BR-Z/86 pricing

Why does a new BR-Z/86 cost as much as an Ecoboost mustang?

For it's performance and what it's offering... I feel like the toyobaru should cost $22k new.

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Kys senpai

an ecoboost mustang here costs 38000 euro, base

a full specced BRZ here is 25000 euro

>full specced BRZ here is 25000 euro
The base barebone model is 30k here

The Toyobaru weighs 2,800lbs, handles well, and is affordable.

The mustang doesn't do any of these things.

>I feel like the toyobaru should cost $22k new.
>I feel like

and thats why you're a sperglord on an anime imageboard and not actually pricing new cars in the real world.

You haven't driven the ecoboost then

cue hundreds of angry weebs

Because an ecoboost mustang is still an ecoboost mustang

Explain to me why the BR-Z/86 costs just as much then. Is it the materials they use to build it? The manufacturing processes?

I can tell you never ecoboost son. Track pack ecoboost's tear up tracks.

>thinking an ecoboost handles better

the mustang focused on other priorities than the frz, speed or handling. Is that so hard to understand?

>Explain to me why the BR-Z/86 costs just as much then

I'll try, picture related

ecoboost, 750,000 NOK, BRZ, 450,000 NOK.

BRZ isn't pigfat garbage with rental tier interior either.

>Track pack
pls go

it does, the mustang cant turn meme is dead

>the mustang cant turn meme is dead

its gone from being awful to mediocre.

kek, little did you edgelords know

So tell me then, where is the money spent on the BR-Z/86? It's not like it has a chassis made of aluminium like an NSX.

And It's not like it has an exotic 4 cylinder engine like an S2000 or a turbo like the ecoboost.

do you know how much the NSX cost new?

did you know the S2000 cost 38000 USD new , and competed with the porsche boxster?

>where is the money spent on the BR-Z/86
handling better than an ecoboost mustang

why is this the worst car board in the world? when did shitposting turn into critical mass? it wasn't like this a few years ago
you people shit on them, but you're just as bad as the JDM crowd, you idolize miatas just like dumbasses at Jalopniks

did you know the BR-Z has neither of those things?

>why is this the worst car board in the world?

are you asking me why the ecoboost mustang is the worst car in the world?

inb4 hurr durr it's cheaper than the toyobaru with just over 100k miles

its basically a nissan silvia

has neither of what, the pricing of the cars when they were new?

i think your brain might have an oxygen deficiency

ITT OP bought an ecoboost mustang and wants to feel superior over people who bought a FRZ

The BRZ/86 is cheap as is. Mustangs (Ecoboost especially) are just cheap in Americlap too. Elsewhere it's a little more pricey. Can you afford either in the first place, OP?

"Sports car" tax. 2 doors, looks fast, it'll sell for more even if it's beaten at the lights by a Camry. What, it isn't meant for the lights? Well I'm not seeing the average 86 driver do anything but stoplight race and lose.

Regardless, people will pay for it. They made it FR in hopes of people throwing it around corners and hectic skids but at the end of the day it made little difference. It's got shitloads of aftermarket support and huge potential but the average owner bought it for the looks.

>"Yeah, it's a sports car bro. It's fast."

>handling better than an ecoboost mustang

you faggots keep saying that, but all toyota/subaru did to improve handling is make a smaller car out of standard materials with a run of the mill n/a 2.0L and charge a premium on it for absolutely no reason.

25k is premium now

im leaving now, fuck this place and fuck you people

>but all toyota/subaru did to improve handling is make a smaller car
that's all we could ask for, weighs alot less too.

I'm not sure how you guys keep missing the point. They are charging much more than they should be for the materials used to create it.

It's like buying an Apple vs. PC pretty much.

>"Sports car" tax. 2 doors, looks fast, it'll sell for more even if it's beaten at the lights by a Camry.

This guy gets it.

>200hp "Sports" car

Buy the time you invest another $10k to get 300hp you might as well have bought literally anything else.

>They are charging much more than they should be for the materials used to create it.
go back to school kiddo

how about you come back with an argument instead of bullshit

im not op, nice try though

because neither me or you know what expenses were made for the BRZ or ecoboost so just stfu and move on to something else

are you legitemetly retarded?

Lmao dude a civic si is faster around a track and cheaper, the only reason people consider it interesting is because it's rwd. A shitty rwd.

>dumbfuck thinks it's still 1996, not 2016.

You scared of the little 4 cylinder. You should be,

>civic si is faster around a track
no, faster to 60 maybe, also why the fuck would you get a FWD "sportscar"

What? You're just wrong here you benchracer. If you didn't obsess over drivewheels you may have gotten a good car

dont make the mistake I did
>tfw bought a convertible s13 because i was so desperate for rwd

>If you didn't obsess over drivewheels you may have gotten a good car
so i should have got a FWD civic instead you say. Also why would you be fucking dumb enough to buy a convertible 240?

Fact of the matter is they could make the Twins 22k out the door and you guys still wouldn't buy it new. That's the thing, you guys will always make an excuse to not pony up the dollars but will wait 7 years to buy one. Then when it's discontinued or they don't make changes you guys will say the segment is abandoned. Example: the 350z thread going on right now

becuase it was manual and I wanted RWD
also yeah the FWD civic is actually a better deal
i sitll kick myself over not buying even a base model EK hatch

i dont care about either of these cars but 86 twins are honestly shit.
only reason to buy one is to immediately turn it into a track car.
but you cant even get the stripped version.

No, but you sure as hell are for defending this POS.

Even honda is going to be joining the turbo game with their new Civic SI. And still toyota and subaru refuses. I suspect the new SI to demolish the BRZ... we will see.

>FWD civic is actually a better deal
dude listen to yourself, you like and enjoy RWD and yet you still say a civic is a better deal just because milliseconds faster. it's like you fools forget how fun it is not being cuck'd by FWD layout

>Even honda is going to be joining the turbo game with their new Civic SI
i don't doubt this, when it happens you will make the same thread about it being too overpriced because of the turbo


it looks better
it handles better
its extremely easy to tune and mod and very cheap
and literally any car can be fun, you're a damned fool if you think civics aren't fun

if you actually drove cars you'd see, I drove my friend's hatch and it was fucking awesome

>Why does a new BR-Z/86 cost as much as an Ecoboost mustang?
Because they're being sold to young stupid kids

>i don't doubt this, when it happens you will make the same thread about it being too overpriced because of the turbo

EX-T is only $22k , I don't see the SI being priced much higher than a new BR-Z. But we will see.

>considering a car for its lap times
Pretty autistic. Also,

>not buying a convertible S-chassis for the novelty of having a convertible

The brz is fucking slow, rwd is fun if it's light or it has power, the brz has neither. My daily is a 320hp rwd, I would buy the civic si before a shitty brz

>Why does a new BR-Z/86 cost as much as an Ecoboost mustang?

ricer tax

All good (and correct) answers.

>Civic looks and handles better
into the trash
>not light
you know nothing
>I would buy the civic si before a shitty brz
as any other cuck would say

No LSD in the straights-only car

i fucking hate convertibles
but the civic does look pretty good, and it does handle better
you have so much to learn

>Calling others a cuck when they drive anything less than 300hp

Haha yah nah, you bought a new shitbox Chief. 2870 lbs, 200hp = slow

7th gen civic was last decent looking one, understeer is no fun m8

implying it will stay at 200hp, i can get a supercharger for 5k that will compete with 370z's for less than they cost and lighter

>i fucking hate convertibles
Everyone does. Shit chassis and unsuitable weather to have the top down most of the time, but there's probably that one day every few months where it's perfect and you go for a nice Sunday morning drive with the top down and it's the best thing ever.

That's the selling point. "What if."

And we were discussing 6th gen
>understeer no fun
first of all, slight understeer is what you want
second of all, understeer is not inherent to FF
you just make it more and more apparent that you are new to this whole car thing

No, I fucking hate them period. I have perfect weather year round and always keep my top up, I fucking hate every single aspect of them.

>I have perfect weather year round and always keep my top up

Lmao ya no, if you wanted a faster car buy the faster car. Brz will always a 30k shit box

>Brz will always a 30k shit box
paid 24k for mine, stay mad

>i can get a supercharger for 5k that will compete with 370z's for less than they cost and lighter

Yeah, sure. Go ahead and do it, nothing can possibly go wrong.

stock clutch holds up well, many with over 50k miles and no issues

What said. Im running 8psi turbo increasing the power from 105kw stock to 185kw for the last 40,000kms on stock clutch and internals with literally no issues. Done a lot of hard track days and a couple endurance races. Most fun car ive ever driven

Trust me I'm not, I paid 10k for my car and it's a faster and handles better

ITT: BRZ cuckolds get triggered

bread on turbo

>bread on turbo
Car is at home. It got demoted from daily driver. Its a low mount either way

>Mustang vs m3 every post

>tfw this helped me feel less bad about my cheap Honda
thanks bunny user
while I am still at that young stage and want to modify and tune and all that, driving properly and learning how to do this stuff really is more important and not taken as seriously as people should take it.

>I have perfect weather year round and always keep my top up
Why did you buy one then?

because RWD
I fucking despise convertibles so god damn much. The internet told me FF sucks though

>because RWD
Why didn't you get a RWD car with a fixed roof?

because they're absolutely fucked or overpriced

>handles better
>not a recycled cuck'd mustang


How is this relevant?

so what are you basing that off of? the track times? because it's a little faster doesn't mean it handles better, end of the day it's a car that focuses on straight line speed over handling

>this mad your scion is shit
Aww, looks like I triggered the brz cuckold.

nobody here triggered i enjoy my car on good roads can you say the same?

You're comparing a shitty car to a car with a shitty engine and a good chassis, and guess what, the toyobaru is not the one with the good chassis

Are you the Nissan guy from the other thread?

>the toyobaru is not the one with the good chassis
right the recycled heavy mustang is better

>blatantly lying to hide buyers remorse
How does it feel to know you're going to lose to 90% or more of cars you EVER pull up to at a stop light

>the toyobaru is not the one with the good chassis
Can you back that up with any proof or opinions of trusted people?

No red lights on twisty backroads.

Yeah the track times prove it


>Yeah the track times prove it
You can't be serious

>post yfw even a civic is faster than a toyoshit 86