
>What car do you drive?

>Ummmmm, idk it's like, a blue ford

To be fair, that's how I was initially before getting ridiculed into learning about cars. To most people cars are appliances, not fun things.

>To be fair

There's no excuse for not knowing which model car you drive. It's on your insurance card for fucks sake.

Also usually somewhere on the body.

I don't even know what model my fucking blender is dude. People are dumb as fuck, I don't see why you would give them that much.

Yeah well let's not compare a blender to your second (or sometimes most) expensive asset you own

Talking to a girl
>What car do you drive?
>A Toyota
>What kind of Toyota?
>...a white one
>No I mean what model?
>user I just told you its a Toyota

Talking to old man about a project car he had when he was young
>What kind of car was it?
>68 Pontiac
>What model was it?
>I just said it was a 68 boy
>No I got they year, what was the model?
>It was a Pontiac, don't start cracking wise with me son

I think it's worse when boomers do it since they're auto enthusiasts. They can name every brand for every part they replaced but they can't tell you the name of the model.

My gf is even worse
>says her friend bought car
>ask what it was
>"uuuh idk, it was blue car and it's smaller than yours"

Even if they knew the model, it would barely classify as it after they finished

Well, what do you drive?

She wasn't talking about the car mate

...well played user

So a sub-compact.

>Hey user what car do you drive?

>A Supra

>Oh cool I love Subaru's

>i drive a beetle
>Mfw bitches get wet off Beetles

I bet I've driven more college sluts then anyone on/o/

more likely K car

Check out my new Supra WRX, it's not the sti but oh well.

I drive a crown vic so almost every "car" (she meant sedan) is smaller than mine


Nothing wrong with that, at least she can drive and doesn't beg to be driven around everywhere.
Just think about it like this:
>what shoes do you wear
>ummmmm, it's like, black nikes.

>mfw gf has been slowly absorbing my car knowledge

she told me she felt the LSD lock up the other day hnnng

Still not an excuse

My fridge is a whirlpool, my oven and microwave is GE, my dishwasher is bosch

>My disability is autism

Yeah and my car is a Ford. You just said the brand, not the model. This is what the entire discussion has been about.

Are you autistic ?

>boomer walks into auto parts store
I need parts for my Oldsmobile 88
>Ok what model
>no i know the year is 88. What model?
I told you its an Oldsmobile 88
>So it's a 1988 oldmobile... what...
No its a 1998
>but you said 88
The model is 88!
>the model year?
No, the fucking model!
>so it's a 98 Oldsmobile 88?
>wtf old man... start with the year first

>he doesn't know his shoe's model

see this
And stop being retarded

Nigger nobody knows what 'model' of shoe they wear, it's always a Vans or Nike or other big gay brand for big gay faggots. I fucking hate Vans.

>I bet I have driven more college sluts than anyone on Veeky Forums
But didn't fuck any

>mfw faget
>no fagets like cars


More like a micro

I used to have an '82 Olds 98. I'd say it just like like that and I'd always get the blank stare followed by..... so it's a 1998?

what about stolen recaros? hes gay and likes cars too

>Ask girl this
>She doesn't even know the make
I mean fuck, at least the brand is on your steering wheel, right in your face all the time when you're driving

One of my friends drives a diesel Beetle, it amuses me just because it's a piece of shit and sounds like a loud tractor