Great gas mileage, peppy response, fun to drive, cheap to operate, what's not to like?

Great gas mileage, peppy response, fun to drive, cheap to operate, what's not to like?
Pro-Tip: Nothing...

>what's not to like?

The bulbous design and meme ""windows"" for one.

GM build quality.
Get a corolla and stfu

I'd rather have a honda fit

I don't even know how you design a car that ugly.

It's like they went out of their way to make it as ugly as possible.

love mine




This desu

Clown car.

Back seats are cramped as fuck and it's hilarious to see five people getting out of one of these.

Have you ever actually driven something with throttle response, or are you just quoting car and driver or whatever shit tier publication was paid to hype this garbage?

honda fit king of hatches t b h senpais

Spark is a city car. Not exactly a comfy ride.

Mazda 2


Someone try to justify his cuckmobile.


Posting in a Daewoo Kalos thread.

>shilling GM products
It's sad that poeple still eat that shit up.
>i love mah chevy cruze because i love domestic kars

>Great gas mileage, peppy response, fun to drive, cheap to operate, what's not to like?
And people here tell I'm delusional for thinking my 200Nm 1.3 diesel Punto is agile.

>peppy response
straight out of the marketing brochure

You literally have the worst European car. I hope it feels bad.

>being this sour
lol, it's actually one of the best small hatches on the market.
Only second to the Fiesta in handling.

Correct me if I'm wrong but is the Grande Punto the one that's Focus sized? And the regular Punto is more like a Fiesta? Or is Grande just a trim level?

>shitty modern design windows
>bad interior

These only exist for faggots that have no credit and can't afford the cruze.

The Grande Punto was the first model launched in 2005, then it was restyled in 2009 earning the name of "Punto Evo". Then it got restyled again in 2012 and it was named simply "Punto."

What are pros of it versus buying an old 7 series and leaving the rest of the money for petrol and repairs?
You pay around the same, maybe even less, but get so much more.

You get to park in places traditionally reserved for cars and not for trucks.

On the downside you get an El Cheapo car built in Colombia and if you're lucky enough to be less than 5 ft 9 you can comfortably fit on it without chopping off your legs.

Are there different parking spot sizes in America?

>GM build quality
>Literally a Daewoo
>3cyl engine that shakes like a heroin addict the day before payday

It's all just rebranding, although the Grande Punto onwards are quite a bit larger than the old ones


Can you fucking not use this word holy shit.

They stole our ideas.

Too small

I actually owned one of these and it was the shit. I fucking loved it. The turn radius on it was incredible, it had enough pep to go on the highways, and surprisingly it was decently roomy inside. I put my 55inch sony television in it when I moved.

Also it was dirt cheap so there's that.

Needs more doors for muh whores.

New compacts for cheap are pretty good, always surprisingly roomy inside

I have a VW Fox