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>Fates FAQ


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W-Why is she crying?

She sent Hinoka against an Mini Bow archer, and she needed a Rend Heaven to kill the fucker without dying.

She's smiling, so they must be tears of joy. Maybe she pulled off a risky plan?

Azura a shit

Flora a shit. I literally cried when she died.

Because she managed to beat Birthright on the easiest mode

this 2bqhwyfâm

This is your maid for tonight.

As long as Flora (shit) isn't my maid, I'm okay with it.

So in Birthright are you meant to just fly over to the exit on mission 12?
Everyones so squishy I cant make it the normal way without casualties


Yes, but you'll be missing a hammer and a meme item on the chest.

Might as well grab the hammer first, otherwise yeah.


Not in MY canon, no.


Oh fuck that hammer would probably be pretty useful in this game considering
Does the Hammer break?

Of course not.

They are both flat and boring

I want to ruin Elises loli pussy!

Too bad you can't, she's pure. However, you can do whatever you want with her einherjar.

Am I the only one still buttblasted that there was no dual-audio?

Honestly, only weeaboos play FE. Why does NoA hate the fans?

Yes. The only people who cares with this are obese weebs who sperg over literally anything and will probably die without losing their virginity. This also applies to Poké Amie.

>Am I the only one still buttblasted that there was no dual-audio?
Nah, I'm pretty miffed as well. Dual-audio is surprisingly rare for a feature that should seemingly be pretty easy to incorporate into games. Anything published by Fatlus in particular suffers from this as well, bothers the shit out of me.

*tsuns behind you*

Niles already ruined her tight virgin loli pussy


I want to KILL Elise!

That's a cute pic of Oboro and her granddaughter

Too bad you can't, she's too pure for that.

Pretty sure you aren't, especially given the highly debatable quality of a good portion of the English voice cast.

Thank god I'm a pirate.

I want to say I can deal with the voice acting, but upon review, I never used Effie or Nyx purely because of their voices, and Sawashiro trumps whoever did Camilla by miles.
I ended up buying a Jap copy anyways, fuck it.

*it was a holobaka*


Wait a second so you still get fucked over by RNG with stat growths on lunatic, the only difference being that you can't reset? I actually wanted to start playing Fates on lunatic but seems they just want to fuck you over without any kind of reward for playing on a higher difficulty.


>the only difference being that you can't reset?
Pretty much. It's only a problem if you do really on resetting. It's still rng regardless, although if you do get a good level up it won't be lost.

Friendly reminder not to reply to tripfags.

>Subaki: What's this? I'll have to find it's owner.
>Subaki's Pike
>Subaki's weapon is a Subaki's Pike +4 already.

>Using Subaki

>not using Subaki

What is his best class? General? Weapon Master? Great Knight? That personal screams Swordmaster but his Str and Spd is (lol.


His stats scream General but damnit his personal skills does otherwise.

Xander would beg to differ.

You are not Xander, and he didn't intend to kill her. Feels more like a suicide.

r8 my taste

>Elise is not the best girl
>Pieri is literally the last place

0/10 You can stop posting it now.

is it possible to have taste this bad


That's not Hinoka's personality.

Camaraderie has literally the best icon but the worst effect.

>could never beat Birthright because it made me feel too sad
Elise didn't deserve the plot turning on her. Neither did Xander.
I wasn't missing out on anything, was I?

Hinoka is cute! CUTE!

Here's an image of Hinoka's personality

I love Birthright but Elise is my waifu. So, I keep an Troubadour einherjar of her with max stats on my team as the main healer because her skill is good and because she's perfect.

Cutest family

Elise is literally perfect, user
You have good taste

>Peri near the bottom
>Not a good thing
Found the triggered cuck (lol

10/10 taste user

That's a good idea, but she's not the real thing. Also her ghost was probably just a mix of Corrin's guilty conscience and getting fistfucked upside the head. Her soul disappeared into the ether.

>projecting this hard

Her Nendoroid is not the real thing but I'm buying that shit anyway.

Meh/10 Michlan

>feeling bad about Xander
What? It's not like the game suddenly 180d on him. He was being an idiot since the pre-route split and then decides the spit on Elise's sacrifice like a jack ass. He had it coming.

The first 5 was pretty solid
But Silas and Rhajat should be higher
Whats the link user

>Hinoka first
>Camilla tied at dead last


>decides the spit on Elise's sacrifice like a jack ass.
Wasn't the implication there that he wanted to die then? I mean he's not an idealist like Elise that can make people everything into sunshine and rainbows by making kawaii eyes at them.

But that's Azura's personality

Camilla should be number 1 and Hinoka should be dead last (and preferably literally dead too)

>that feel when you get to a thread
>namefag post
>is filtered
Feels good.

>Keep this up and someday I may love you more than money! Haha…no, seriously.

What does she mean by that?

That she'll cheat you for money. And by money I mean ANY small penny and dime. And Charlotte will probably do the same.

Is there one for Awakening?




Not in my canon

Not really, that's just a guy copying me. 95% of my posts are anonymous now.
Well, I guess you could say you got what you want.


Your opinions weren't that brilliant they worth namefagging for. You aren't a special snowflake.


Its dead Jim
And this one doesnt have images
I forgot some of these losers names
Like that girl who doesnt have a child


These are some nice illustrations, where are they from?

I never said I was. I only use it if I want to put a "pin" on a post so I can search it easier on the archives. If there's a nice picture, or a like I want to remember, I use my name.

I don't have special opinions, nor have I ever done anything worth noting. I'm just your regular, average, user. I have never done anything wrong.

Alright got all the kids and I have a question

Who should I marry off to the tranny?


Do you get XP in My Castle battles ?

These things never work right
The first 15 ranks is fine
But Henry should be like 16th, but he just didnt show up and is all the way down at 41

What is a good class for Setsuna?

I think I like little sisters. I'm not really sure.

Also, don't respond if you don't agree

>Michlan posts
>gets a ton of (you)s

>I post my taste
>no replies

laslow seems a bit too interested in mamui my dude

>little sisters at the top
>Midoriko also high
>titty monsters low
Called the cops

>not holding the sole interest of everyone in the game
Seems about normal to me

I've nothing against titty monsters really, it's just that the characters they're attached to in Fates aren't very appealing to me. Ophelia is sorta high.