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Rank 8 Clerics:
Weekly Q&A:

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you're all cucks

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The one being reported does it by using an oracle's change until he gets a dungeon mob and then pulling it to the person he wants to kill. The screenshot in the other post is a a cleric joking around and isn't trying to or able to kill anybody.


fuckin dvine is a degenerate autistic piece of shit, choke on frog cock dumbass

You can't hurt me, silly user


is pet ai still retarded

the guy is some salty botter who sits to regen mana then constantly repositions in another spot if he's hit by bees. so i used bees and oracle changed monsters to kill him repeatedly.

i killed him about 5 times then he started staring at his screen waiting for me to try more so i just taunted him and started playing dota while he was waiting or me to do something.

Oh the irony of macrofags shitting at botters.
This doesn't even go into the issue of your autism or salt levels. Jesus christ, you sound like a 12 year old retarded brat from the chat.


based puppey lost TI so hard he had to come to tosg for banter

I can't believe I ever thought dvine might be not that bad and its all a /tosg/ meme. What a cancerous piece of shit.

Oh, I just typed up something in the previous thread since I didn't realise a new one started. Long story short, new player to this game and thinking of trying this build.

Is it easy to get wood for dievdirby skills and do different monsters drop different wood or is it all randomised?

Also, can I ignore strength and dexterity and only focus on constitution, intelligence and spirit?

Uhmm, when is Mr. Kim going to fix party questing?

ill hurt you ingame what is your ign


Your build is very very bad.
What exactly is your goal? Pvp? Pve?
This isn't even going into issues like no maxed safety zone or dumping more than a single point into monstrance


>taking this garbage game seriously
how retarded are you? i get 5 fps in this piece of crap game then i launch dota2 on the same computer and get 60fps in 10v10.

delusional little faggot, go do some minigame and blame your teammates.

Do you understand the irony of you whining about others "taking this garbage game seriously" when you're the one shitposting non-stop about it and you're the one getting buttmad in chats about it?
Sounds like you're the only one "taking this garbage game seriously".

Completely PvE, I'm thinking.

I didn't really understand the point of safety zone, since I assumed blocking X attacks would fall apart in large groups of mobs or DoT or multi hit attacks.

Monstrance sounded good, boosts DEX while debuffing defense and evasion of enemies. What's wrong with it?

whatever makes you sleep at night you delusional little faggot

are you good at this game or something

>taking this garbage game seriously
You literally take this game more seriously than any other person in this community. Nobody has spent as much time raging about this game, the people in it, or the things going on in it as you. You realize that, right?

We need porn

dex boost doesn't scale with level, dex boost is auto applied to whole party on cast, circle debuff from monstrance is worthless in normal pve and only for bosses, waste of points for other more important skills, etc etc.

It basically doesn't exist.
The AI breaks literally randomly at times.


Please stop posting Capyba porn. Even censored by Ohaynig it is unwholesome.

yes keep using ad hominems shitposter-chan, maybe you'll prove something one day to your fellow retards :^)

simply ebin imc

Alright, how is this then?

thats not Capyba
Atleast it's not supposed to be

>dvine get buttblasted and quits
>still comes to tosg cause he just can't let go
He's so triggered at people talking about him he has to come and periodically check tosg so he can defend himself online on an anonymous image board. What an autist.

dont censor it with this ugly ohayou please

Reminder that R10 archer will be cossack!

Hanaming ohayou without Koening when?


>When your teammate listens and it works

How useful is a Pardoner's simony scrolls? I'm not entirely sure what the point is, especially if some skills require a stat you don't use or something. I guess there might be some good combos you could use or something, but that seems like it would rely on the Pardoner taking a specific path or something. But even then the list of Simony-able skills is kinda small?

Can you use it to use skills twice while one is on cool down?

>little delusional faggot
>so triggered he makes up stories about somebody quitting while they're logged into the game as always
what kind of autistic mouth breather does this?

Anyone here who's a sadhu, raise your hand

that's be ok

koenig is cute but that ohayou is not

Hmmm, he told me the same.

nah, pretty sure no one even likes that fat piece of shit loser koenigger
hanamings are the be st

He seems like a pretty cool dude. It's rare to find someone who will give strategies a go after losing the first round, most people freak out after round 1 and won't listen at all.

I guess it would look something like this?

i wanna be tentacle raped and impregnated by a shoggoth while it mercilessly sucks off my futa cock for every last drop of my cum

>LucoV running chrono with vubbe fighter mace
>While Kirt rolls in at 200 miles per hour and iron hooks
Clever. Really close game. First time I've seen a support wizard roll with vubbe fighter.

>these fucking matches where you expect an easy win but instead it turns out that all 4 of your teammates are literally retarded and it was 1v5 from the beginning
Hurts the most.


I thought you were skipping this week? You could have said something.

>up against 2 clerics, one being a diev3
>partner just face rushes them and dies instantly twice, leaving me to 1v2 them, and somehow I win
>tell him not to rush them because they have invincibility at the start of the 3rd round
>he rushes them again
>we won anyway

Can you remove counterspell with counterspell? What about reversi?

Thats worse

Pretty much am. Decided to take a break from the whole level rush thing. 2v2 changes so much week to week. Last week was fletchers and kabbalists, this week is catas and nearly every match my teammate had zoomy and called out the matchup classes before start.

a little huge hana, i'llmake it smaller later

Dumb backwoods nigger, press f4 and enter spectators to see your matchup.

When I tried that I wasn't on the top of the list and for some reason can't scroll down. Does that actually work for you?

Pardoner's Simony isnt really that useful but if you have a krivis pardoner you can make Dainos scrolls which are really useful because they can get pricey but so few people go krivis nowadays.

I never tested using scrolls on a character that can cast the spell but when you consider that potions all go on CD, I think its the same aspects

It works for anyone but you, grandpa.

WOW, didn't know you were that illiterate. Perhaps you should go watch tv or smth.

t. miss info

your own match never shows and cant scroll

Guess I'm just retarded. I'll try it next time I go in and swap the resolution if it fails to scroll.

play the game

>Beets leaves and turns another thread meme into a guild name

if you do it as soon as you load in you'll see your own match most of the time. If it's not there it's probably been overwritten by a newer match already.

I need post session therapy.

Makes sense. I usually pop corpse jar and greet my teammate when I first get in so that would explain why I didn't see it. Thanks.

I ain't going Krivis so maybe I'll stick less points into simony or even change class. Thanks.

if you're going PD Pardoner is a great class to have. PD's Incineration and the new PDc2 poison gas spell are all DoT. Discerning evil makes every status/dot last 10/12 seconds longer which is incredible when you think about it.

Nah, I'm going Oracle. Currently my build is this.

good build

Ohayou Hanamming or nothing

What happened, user? The gym or your daily box quest/party quests/130 solo usually are pretty therapeutic after TBL.

Ahh ok, but later. Gonna sleep.

Some days ago I asked some help for a sorcerer PvP build, focused on DPS. People recommended me circle configs but I never actually asked about skill allocation. I literally have no idea about the skills besides the descriptions, haven't played since prelaunch and dropped the game because of all the issues at that time, so I'd really love if someone would give some feedback about this build, anything would help:

Also I'm currently almost at wiz3, with 10 points on energy bolt, 5 on sleep, 5 on reflect, 5 on surespell and saving the last 4 because I don't really know if I should save them for energy bolt 15 or reflect shield 10.

I'd drop Pardoner for Bokor C2 then and you'd have a super cancerous PvP build. Pardoner gives you nothing in that build. Oracle simony scrolls are worthless.

the standard for wiz3 is max sleep, max surespell, max quickcast, max missiles, 1 earthquake and lethargy and preference for the remaining points.

>you can equip weapons and equipment in slots that don't even exist
just had a battle against a warlock who had their gravity pole hit 40k for each hit
the fuck

They had no cleric and we had c2d3d2. My current nemesis was on the other side and I expected to win this match. I did my usual 3 second routine, took ausrine and stepped forward to take the heat. While I was obliterating this one guy, I noticed that my team was somehow dying. It struck me that they were retarded and saw ausrine for the first time. Druid was especially bad because being a shitter with no anti cc, he was losing to cata with restrain. He was incapable of cure or silence tree or owls to melt catas face to save his worthless hide. If they told me that they were this shit and this would've been 1v5, I would've been prepared to play accordingly. It was not impossible to solo them using aursine and retards as bait. But since I was surprised to see how awful they were, I was simply stumped and couldn't do a thing to save the match. As soon as it ended they left so quickly and I couldn't explain them just how shit they were to lose something like this.

Those 5 points in Reflect hurt, now you don't have enough to get EQ and Lethargy.
You should max Sleep, it's standard.

For Sorc3 (consider Warlock instead), drop Evocation entirely, it's hot garbage.
Distribute the 5 points into everything else, like this:

What skills are worth getting for a QS3 other than Running Shot and Caltrops?

Lethargy for the attribute and earthquake for the CC I guess? Gonna drop two points from shield to lethargy and EQ.
Any other suggestion user? And thank you for that, I would've missed it otherwise.

stone shot and pavises

stone shot if you care about pvp

>only just now finding out about hook and its chinese variants
its been used by rmt bots since icbt2 user, you're kinda late

>Those 5 points in Reflect hurt, now you don't have enough to get EQ and Lethargy.
>You should max Sleep, it's standard.

Should I get a skill reset potion? I have 160 TP from the pre-release thing.

Also, when I asked the other day, some anons said sorc2 > warlock was a PvE build, but I would change the build if warlock is indeed good for PvP too, or at least better than sorc3.

You sound like you've got a pretty level head, user. A lot of people would have taken that worse.

I wouldn't bother explaining to your team why you lost. They're all agitated, possibly on tilt, if they stick around. They're not likely to learn from what you have to say, they're more likely to call you retarded or provide their side of the argument, which is likely to anger you further, and in the end accomplish little.

Try to throw out as much information in the buff stage as you can. Some classes like necro have this part hard, since we have to pop corpses, skeletons, shoggoth, surecast and quick cast, and there's not really a whole lot of free time. If you've got time, though, just type out whatever they need to know as fast as you can. Even stuff like "USE AUSRINE" or "counterclockwise around the statue" may be enough to draw their attention to it.

Does your nemesis know he's your nemesis? I could see that making it especially annoying.

I ain't interested in PvP, but I was thinking I was lacking damage in this build. Still, even without simony Pardoner has some good support skills...

I don't understand some of Bokor's skills though. What is the point of Bwa Kayiman?

>I ain't interested in PvP
Drop Bokor entirely. Bokor is a circle that exists completely for PVP and is pretty bad at everything else.

If you're still Wiz2, you should just reroll, really.
It's not a lot of work to get back to where you are, certainly not worth the reset potion (use on Tokens instead).
Reflect Shield is useless past the rank or two of the game, you'll regret getting it.

Sorc3 has a bigger TS and more Bats, while Warlock has Dark Theurge.
I'd say both are relatively equal in TBL, with Sorc3 having a slight edge right now because of JP + Bats + MM combo can blow the entire enemy team up (JP is bugged right now).
But if they fix JP they're a lot more equal, and DT provides a lot more defense against Catas and surprise Cannon Blasts.
And with Warlock you're open to Warlock C2 at R8 giving you a ton more PvE than a Sorc3 build (I'm probably going Warlock1 unless Sage can duplicate summons).

tl;dr Sorc for huge JP combos (which might be nerfed) and 5fps GvG, Warlock for comparable PvP power with much better PvE.

>is pretty bad at everything else
bokor is great, it just needs funding for its attributes which costs shit tons as well as non-boss scenarios

>DT provides a lot more defense against Catas
Play the game.



>5 Sleep
>10 Reflect Shield
>0 Earthquake
>0 Lethargy
>5 Evocation
>5 Desmodus
>only 14 Bats
>0 Riding
>0 Hold
>0 Morph
>TP on 5 wizard points instead of character slots or something
Sheeit, nigger, I'm amazed you didn't have level 15 earthquake in there.

Alright then. Dropped Bokor, took up another Cleric circle and ended up with this.

Also tried swapping out on of the cleric circles for Kris instead.

I guess I could swap out Khris for Paladin as well, but I'm not sold on Sadhu at all.