Emulation General - /emugen/


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Please contribute to the wiki if you discover any inaccuracies or have relevant information to append.

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Mednafen a shit.

What a time to be alive

RYE-PHECK-AHH won't make her own to trigger helpless end-users like yourself I'd guess

It's called being lazy. Stop making excuses.

Mednafen a best.

Mesen libretro port when

I need muh accuracy

Its that the plugin that fixes the texture morphing on ps1 games?
If so,post more.

>I don't want to use standalone because command line a shit.
Considering that RA doesn't even have a WIMP gui, it is not worth that sacrifice in performance / other possible regressions.

It's missing a shit ton of mappers, like ones that games actually use.

Is there any too to rip these models as vertex arrays?

>saves PCE emulation
>saves Playstation emulation
>saves Saturn emulation
>saves virtual boy emulation
>saves PC-FX emulation

What's Recaptcha gonna save next?

Hopefully Dreamcast

>>saves PCE emulation

tfw RA still has no accurate pce core

Is there a list of downloads for injected wads for Wii of N64 games?

Nobody said anything about RA

What they have now is like Snes9x. Can you even name the one or two games that don't work in PCE-Fast? Thought so.

mednafen wouldn't even be relevant without Retroarch

>mednafen wouldn't even be relevant without Retroarch
ya right. Maybe if RA didn't have accuracy and performance regressions...

It's new, it has a lot of potential though.
Speaking of that, what's the rarest mapper? Is there a mapper that no emulator supports?

Can you even name two games on the PC-Engine that aren't Bonk, pinball, or Castlevania? Thought so.

>Can you even name the one or two games that don't work in PCE-Fast?

Bonk 3, Final Soldier and Advanced V.G. all have graphical issues and there are probably a bunch more

>I'm not really sure what (You) (You) is asking for which is why I ignored it
I don't know user, don't you edit your mednafen-09x.cfg? Maybe add filters, scanlines, .special etc? I'm reading through the manual, but you anons have tried most of these already. Some feedback on what works and what doesn't would be nice.

>Bonk 3, Final Soldier and Advanced V.G. all have graphical issues and there are probably a bunch more
Is this for real? Been forever since I played with the accurate core. Why did the RA guys get rid of it?

Also, is there any word on the BlueMSX core getting updates?
Also nice trips

>conventional wisdom said for years not to bother with dreamcast emulation since it's so easy to burn games
>systems are finally dying
>emulation still blows
>the only alternative is to wait for months on end for a small window to pay 150 dollars to a eurofag for an SD replacement

>Is this for real? Been forever since I played with the accurate core. Why did the RA guys get rid of it?
It was never ported. If someone shows SP the examples of inaccuracies and asks him nicely he probably would do it.

I think you can count the amount regulars here who's actually using upstream mednafen on one hand, so you might have to wait a while to see if any of them are willing to share their configs.

Also the BlueMSX port is pretty much abandoned (same as the emulator upstream). Go pester the OpenMSX team to port it to libretro github.com/openMSX/openMSX/issues/285

SP doesn't care


Again, I said "post examples of the inaccuracies". If he thinks it's just pedantic shit like bsnes-accurate vs bsnes-balanced of course he won't bother.

>If he thinks it's just pedantic shit like bsnes-accurate vs bsnes-balanced of course he won't bother.

Yeah, he's really been keeping SNES cores at minimum, some variety couldn't hurt.

There are no significant regressions (a handful of edge cases are not significant, especially when the code that fixed them is questionable from a performance standpoint) and there are significant improvements like hires res rendering. I bet standalone Mednafen has more input lag too since it doesn't have GPU Hard Sync or Frame Delay...

Only die-hard Mednafen fans are actually using Mednafen the application, most people are just using the relevant emulation cores from it inside something else.

>Also the BlueMSX port is pretty much abandoned (same as the emulator upstream).
That's too bad. BlueMSX standalone was my go-to for MSx emulation, but it hasn't seen any updates in years and has issues now. Was hoping it could make a big comeback in RA. At least MSX emulates very well in MAME.
>Go pester the OpenMSX team to port it to libretro
Sounds like a god idea, but I thought most emu devs wanted nothing to do with RA.

Are any of these games worth playing? Thought so.

Why the fuck don't byuu and Ryphecha use Github like nearly everyone else now?

Github is the reddit of software development.

>muh forks

These are not valid reasons. Cite valid reasons for not using a public Git/SVN or otherwise don't respond.

I have a question for you guys, i heard you telling everyone that mednafen is the best ps1 emulator, so i downloaded, and after almost ripping my balls off in a fit of rage, i managed to make it run just to see that it runs like shit on my toaster, should i stick to psxfin or epsxe until i get a better pc or am i fucking something up?
The turbografx-16 core is pretty good tho.

Is Veeky Forums SourceForge?

>He fell for the mednafailure meme
Freetards, not even once.

They wanna be special snowflake devs, and use special snowflake source control.

And Veeky Forums is the Reddit of imageboards

What's your point?

They are not the only ones, FBAdev, Zeromus, Stelladev, Shamus and CaH4e3 all don't use Github either.

Zeromus does.


Veeky Forums is Stackoverflow.

Deliberately unhelpful and elitist because it makes you feel big and earns you cred with anonymous strangers.

You gotta be shitting me


Turtle never ceases to amaze me

Stop being poor and upgrade; except no substitutes for PS1 emulation.

If he can afford to upgrade he can afford to purchase a dedicated device just for emulation. You think I'm gonna buy a rig when I can just buy a PSP?


Are you implying a PSP is powerful enough to run anything past Genesis at full speed?


I heard that the PS2 emulator has been patched recently. Does MGS3 run well now?

>Freetards, not even once.
Ironic how they insist he should pay money to be able to run mednafen at full speed :) .

>I mostly work on N64 and PS1 stuff, but I like doing anything kewl, breh.

I don't think we'll get anyone as absurd as him before. There's no evidence Turtle has ever coded a single line of anything. he's apparently too lazy to actually learn how to code and just pretends. Then he brags on reddit about being a dev.

It's like those guys who claim to have won all sorts of MMA tournaments but can't fight.

so I haven't touched my 2ds with rxtools I think I'm on 9.2 in almost a year

refresh my memory, all I have to do is update my emunand to play MH generations right?

It isn't. Both GBA and PS1 have issues.

Go to the homebrew general

>It isn't. Both GBA and PS1 have issues.
Please tell me what PS1 issues there are? And as for GBA, TempGBA is pretty fucking perfect and can run basically everything at full speed. I'd know since I used it to play Mother 3 and Golden Sun which were always major pains to emulate on the PSP before TempGBA

>should i stick to psxfin or epsxe until i get a better pc or am i fucking something up?
use epsxe

there is evidence he can code (or at least he can read and understand code). Weather or not what he's written is original is not for me to say, but it would appear that he is fluent in C/C++.
Nevertheless, many of his github contributions defy this reality. It's like someone's little autistic brother is allowed to post on his account or something.

A bunch of the shit on his github has turned out to be stolen from other sources.

The turtle rabbit hole has no end. It's just lies and deception all the way down.

What if turtle is the split personality or an elaborate trolling attempt by some well known dev?

>stolen code
i wouldn't doubt it. Not much would surprise me, but if you read his comments on other projects, it's clear that he has an intimate understanding of some somewhat complex code.

What's "Reddit" about Firefox?

Its called "everything I don't like is reddit"

Retarded dipshits on every side.

He reads others people's posts and tries to pass it off as his own knowledge. He's an idiot playing pretend. Coding version of Steven Seagall.

I am sure you mean someone else. Steven Seagall is an American Icon and could kill a man with his eyebrows and a whisper.

I can't afford a new computer atm because unemployed, but thanks for the advice.
will do.


Is Citra still incomplete?

Quick sanity check; I'm using the following emulators. How wrong am I?

SNES - Snes9x
N64 - PJ64 2.2 (also 1964 for mouse aiming in GoldenEye/Perfect Dark)
GB/C - Gambatte (was using VBA-M but the speed-up function was too fast)
NES - NEStopia

I tried downloading RetroArch once but couldn't figure out how to set it up.

>couldn't figure out how
grab this: (the dev version is better atm)

>PSX - ePSXe
>I tried downloading RetroArch once but couldn't figure out how to set it up.

I hear mgba is faster and more accurate.

>N64 - PJ64 2.2
2.3 recently came out. I'd use that.

PS1 - mednafen or PCSXR
N64 - Dolphin/give up

Dude, those filtered textures on RE Survivor look pretty shitty.
Btw, do you still need a powerfull computer to run saturn games or is the new mednafen core more toaster friendly?

Is it possible to use a Dualshock 3 controller on Dolphin emulator? I can't get it to be recognized on Dolphin so I'm not sure

Someday, probably, when I get around to it. So many other things I also need to get done!

Mesen supports over 195 mappers, There are maybe 100 or so roms (all unlicensed pirate games) in GoodNes archive that Mesen cannot load (out of over 20k roms)


>N64 - Dolphin
For reals? Is there a compatibility list?
I also have a modded wii that i imagine could probably give accurate N64 emulation

It has somewhat high requirements.

My stock 8350 can barely run full speed, but the only time it hasn't is strangely the FMVs in Mega Man 8 which runs like 1 fps too slow.

Panzer Dragoon runs fine on it though. Also I usually have this OC'd a lot.

>Mesen supports over 195 mappers
Oh, tons have been added in the last couple months. When it was first posted here it was like 130.

Pretty much any game that was released on the VC is better on Dolphin. You can inject other roms and the Wii has emus, but that doesn't work very well.

You need to install a driver for it if you're on Windows.

>Pretty much any game that was released on the VC is better on Dolphin.
Enjoy frameskip in smash bros...

>For reals?
Not true.

Yea, I've been focusing on adding support for as many mappers as possible for the past couple of months

>PSX - ePSXe
Use Mednafen or PCSX-R
Everything else is pretty ok but >using epsxe >le current year

what about obscure games like Wayne Gretzky 3d hockey?

Might as well use bsnes.

does mednafen get rid of texture wobble?

That requires a more powerful rig, right?

Not really, c2d and up will run it.

>That requires a more powerful rig, right?
Yeah but not really.
Any non-toaster should be able to run it fine.

Higan for SNES
mGBA for GBA
Mednafen for PSX
puNES for NES

Well you've passed puNES and Nintendulator then, so if it really is more accurate and compatible than those, and once you pass FCEUX/Nestopia, and port to libretro it should be the goto NES emu.

Nestopia is fine, as long as he's using the UE version.
puNES doesn't support as many mappers, correct?

I wish every emulator had a rewind function

I thought it supported more?

176, but I'm sure includes every commercially released.

higan, snes9x wokrs just fine if you have a toaster
Pj64 is the best compatibility wise, get the good plugins though (check wiki)
gambatte is excellent, bgb is on the same level and has link support
be sure to get nestopia UE over regular nestopia, nestopia is dead. punes is excellent as well, mesen is good but it needs more mapper support