i just got a quote for a monthly premium of $454.69
what a rip

Fuck, how many nuns did you run over to get that quote?

>The cost to own a car is not that expensive.

Compared to what, exactly?

Next to buying a house and an education, a car is the most expensive purchase the average person makes. And unlike a house and an education, a car usually doesn't end up paying for itself.

pretty much shot myself in the foot by being sort of like what op described
>didn't get my license until last august since i didn't have a real need for it
>need to a buy a car to get to and from my internship this summer and just for driving around
>looking at a $6k '03 525i because it's in my budget, looks great, no prior reported accidents or complications
enter all that info in and i'm boned

The problem is almost all insurance companies have what they call an 'inexperienced operator' clause, which basically means the first 3 years you have your license, you get bat shit high quotes on any policy

If you get your DL at 16, and go on your parents insurance, then it's not all that bad, because by the time you get out on your own, it will have fallen off and rates will be reasonable

If you get your DL later in life then try to go get coverage on your own, you will get fucking rekt. I know from experience because it happened to my wife. Her mother wouldn't let her get her DL so she had to wait till she was off at college and her and I were serious enough that she could go on my insurance policy

A shitty salvage title '96 Blazer was costing her 1600 for 6 months of bare minimum liability coverage. Once the three years past and the 'inexperienced operator' shit fell off, her rates dropped to 47 a month on full coverage for her Pilot

>Cars are just for getting from a to b

Then take the bus you faggot. Its cheaper and safer.

Did you get driver's ed? I had that and it knocked off a good chunk.

>getting full coverage under the age of 25
Are you stupid? Buy a shitbox with cash and get bottom barrel liability from a backwoods insurer.
Fucking millennials.

I believe the cars themselves are partially to blame. The average car has gotten less powerful, quieter, boring, and dangerous with bad handling characteristics because of FWD.

Just look at this lineup of my coworkers cars. It's no wonder why they come into work looking like emotionless robots.

Nice CVPI, officer.

I did and it did help. That was another thing that killed my wife, she's never done driver's ed.

Hell her parents hadn't taught her shit all about driving, I taught her to drive in my SLK

Quieter and boring sure, but cars are much more powerful and handle better than they used to

I'll take those camry's or that civic in a race against your crown vic any day

Model Choice
No Money

>m-my car is boring and understeers to all hell but I win in a benchrace!

thanks for reminding me to add a filter for "millenials"

>my car is heavy as shit with mediocre power but its cool because its RWD

Civics are way more fun to drive than any crown vic.

and driving a crown vic you have no room to talk about "boring"

Go for the LS460, the LS430 is wildly outdated

Civic owner detected

Accord actually, but close

I have a few theories

1) Cars as a hobby is way more expensive than 30-60 yrs ago. Combined with lower purchasing power it's not feasible unless you only work on shitboxes or come from money

2) because of (1) millennials modify their technology instead, but they are classed as geeks anyway since taking apart your hard drive is less sexy than being shirtless and covered in grease

3) Even then, the sex appeal of cars is gone because they are very much designed with convenience in mind, and car modification becomes too niche to be sexy, it's only for hobbyists, like flying small planes

there's no real incentive for normie millennials to get into cars, unless they have an autistic interest in mechanics. Combine that with the extremely time-consuming social upkeep of millennial normies (social media), they just don't have the (1) money, (2) desire or (3) time

but you cant extend that argument to everything user. It works for the people who buy and thats it, but for people who build its more than just statement. In reality, humans strive for attention no man is an island no matter how much you want to be you edgy faggot

Why wouldn't he look at it with disgust? Its a shitbox, nobody wants a shitbox.

I think people are working more than they used to, with technology work never leaves them.

Dad's don't have to time to sit down and teach their sons about cars, their to busy dealing with work and other bullshit

Also cars just aren't built like they used too

Its a lot harder to rebuild a modern car engine than one made back in the 60s

>have millennial friends
>they have jobs, cars, houses, and shit
>they like cars, trucks, and off roading
>had other millennial friends
>SJWs, hipsters, getting useless liberal arts degrees
>wow what a bunch of fags
>stop hanging around said fags

your friends suck. get new ones

It also helps living in a semi rural area where you pretty much need a car. Now if I could find car enthusiasts who aren't beaners with rimz, subaru/vw fags, coal rollers, etc

Millenials, for the most part, just don't care about cars. It's not that they hate them or driving in general, it's because they see it as a chore and just don't care.

It's just an appliance, it's just for getting from A to B, it just werks etc. Most people don't care about how fast it is or how quick it laps around the Hurrdurring, just what it looks like or how others will perceive themselves in it.

Hell, most are opting to not have a car at all, especially if they live in an area that has reasonable public transportation.

Why do you think car manufacturers are putting so much "sync your phone up with your car" tier technology into their products? It's to try and make their shit appeal to people who otherwise don't give a flying fuck about cars.

Yep, I'm poor as fuck.
Oh, it's there alright. I'm saving everything that i don't need to spend on my bikes maintenance (Or fixing up my other bike) to get a shitbox to work on, but it's just coming along painfully slow.
Hardly any of that either. Working all the time for shit pay leaves little time to do anything else. Can't really work less otherwise that poor situation gets way worse.