Back yard mechanic

>doing your own work on your car
spending money to bust your knuckles, get a headache, mess things up because you did it wrong, make multiple trips to parts stores, get wrong parts, not have warrantied work, and generally having things be more difficult than they should be because you dont have the right tools.


>getting things wrong
>getting the wrong parts
>being so shit you need a warranty for your own work

Useless deadbeat general?

>raising your own kids

>not having the right tools
>being a poorfag
>being a poorfag and also unable to make your own tools

Plan ahead and research famalam. I changed my control arms on my lunch break a month or so ago.


>jews trying to beat the system
>they fuck it up
>have to bring it to me to fix
Gets a good laff out of me every time

what you dont see are jews that did beat the system

And it frightens me that they're driving on the same roads as my friends and family

Holy shit this board fucking sucks.

>>doing your own work on your car
>spending money to use penetrant or a longer wrench, do things right because you did it correctly, ordering parts online, get correct parts because you know your car, not needing warrantied work, and generally having the satisfaction of properly completing a difficult job with the correct tools.

It's like you want to save money, learn a skill and have a hobby. Poor saps.

I don't know about you, but I am pretty reliant on my car, and due to my work I very rarely have an opportunity to leave it at a garage.

Doing stuff myself makes my life a whole lot easier, as I can just perform the service & maintenance in the afternoon. It also saves me a lot of money (mostly on standard service and such), I learn a lot from it, and although I do have to buy a lot of expensive tools I feel like it is worth it. I'll most likely be doing this for several decades, and I see it as nothing but a healthy investment to be able to do pretty much everything myself. I even enjoy doing the simplest of stuff like brake changes & switching out tires

Sure, sometimes you fuck it up a little bit, and sometimes you wish you had taken it to the professionals at once, but thats life

>tfw too poor to work on own car

>There are people on this board that actually believe this

Depends on the job, and what your time is worth.

Although if you own a new(ish) car which is still under warranty and work on it yourself, I can't help but feel your priorities are a bit fucked.

>owner maintained
As an actual mechanic this makes me tremendously concerned because most people are morons

>auto maintenance is too complicated for the goyim, they must bring me all their shekels

Very neat and organized garage.
1010 would work in there.

Its not all that organized, but thats what you get when the tools have been gathered since my dad was 15 nearly 45 years ago, so nothing really matches.

Only recently put up the shelves you see around the garage, which helped a fuckton

I dream of one day building my own garage, where everything will match and be perfectly organized

at least I still have a pair of balls

I would too. But that requires more money than I have.

I might be able to... I'll be taking over my grandparents house & property when the time comes for a very nice price, buying out my aunt, uncle and dad. I'm good at saving, and if everything goes according to plan I'll be able to get a decent paying job

A man can dream... I mean, I'm not all that picky either. All I'll really demand is a heated garage with a nice workbench, two/four post lift and the basic tools. I'll build it bigger and better as I go along

>tfw parts runner for dealership express team

No schooling, no tools of my own, but I have access to a dealerships worth of tools, and one of the team used to be a line tech for the same brand as my car

I can do literally anything I need myself, with a professional tech looking over my shoulder the whole time. Gonna do injector o-rings and an intake manifold gasket later this week.

Feels fucking good bro, I don't even get mad when my shit stops working right anymore. Drop 60 at my dealership for the diag, grab parts there and do the rest myself at my job. I'm fucking spoiled.

I rent a shop for $200/mo. to work on my stuff. 34x20.

>how it looked the day I got it.

How it normally looks.

t. DR30's two cars

200? Really? How much would I expect to pay for one with a lift?

Damn that's expensive!
But I guess if you're using it then it would be worth it

Better than going to an autoshop and having some high school aged faggot nigger rig something in your car.

If you think a warranty means shit on auto repairs then I have bad news...

That would be sweet if you could live there. Just buy one of those RV campers, and live inside. $200/a month would be a steal for a place if you could sleep there.

My room is tiny as fuck, and I'm not picky. I just need a place to lay my head and shower.

No idea. Check your local Craigslist.

Despite my trip, the shop sure beats working in the yard. The person who was renting it before was paying the same amount and was only using it for storage.

The electrical service is piggybacked off another building owned by the landlord, so the whole shop runs on a 15A service. Not sure it'd be enough to run an RV.

My house is only $300/mo for the mortgage.