/xivg/ - FFXIV General

Scholar Edition

>Moonfire Faire 2016 (August 5th-August 25th)

>Free Login Campaign (July 25th-August 30th)

>Youkai Watch x FFXIV Event. (July 26th-October 3rd)

>3.35 Patch Notes:

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:

>Previously on /xivg/ ~
it got deleted

Other urls found in this thread:


hyur boypussy

just let xivg die it's time.

hyur ladypussy

>Meria joined Soft because she is this desperate for attention

Remember when Spuki made NEET because "people in PURE made her feel uncomfortable"?
Glad to see she doesn't feel like this with all the ERPers from Ada's fc in there!

xth for actually running endgame content.

Thanks smelly n-word

[something about pastebin]


I close my eyes

Tell us why do we suffer

I'm not even surprised

xth for shipping your friends

>Proper pastebin
Dog bless you.

Does this community have a Discord? I'm new and want to ask some questions.

>Heart eyes
Just HOW much of a slut is Riri?
How can I contact him?

meria's a memebot created by bernie sanders.

Post A8S clear.

xth for roly poly potatos

Yup. Check the pastebin for the link, user.

Cecilia Tyyne - Today at 8:54 PM
All I recall was suggesting that the threads with the botched pastebin should get reported since they were made by that Fishfucker because it has a vendetta against the Discord, and ultimately screwing others over because the proper pastebin has info everyone can utiliize.(edited)

Remember this retard is involved

A8S clear.

>ultimately screwing others over because the proper pastebin has info everyone can utiliize
Reminding you again that you missed the point.

Xth for idk wtf is going on anymore around here.

for the inevitable

Anyone in Excal? Looking for some friends.
Who likes to erp, But just talking it cool too.

Something something timestamps

high time for you and purple faggot to leave, is what's going on

There it is.

It's Tyyne Noon.

Booknerds unite

here u go pal

You have 5 seconds to explain why you didn't post a selfie of your male Au Ra nacked instead.



Lonely au ra looking for friends...


stinky carry post

Take a hike.

Aweiner Moronette!




That's mean...

xth for STRONK

Because exploring the wilderness is fun and adventurous!

Imagine the pleasure of having 5 big, fat, throbbing male Au Ra dicks to choose from to suck.

That's mean, you're mean. I don't like you.

Why reply? Surely you're not an opportunistic shitposter?

But he is

xth for not enough maidroes

strawpoll.me/10973014 vote pls

shill pls go

post c@pits

that's mado's second name, you should have figured it out when he was ironically spamming about tainting balmung

Imagine the heat radiating off of them


>that gif
Don't understand what you're talking about.
It was a pun, get it?

She is a fake af "pure" girl desperate for any kind of attention.

*riot police burst in*

you mean how bitch barely ever talks to literally anyone at all

He's probably spent too much time on /v/ recently and can't actually see beyond shitposts.

Whoever drew that, and the rest, is an artist better than this 3 batches guy and I wish he produced more. Here, I can at least make out the character.

*drops spaghetti*

they both fanta'd out of handsome ra

While I know this post is a shitpost but you're probably right. These threads have become weird as fuck.

Idk. Have a toga.


Brain problems. Lots and lots of brain problems.
That can be rectified.

They're weird as fuck because of people like you. Actually never talking about the game, just fetishposting.

do au ra have a chin? it's like face then neck

Which maid outfit is that? I always used the old valentines stuff

>tfw another one gets immediately forced down yout throat after the one before fills your mouth with delicious cum

i want this dream to never end


6 black fingers

Thanks man, I would love to choke on your lizard cock.

*grabs you by the throat*
Say another meme. I dare you!


>not pussy
do you even breeding


Summer promotional. It's over but the codes are still good until the end of December, I hear. Try'n find someone that bought a game off Amazon (U.S.) to give ya the codes.
I've still got a damn butler armor code to give away but everyone has it already.



>not bussy
It's superior my friend.

>not gbussy

Aw I missed it because I took a break for a few months. I'll see if I can't buy a code off of ebay or something then, could use some new glamor for my roe

dude no gross malera are for heterosexual loving only

This triggered me slightly for a short moment.

Have some funky lighting pits

can I fuck your tits

Post butt.

i want this c@ to fuck me senseless

I need those pits with better lighting!

On rare occasions people still come into the thread and drop codes since they don't play. Not sure about the legitimacy of such posts but your chances of redeeming it before anyone else is good since almost everyone lurking already has it.

And the stern look all 5 of them give you as they assault your mouth and bussy

i want to fuck this c@ senseless

Yeah it's a shame but sometimes you're just outta luck.
Some guy is selling a code on ebay for 80 bucks, it's cute but not THAT cute.

Please post your cat sitting on the floor in that outfit with no shoes on

I'll sell a maid and/or butler code for gil on Balmung.

How much gil you want for the maid code?

Theres so many out there they're not worth shit

All he had to do was buy something that cost at least twenty bucks and it was around E3 so people were going to pre-order/buy games anyway.
Just to be sure everything is covered, the code you got from Amazon contained five/six other codes to redeem in the Mog Station for prism wings, Ifrit and Titan masks, maid and butler armor, and white fat chocobo.

3 mil

Post your free one for this guy who wants one then

>3 mil

I'll give you 2 mil for it

What are the ilevel/gathering requirements for quick exploration ventures? I I've got my paladin retainer up to ilevel 160 now and still constantly get the message that he's under leveled.

I haven't used quick exploration on my gatherers yet, but I assume their quick exploration success goes off the gathering stat?