Monster Hunter General - /mhg/

Sluts edition


>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
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>Where does Veeky Forums play?
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Alright, /mhg/. This question probably has been asked many times, but which weapons (and style) should I try to focus on learning this time?
In 4U I used GS, LS, DB, HH, IG, CB and Bow decently, but it's been a while since that, so I might have lost the touch.

I want to BE the Kirin slut!



I want to BE Meowstress!
>In addition to the popular franchise’s upcoming 3DS RPG Monster Hunter Stories, Capcom has plans for a new Monster Hunter title and more according to their financial results briefing for the year ended March 31, 2016.
>Keep in mind that two million units isn’t exactly the number Capcom would expect from a main entry Monster Hunter title, but we’ll likely hear about a new spinoff title for the series [for console] in addition to Monster Hunter Stories, based on what was mentioned in the financial results briefing.


CB guardpoints got reworked, in the event that you got very snug with 4U's own

SnS is pretty entertaining this time around

so to make end game sets you need village 6 and hr 7?

one way of putting it

Delete the following

I just improved monster hunter.

already in the OP you doofus

What was the secret to cheesing those "collect x amount of wycademy points" quests?

goldenfish bait


>remove all gen 1 and 2 monsters
I have also improved monster hunter.

Add Gravios and Piscine wyverns to that list.

Eggsand similar.

Next MH will be on console
Screencap this post
Slam that mothafukkin' like button

You don't want Monster Hunter to be an excruciatingly painful experience?


Deliver one wyvern egg
Bring goldenfish bait and catch 2 goldenfish

>tfw im the only one who likes most Gen 1 monsters

Maybe its just the gunner privilege. I dont like how later monsters keep getting huge area wide nukes and being also to leaping slash across the zone.

What's the most challenging thing you can do in Gen?

I want to consume Meowstress!

fight amatsu with a short weapon

Does goldenfish bait force goldenfish to populate the water even in a spot that normally wouldn't spawn goldenfish?

Get good times with gunlance.

What MH?
What console?


I want to take a warm bubblebath with Tamamitsune and introduce her to my parents.

Hopefully: 3ds/nx/vita/ps4/pc
Likelier: 3ds/wii u
What is going to happen anyways: 3ds


My dream is on the NX and you can play it on a big screen and take it on the go.
Never gonna happen.

But what title?

>mainline MH
lmao MH team is so incompetent they probably don't know the word multiplat

Hence the
>What is going to happen anyways: 3ds

Unlocked Turns

Good shit. Time to finally get that hayabusa!

You know she says "Beeeeyaaaa" right?

As in, she wouldn't wanna be ya. Because she definitely does not want to hunt monsters.

Just a head up. Put on headphones and you can hear the B.

But what title?

>What is going to happen anyways: 3ds
Worse:Only on N3ds

don't they fucking dare

If I was more scornful about it then I'd just get called out for being a bitch that can't handle the changes.

But here, I just popped up another Tama crop.

Not gonna happen.

If I only use 4 of a deviant set but have a talisman that has +2 of that set's unique skill, will it work or is there some bullshit fuckery going on here?
It seems too good to be true


If they do that and force me to buy yet another underpowered Monster Hunter machine I'm going to be fucking slightly upset.

its ALWAYS sluts edition

>It's always a turns room
>I just want to do my quests

greedy fuck

It's not a 3DS title. Last year was the only other time the MH title forecast was another unannounced title and they specifically mention that it's a 3DS title to bolster confidence.

This year they didn't say it's going to be a 3DS title. There's no reason to not announce the title when it's this late into the year if it's a 3DS title.

you're not a very nice person to be around, are you?


I've literally made rooms, only posted my own quests for like hours on ends.

Randoms just follow along.

Mined a +5 FastCharge/+8 Attack oo- yesterday, Do I even want AtkUp on bow? Wouldn't Normal/Rapid Up just be better? Sorry, new to Bow.

Good gunlance skills besides artillery ?

Normal up is a 10% boost on rapid
Past 200 attack it's stronger than AuL

Lance + 10
Gunlance - 10

weakness exploit

lucker dog

Artillery isn't good.

>pototo chips

Why not

That's what I was thinking. I guess I could use the charm for Greatsword.

But then I'd have to use Greatsword...

>they didnt say 3DS so it cant be 3DS!

I dont want to, but secretly Nintendo knows the only way to sell the NX is Zelda, Mario, and MH. They already have two in the bag.

tfw getting bored of bow


whats more fun?

That's a nice charm for GS, at least.

>I want people to carry me on my quests.

>Artian armor is back again
>only they fucked with the skills
>No points in handicraft, free element (though that doesn't even exist in gen), guard up or stamina recovery.
>instead, speed setup, def lock and thunder attack
>thunder attack
>the armor that's made out of old relics, like the rusted and worn weapons
>which all have dragon element
>MHGen has both Artian S and Artian R series armor
>both identical in appearance when they had the relic Artian set's models from MH4U they could've used for Artian R
>identical in skills, save for how many points the armor has in each skill
>Artian R series even has less defense than the S series, despite being unlocked later and needing hyper parts to craft.

Why /mhg/? Why why why why why?

Whichever you find more fun!



shitting all over a monser with critical juncture is the most fun ive had in monhun

Just stating an observation brah. TGS reveal (presumably) and a holiday release is really really sketchy for a MH title and the last time they did this was for MH3G.

Developers are retarded and MHG was rushed.


Best Dragon DBs?
I don't know whether to look for element or raw in DB, so I don't know whether Shaggy, Gore, Jho or Savage Jho are the best, though I'd imagine it's Shaggy or Savage Jho

Fire or Thunder

Yeah it sure is fun the ONE time you'll get to use it in a hunt, assuming it doesnt miss.

longsword is aids to use online


>Best Dragon DB
I know what those monsters are weak to friend, those are monsters whose DBs have dragon element.

None of them is weaker to Dragon.


Fuck this so much. I will go where MH goes, and if that's an NX, so be it.

I'm just fucking hoping that the unannounced title is not going to be MHXG on the Vita, I would hate to get a game machine for just one game

i use it 3 or 4 times a hunt. and i always land it

what because of tripping? i have no issues finding a spot on the monster where im not cutting my teammates

git gud scrub

just got a fast charge +5 OOO tali...what else should i try and fit in for a GS set? crit draw and as much attack as possible?

The things you say contradict each other

Lemme rephrase this then.
Which of these DBs, whose element is dragon, is better?
Or are you trying to tell me that Dragon DBs are never worth it? I can't tell

what style do you use?
adept sucks cause its impossible to get a good spirit upgrade slash

areal is meme style

Theres no way you're getting that many off in a hunt unless you're just doing shit damage and 20m+ fights.

Dragon DB are never worth it because Salamanders and Kirin DB exist.

>need 2 more dreadking hunts for armor
>decide to group up to make it go by faster
>join room
>2 others join shortly
>host disconnects
>I post the quest
>random #1 leaves
>"oh well, more will come"
>random #2 leaves
I am slightly peeved

pls respond

What makes Salamanders better than Smoldering Kingdoms anyway?
I use the former, but practically everyone I see uses the latter.

So you're saying anything weak to dragon is generally better handled by fire or thunder?
Ok then, I'll cook those DBs up then thanks.

i started with adept. I agree that it can be hard to find counter openings on certain monsters but sakura slash made up for it. I use guild now, and still level the gauge mostly with sakura slash.

I have level 6 full silverwind a fully upgraded hyper steve longsword and attack up S.

>counter openings

i meant the adept dodge spirit slashes

35% base affinity