Can't get a good car

>Current car value completely devalued to less than $1000 USD
>30 years old and have bad credit from stupidity during my late teenage years

I guess I will buy another $3000 car and drive it for two years.

Help me Veeky Forums

buy a civic

so much idiocy in one post. you're hopeless.

just lie down in the grave you dug and give up

or maybe he could drive a beat up old maxima and deliver pizzas to know that he's really made it in life

You are pathetic.

I would suggest that you do the same, but you can't even fit in one fat ass.

Lmao, I got fired in February for embezzling thousands.

Ride the bus and fix your credit

>Help me Veeky Forums

Why should we? Rebuild your fucking credit. How have you still got bad credit >10 years later?
It's your own stupid fault for not fixing it. You fucked yourself out of driving nice cars. You cucked yourself.



lol a tripfag

good job being a thief and human scum

Maybe I am retarded then? What is defined as bad credit? My score is ~700

Mid 700's and up is excellent credit
700-730 is good / acceptable
600-700 is borderline but you shouldn't have too much trouble getting financed if you have a steady income and not too much debt
Below 600 is getting bad, below 500 is awful.

Awesome I have good / acceptable credit and I didn't even know

Should I buy something obscenely expensive?

No you should buy things you can afford. Even though your credit is getting better you should still buy a super cheap car because you are poor. How you stop being poor is by not spending more than you have and ended up in debt to the Jews

Oh, you're a dumbass with horrible taste in cars.

>delivery job
>embezzling anything. Ever.

Nope. Even the stupidest of pizza joints keeps pretty good record of who's taken which orders, you don't just "not claim" it or something.. It's not the fucking stock market.

years old and have bad credit from stupidity during my late teenage years

Shouldn't that have fallen off your credit report by now?


Not the guy who recommended it, but you don't have any sort of choice. You need a car that's cheap and reliable.

I was looking in your price range recently, but abandoned the idea and started looking between $5,000 and 10,000.

At your price, your only options are manual ford focuses, mazda3, and civics, basically.

How much would it cost to buy an old muscle car? I mean, with the costs of restoring it to full functionality?

I seriously hope you are not OP. Way over $10,000. Closer to $20,000. Fucking EVERYTHING has to be replaced. I am: >ib4 "LS1 from junkyard for $200"

Nah, I'm not retarded enough to get bad credit by spending beyond my means. I could probably save up that amount in 2 or so years, plus a buffer for emergencies. Do you have a specific car in mind with those numbers.

Eh, we don't know his life story. And no, I can't help with a particular car, since I am into jap-shit. I was looking into 280Zs and 300ZXs.

Keep in mind that a true rebuild involves you basically stripping the car, repainting, fully building the engine, at the very least swapping out the ball joints / bearings on the suspensions, etc.

It gets very time/money consuming fast. I have done partial rebuilds on cars and it's just not worth the time unless you are getting something amazing out of the process.

Fair enough. I was just hoping to find a cheap old car that was still roadworthy.

Go get a VW Jetta

>caught embezzling
>will be ordered to pay everything back
>somehow you are bragging

Didn't happen anyway stupid fucking tripscum

I have bad taste in cars because I don't like the Honda Civic? Veeky Forums what the fuck is wrong with you?

Well the shit that happened as teen got dragged out and supposedly "disappeared" for several years. Aka, I bought computer stuff three months out of high school, stopped paying after a few months because I was stupid as fuck, and then forgot about it all. Then in my early/mid twenties I got taken to court - twice - by a collections agency on behalf of Capital One (What's in your wallet? ™). A couple judgements against me for the teenage debt later, and my credit was bad. I got a debt consolidation loan from a local credit union, and paid it all off within a couple years. Last time I had one of those credit check pages printed off somewhere (the ones with all the codes) it showed all of this shit still.


He is not me :o) I am OP

I was thinking like a cheapo subcompact like the Chevy Sonic turbo or even a Ford Fiesta. basically sub-3 year old car I could get for ~$10k USD. . . It will take getting used to such a small car after driving old boatmobiles for many years.

>He is not me :o) I am OP
I am not him either, he is OP.