Chevy products suck dick

Everything I have ever done on my 03 silverado has been complete shit and a fucking pain.
>be me today trying to change tranny fluid and filter
>find out you need to take off exhaust to take off pan
> can't get pan off so I try putting it back on but even bolt is now not wanted to go in
>rachet now covered in at slips and breaks shift linkage
>my daily is now fucked because GM wanted to save space.

I've never worked on my Chevy, couldn't tell you how easy or hard it would be.

I know changing COPs and plugs on my Ford is a pain in the fucking ass and requires the fuel rail pulled and a hole cut in the cab though.

Try not breaking things and "fixing" stuff I guess?

Sounds like you're a poorfag without the right tools or a pleb that lives in the rustbelt.

You're literally retarded.

Oh, look. GM's marketing team arrived.

Oh look, a dumbfuck who somehow manages to break 1/2 inch thick steel shift linkage whilst trying to unbolt a tranny pan. Congratz retard.

assmad gm fangirl spotted

Literal retard who knows jackshit about working on anything spotted. Stick to your japshit, and I'll stick to my early 70's ford/gm shit.

>being this assmad

Keep on posting your weeb garbage and lying on the internet Hiroshima Cuckosuzuki, but at the end of the day, I know how to take a tranny pan without fucking up everything else.

It's a 1/8 wire cable , broke with ease

>being this assmad

Shifter cables are not shift linkage you r-tard.

Enlighten us to what your mom drives, o' superior 15 year old overlord, we get it, new GM is nowhere near what it used to be, doesn't mean you have to shitpost all your weebmemes.

>I know how to take a tranny
up the ass?

>this assmad

I admire your shitposts in every thread

Glad to see you admitted to being 15, thanks for the reply.

>being this assmad

>shits on weaboos when he is a frogposter
The autism never ends.

You can't remove the oil pan on a 2002 Dodge Ram 1500 with the 5.9L engine without lifting the engine up several inches.. Mine had a slight oil leak coming from the oil pan gasket that I wanted to fix but when I saw that I'd have to disconnect the engine from everything and lift it I decided that I'd just live with the leak and check my oil level once every week or two.

>can't pull a trans pan off a 4l65e without breaking it

just stop OP.

>chevy products suck
>can't change fluid

kill yourself

>not driving a ford

You think that's bad? My sister's car is bad
>01 Grand Am
>Changed ignition switch because recall
>Shit goes wrong since then
>Car's security system would lock the car and wouldn't start for her
>Finally get it working again, does the same thing a week later
>This goes on through the summer of last year
>Fast forward to October
>the car's headlights won't turn off, battery dies.
>More electrical issues
>Fast forward to a month ago
>Her car won't start again
>couldn't find what was wrong with it electrically, but the steering rack was bad
>Get it onto the lift, the frame is broken
>get the frame fixed and put in a new steering rack
>fast forward to last week
>Her car won't turn with ease
>Checked the power steering fluid, there is none
>looked under, saw it was leaking from the rack.
Had it towed to a trusted mechanic, he's sick of seeing that POS at his place.

Another "I broke it, fucking GM" poster.
Go buy any Honda that still has a takata airbag

this thread is a disaster

when did Veeky Forums get raided by legbutts

ITT: people bitching about their 15+ year old cars falling apart.

Any vehicle from any manufacturer will start to fall apart at some point, some sooner than others. Don't be surprised when it happens at 15 years tho.

>something breaks on honda
>spend 20 minutes with an 8, 10, and 13mm wrench
I'm a bmw fanboi, but let's not act like some cars aren't easier to maintain and are designed to be easier to maintained

so if my chevy lasts 40 years with it's original engine and still is perfectly intact then I'm the 1%? cool.

So you're saying that it's my fault that my sister's car broke, or that the rack and pinion leaked steering fluid?

>Tried changing headlight bulb on 13 Silverado just a couple of hours ago
>Went for the easy way under the air filter but the housing was caught up and I couldn't get up far enough for my ape arms to reach
>Had to pull the grill, unscrew half my wheel well liner, and man handle the light housing out
>TFW I bought the wrong bulb
I'm a fucking retard for managing to do that but you'd think GM would have found a slightly less involved method to do this shit

What's the mileage on the card? You can pick those up for like $800 no wonder it's a shit box

You never replaced anything other than filters? Not even shit you broke?It's 15 years old. This is when shit decays and leaks.

Can't you just remove the air box easier?

You're embarrassing to look at

Cubans in general love gm especially chevy and caddy. Im a ford guy though.. not into nigger tier engineering.

>american cars made after 1989