/lolg/ - League of Legends General

Dont forget the fucking links edition

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e621.net/post?tags=futa soraka horsecock

1st for sona

First for sexy bloodlords

why is Stixxay so cute?

Jinx in high tops when?

Xth 4 remembrance

That's fucking rich coming from SHURIMA SHURIMA SHURIMA

Post best girl


yordles are so much better

>No big jew nose

Why fucking bother...?

Time to see which team will get the honor of getting their shit slapped 3-0 by TSM

Soraka is for _____

jinx in yeezy's when


>look up Twitch games match history from high-ranked Korean players
>translated to this

What did they mean by this /lolg/

First for Soraka is a great and interesting champion, but has a curse which always match her with literall retards.

>tfw no more Joe "dont call me Joe 'joe miller' Miller" Miller
im so sad

>people saying vlad isn't cancer because he doesn't have a 50% w/r


i want to suck on her delicious musky horse cock.

Jinx in the nude when?

>another delayed dbz episode
What the fuck am I supposed to watch today?

>play alistar with a bronze vayne against a kalista blitz
>vayne runs into the open field non stop and I have to bodyblock several hooks or she insta dies
>get ganked by mid too several times
>call her out I couldn't do anything and vayne is uniroic bronze
>ff20 2:20
>get called bad by blitz

Is this game only filled with people that can't judge a situation?


Why does TL do nothing but shitpick?

>moot will never go back to being a Veeky Forums faggot again
He's normal now.


Breaking bad

TK is meta as fuck in korea

huhi gonna shit the bed so hard.


Who wins in Yasuo vs LB?

I've played it as LB and haven't had much issues.
Although I'm not sure if LB is good against him or if it's just Yasuo mains outplaying themselves.

Trash OC!

Why is Syndra suddenly back in meta? I'm not even mad about it but she had zero significant changes in any recent patch

he is so fucking disgusting with rylais and his low cd, i dont know why they "reworked" him to make him more cancerous. MAKE HIS FUCKING Q A SKILLSHOT ALRDY IM SICK OF GETTING POKED WITHOUT ANY COUNTERPLAY FUCKING NOOBCHAMP BELONGS INTO THE TRASH

This tbqh

If only we had realistic fleshlight sexbots so I could let soraka pound my boybussy until she cums inside me.

no homo

i wrote fanfiction about pounding jinx's tight little boypussy while her small feminine cock bounces around

Retard here. Why ban Soraka?

Let me guess, is it called "A Night with Jinx"?

Being cute.

Azir and Viktor have been nerfed, and all the other top tier mids are getting banned.

Indirect buffs because of azir nerfs, so nobody plays him anymore. Viktor too not long ago. So the strongest waveclearer sind out of the game and all the other midlaners have chances now

>rito will never balance champs for competitive play
>instead they will always pander to bronzies and silver surfers that cry about yasuo/riven/everysingleassassin
>competitive meta will always be the same 2-3 champs per role that rotates between patches
>will never have the champ diversity of doto

>nerf every midlaner
>they ban the good ones

Who's not winning the contest but still getting in the winning picture this time, Sona or MF?

yeah, pretty sure you have already read it.

same reason people ban zed
she's not fun to play against

right now a ban on either of them is kind of a waste, though.

Of course.

Any example of how Soraka is bullying THAT effectively? It seems I don't know shit about her.

>5minutes and lourlo already feeding

>pander to casual audience
>cant make the game too hard or challeging because bronzies will leave if they cant just play without using brains
>pro meta will always be stale because game is balanced around shitters

Sona, because Soraka will win

>only ever blocked nurse soraka autist after flaming him when I added him
>check block list out of boredom
>gas reformed here now
>nurse soraka belongs to a bronze now
that autist stopped autistically maining raka

then went to singed?


gas pls kys

Its not her bullying

Its that she is the ONLY champion that forces a stalemate lane

Without the jungler, no action happens in bot lane. She's boring as fuck.

She cant engage and she just heals off all of the work you did to poke them down

i absolutely love horsecocks
and futa is literally the best fetish that exists.
futa raka and futa draenie are literally fucking perfect, the hottest thing to ever exist.

add me in game: gas reformed

yeah, totally they never balance champs for competitive, so i wonder why they keep nerfing nidalee and are in the process nerfing rek'sai and gragas

Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.

do you have any reading comprehension?

he is saying that rito nervs riven/yasuo/assassin for no reason except they are stomping bronzies while they are actually quite bad for pro play and never will be used since they are mediorce and getting nervs. So less diverisity for pro play.

that post does not say they are not nerving op champs which are fotm in pro games.

Every other mid getting nerfed, she was actually buffed in the midyear mage update but never got into the spotlight. Strong into lb

Pokemon. There are league finals right now.

When was the last time ribbon and yasuo were nerfed?

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

id fill that purple cunny with cum, but she would mean nothing to me, she would be nothing but a cock sleeve cum dumpster

other yordles are better

WTF is this charizard?

>tfw there are almost no good futaraka pics
how do you fuck up this hard

Lmao, TL is playing like a bronze.


The fuck is wrong with that Greninja. Did they reveal mega Greninja in the anime only?

Huhi isn't so bad when he isn't playing Azir.

I'd rather cuddle.


Do you live under a rock?

wow nice fucking spoilers faggot, don't go past the subbed episodes
the ones that are actually subbed well, not the shit-tier speedsubs with errors everywhere

It's literally super saiyan 2 greninja that Ash spiritually fuses with to unlock new and stronger powers

there are a decent amount of futaraka pics, and most have big thick delicious horsecocks.

its good.

do you? because that isn't the only retarded point he's trying to make.

and it's especially retarded to complain about that shit when riot's buffing riven and are about to roll out an assassin update.

I only watched the 3rd generation of pokemon

He literally has no idea what he is doing.

most of them are fucking awful art quality, what are you talking about?
it's mega charizard
fire/dragon type

That is known as 'Mega Charizard X' which was introduced in Gen 6 where it can mega evolve into one of two things - a stronger Fire/Flying which is more visually similar to regular Charizard, or a fire/dragon like this.

That's known as 'Ash-Greninja' where it basically became stronger and changed how it looked because him and ash are very good friends. yes, better bond with the greninja he's had for under a year than a pikachu he's had for 20.

it's all a bit stupid.

>It's literally super saiyan 2 greninja that Ash spiritually fuses with to unlock new and stronger powers
What. The. Fuck.



what are YOU talking about?
>e621.net/post?tags=futa soraka horsecock
most of these looks good to me

>bot is down 12 kills by 10 minutes
>"maybe gank :)"
>conveniently forgot I camped their ass for two minutes until we took bottom tower
Not even mad, just baffled.

Yeah, pretty much

>not Satoshi Gekkouga

are you even a fucking weeb?

I don't know what offends me more, the concept itself or the fact they didn't even have the decency of having that happen to Pikachu, HIS FUCKING SIGNATURE POKEMON AND STARTER.

which point is he trying to make except creating a strawmen argument? i dont see any response to the original argument which is rito is balacing around lower tiers instead of pro play which results in a small viable champion pool

>That Jhin ult
>The city of Liquid

>people calling stixxay bad

>Liquid in charge of good positioning

I recommend you up your standards.

Can anyone explain why TL have fabby? he sucks

Just this.

those are absolutely awful, what are you talking about? What kind of standards do you have senpai?

>its another 13 lose streak episode again

hahahahha why do I bother playing this cancerous piece of shit game? I can't stop playing till I get a win, my OCD sucks.

they literally nerfed nidalee by dumbing her down and removing her AA reset mechanics

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He's a shitskin isn't he?

Probably affirmative action or something.

>tl isn't even going to get to 4th

They really wanted the Dragonball Z audience huh...I guess they had to drastically switch it up after making Ash look like a drooling retard in gen 5

Aaaaaand suddenly I understand that user's comment yesterday that Greninja's a gary stu. I thought he was referring to the entire species.