

18 year old about to buy my first car.

With the amount of money I earn I can afford to lease a car that's about $35,000

Any recs? I was thinking pic related, a CLA


I don't think you understand what a lease is.

just a slip of the tongue, my autistic friend

>what kar iz gud

why dont you fucking narrow down what you want

>inb4 because you had a Freudian slip he calls you a retard the whole thread just to feel better about himself because this is all he has

>someone points something that does not sound right
>that guy noticed that I screwed something up, must be autistic, right guys?
>no chance that he could legitimatly be trying to help me by calling me out on my error so I can evaluate myself


35 corollas

lol this is my first time on here, I didnt know you were all pedantic little weirdos

should I rephrase?

>what cars do you guys like that are 35k or under, new

Reported for obvious underrage.

Called it, like fucking clockwork

Get a Cadillac ats. 2.0T RWD manual.

yeah i wouldnt be surprised


see Already saw

Instead of throwing your money away you can probably get a decent loan for a CPO ATS for around the same monthly payment as the poser Mercedes.

Seriously the ATS is the fucking car

whats so nice about it?

>buying (or even leasing) a sub- $35k Mercedes

If you want to look like a tryhard sandperson, go for it. I mean at least you get a warranty, but why not just get a Toyota or Ford with some nice options.

At least you were thinking of leasing it instead of buying it and selling it for $8k with 17k miles on it a year and a half later.

It's not the german engineering meme

Jaguar XE is also a decent car if you want to go european that bad.

Well, I'm 29 and poor, and I was a lot more poor at 18.

So you can go and fuck yourself

>lot more poor

Get a new Jetta with nice options or something.

it's not our fault your a dunce.

1 series
base 3 series
base mercedes equivalent
base audi equivalent
about a million compacts

why dont you grow a personality and acquire your own taste.
tired of these shit normie threads

>my first car
>i want ot buy a soccer mom-tier fwd wagon

ur a mega faggot O`P

I wanted a challenger pretty bad but my friend just got one and I don't want to have the same car as him

>doesnt know what a freudian slip is
youre not half as smart as you think you are


Because you can find a 2013/2014 with decent options in the low $20k range that comes with two years of free scheduled maintenance and an extra two years of warranty if you get it CPO. The ATS has the same alpha platform as the Camaro and the extended platform of the CTS.

Shut up and buy a civic. CLA a shit. Doesn't deserve the mercedes badge. It's only made for badgewhores.

did daddy beat you for getting Cs while you were at school or something?

nah seriously OP ur a faget

so you have no taste, no personality, you aren't funny, and you samefag your own threads


Not Op and would rather get a Jaguar or Cadillac so try again

wow jaguar or cadillac how eclectic you must really be a real car guy

fuck off back /v/

It's okay to cry, noone would know, you don't have to tell us you did, just cry and leave the thread in silence.

Just picked up my 2013 with 29k miles for $21k. Mine's a AWD 2.0T 6-speed auto. They're hard to find in manual unfortunately. I love the ride quality, the sportiness, engine has decent figures, 270hp and ~250ftlbs iirc. Not a terribly heavy car, decent boot space and passenger room. It's comfy status too. Comes standard with Bose speakers that sound great. I get 35mpg highway and around 20 city. Most tanks i average ~23-27mpg. So a decently fast, good looking, usable car that doesn't compromise economy too much.

what is wrong with you

are you having a rough day, man?

it'll get better :/

would be more suitable for finding a random production car for a normie

Top kek, I'm a different guy.
It wasn't a Freudian slip (implies projection, or other emotional . It was a simple error, no strings attached.
I didn't call him a retard (unless you count autism as mental retardation, which then means that we are all retarded as autism is regarded as a spectrum encompassing everyone to different degrees), though, admittedly, I considered it.

However, I'm not going to deny my autism.

To answer your question OP, you should probably not lease a $35,000 car right off the bat. Just buy a decent used Corolla/Civic and call it a day. It won't fail you, and you get decent empeegeees. You save a good sum as well.
>inb4 poorfag

try again

Buy a 2015 c class, you will have 5k left over

CLA is a poser car

OP here

Im not interested in getting a soccer mom car, nor did I know the CLA was FWD.

I quite like the Jetta GLI, I think I'm gonna take a look at that

Nah, those things are fucking shit. Unreliable, have tremendous depreciation rates, and you've gotta pay a pretty penny to get the nice leather interior that will still be shit compared to the C-class. Every rich kid in SF drives one of these trustfundmobiles.

I'd say get a certified pre-owned Lexus IS or a Cadillac ATS if you can deal with the touchscreens. They're both gonna look, handle, and feel so much better than the base model Benz.

I didn't say it was a sports car, but it can get out of its own way and is enjoyable to drive. Its a sporty compact sedan. Thanks for your contribution though.

Mercedes Mechanic here.

In my honest opinion, as much as Mercedes are amazing vehicles, not only remarkably comfortable to drive, but also fun when you open them up...

... I have to tell you, your first vehicle should not be a Mercedes. Your first vehicle should ALWAYS be something you're not afraid to destroy, and something that will teach you the origins of a true driving experience.

Your first vehicle should be a used standard vehicle. Learn to feel the vehicle, learn to feel whats wrong with her, learn to repair her, learn to care for her, and don't be afraid to play with it.

Having a Mercedes as your first vehicle will only leave you feeling restrained, afraid to break it, afraid to really learn about the true driving experience.

Mature yourself with a pony work horse before you move on to stallions. You'll regret anything else.

Also CLA a shit

If you have no credit at all then find someone to cosign with you and lease so you can build credit. If everyone you have to cosign has shit credit then just buy a beater for a couple grand and get a prepaid credit card to build credit.

thanks for the input, Ill heed your advice

sorry for my ignorance but what does my credit have to do with it?

Nah, they're just not as good as some of our other models.

This is some good advise. Buy a $4k Miata and just abuse the hell out of it for a year or so until it breaks or you crash it. Then buy something new.


Caps lock aside, OP, I think you are the same OP from those threads and at this point, I will have to report every single one of these threads as spam.

>lol it will have no effect

Have fun with no more (you)s regarding CLAs.

Gli for 35k? get a mustang gt they start at 32k

nah not for 35k

I don't have to spend 35k id rather not even, its my limit

the gli i built was like 27k or so

i wanted a challenger but like i said earlier in the thread, my bud has one and I don't want the same car as him

are mustangs nice? I havent seen new ones in person? and could I beat my friends challenger in a race?

also what do you think of camaros?

The answer is always 9/11. This is about $35,000. 2002 9/11 Turbo with 105k on the clock.

that looks incredibly tempting but 100k miles is a lot, how long do you think it'd last? I don't wanna blow 35k on a car that will stop running in 4 years

also, since I'm 18 i imagine the insurance would be insane

Narrow your search down to cars that you know you can afford to maintain. So like, a Lancer, Impreza, FR-S, Altima, anything that is known to be good on gas and cheap with maintenance. Just go out and test drive until you know you've found the right car and don't bother with listening to the salesman yap on about the car. Do your own research and pick from there.

i would hate to know you irl.you are so cringe and i already hate you without knowing you.i bet you have a lot of fake friends who laugh their ass of behind your back.


and no, theres no reason for anyone to pretend to like me

Most new car dealerships will have a set lease rate for you when you come in, however, if you have no credit history or bad credit then they can hike that rate up because you're a liability and they don't know how likely you are to pay each month so they want to get as much out of you for as long as they can. If you have someone with better credit cosign with you then they're likely to keep the rates the same since they have someone else to bank on if you fall through.

ah I see


Didn't we have a bullshit CLA thread like 2 or 3 days ago?

What country are you in?


Might as well just sink that $35k into a nice shed to go after you're done prepping the bull.

>what kar is gud
>60 replies

this board is so fucking trash now. nothing but redditors and jalopnik fags shit posting over stock production cars.

Forget the CLA, it's basically just an overpriced front wheel drive economy car. If you want an affordable Mercedes look into a lightly used C250. You should be able to find them with low mileage at $16,000-$20,000. They're as close as you can get to a standard issue car. Well built, economical, reliable, four door, rear wheel drive sedan. They have excellent Mercedes build quality but they aren't overly complex like larger Mercedes sedans. The drive trains are proven and reliable as well.

I don't get the impression that you're actually a Mercedes mechanic.

Fucking don't.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Mercedes-Benz, they're beautiful, well performing vehicles. However, the CLA absolutely sucks, I've driven one and the base model without 4matic just handles, feels, and looks shitty. Either save up for a C300 4matic. Or downgrade, if I were you I'd go for a used Audi A4 quattro if you want luxury without the super high price.

buy the cheapest shitbox you can find until insurance stops raping you.

>OP wants a CLA because he likes it
>hey, lemme just tell you what I like and then proceed to argue how your taste is shit and mine is better
You're fucking cancer. Get the fuck out of here.


Never buy an expensive first car. Get something cheap that'll last you until insurance and income gets on an acceptable level.

Also, don't fucking buy a CLA. Go for E-class or C-class.
If you absolutely want to drive a Mercedes, look for a W124, W210 (mind the rust!) or a relatively cheap W211.
W202 for C-class, because the W203 looks like shit.

Just remember, few things are more expensive than a cheap Mercedes. You don't want to learn that the hard way.


If you really feel like you're loaded or don't mind crippling debt, a potentional bad purchase, or disappointment, go for whatever you want.
I won't stop you.
In the end, what you want is what matters. Just take into consideration that it's expensive and a generally bad idea to buy a new car, or one that has costly maintenance.

As your first ride, that is.

Wew lad

daddy's money is not earnings.

I make 600 a month and have no other expenses

How about you start saving up?

I think you're new here op and regardless of how much of a jerk you appear to be keep in mind that nobody on Veeky Forums owns anything made after 2004. I personally don't recommend buying brand new as the price will fall 30% in a year. Point being, if you have your heart set on buying brand new, that's fine if you really want to do it but you are going to be quite pissed asking Veeky Forums

>Leasing your first car.

M8 thats 150 a week so like 10/hr and 15hrs a week. You Definently should save up 2000 bucks or so and buy a beater. Preferably a volvo 242/240/244/245 or civic/accord. Remember, you also have to pay insurance and gas. Insurance isn't going to be kind to you and anything with a turbo will make it way higher.

Oh to be young again.

Wait until you add another zero to the end of that before you start leasing a Mercedes.

>lists every 240 variant
>still lists standard 240

what are you, fuckin' retarded?

Except op specifically asked what other cars people recommend in this price range

Foda-se pá, lê as coisas


well if you can't fucking articulate how the fuck are we supposed to answer your question

Most bmws/mercedes/audis sub 30 are barebones and useless.
Get something japanese which is mostly fully equipped and usually have better mpg and power


Holy shit this thread is garbage, stop replying so good threads will be on the front page

Do not buy that fucking 911, he is trolling. Don't buy a car that heavily used or that fast for your first car, it will either break down, make you go broke from maintenance costs, or literally kill you when you try to drive fast and drive straight in to a wall.

nah of course not

I wasn't really considering it, just curious

I've driven one and it drove worse than my e34. Piece of shit. Slow as FUCK. Never ever ever buy one. Felt like a go cart with big tires and soft suspension

No the Ats doesn't handle better than c class benz that's a total hogwash lie