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Do you guys like my transmog??

looks like u wanted to do a clownmog but ran out of colors half way thru

I just made 200 gold off 100 light leather. Is this a lot of money. The buyer used the buyout option. Or did I get jipped?


wtf bliz

depends on server but 200g isnt that much these days

wtf i hate blizzard now

>Somehow created a never-ending Blizzard in ICC


Threadly reminder.

>Big Guys< Silvermoon Alliance EU

orcs and corruption

you've doomed us all

the new zones wont be CRZ so you should just change servers if it bothers you that much

What class do I reroll for sexiest transmog?

NA /wowg/ guids:

No Fun Allowed (Illidan, Horde)
RIP in Peace (Sargeras, Alliance)

Whisper anyone online for an invite.

thanks for warning me, i will make sure to avoid them

my bf bought me Legion and is going to blow me while I DPS in raids

tankfags on suicide watch

>cute face
>showing feet

Fuck I am an Orc

What have I done

tfw no rl cloud serpent dragon


is moonkin supposed to be ass for questing?
no cc, little defensive capabilities, not enough burst to just nuke shit before they get to you

nice man hands faggot

slutmogs are a bit favored to plate

Belfs should be titty monsters!

> tfw all the casters are boring now
> balance is shit and gutted
> elemental is horrible
> mages are boring
> warlock are already being nerfed

Can't wait for more years of not being able to get melee off my back. The only good thing is that atleast no melee shitters will be able to attend mythic raiding, so i'll have some peace there.

we agreed no more guild talk. stop it before big reddit comes and shitposts again


I'm into level 40 dungeons on my monks Alt and I'm in full heirlooms but I feel like there must be some ability or mechanic I'm missing because I'm taking a shitload of damage in these dungeons. Like sometimes healers will actually struggle to keep me up during trash pulls.

Is it me or are monks just weak in this level bracket? Like as far as I can see I have no button to press besides a ~7 minute cooldown called fortifying brew to save myself. Ironskin Brew doesn't seem to do anything but maybe I should be spamming that? I don't know. What am I missing?

>stooping to fag levels of advertising

The new zones arent the problem, did you even read my post? I am on a dead server and when I go to old zones I expect to get what I came for without competition. but instead I see hordes of people from busy servers shitting the zone up.

I'm just going to make a character on an RP-PVP realm. seems like that is the best bet.

hi lily

>orc mage

>mfw using metamorphosis on fembelf dh


Mmmm gnome pussy.

>mages are boring
pls no
i wanted to come back


>ever not boring

Can I not transmog Glaives into Fist Weapons?


Fastest way from 90 too 100? Dungeons and treasures/bonus objectives?

/wowg/ guilds:
@ Sargeras-US (Alliance)
@ Illidan-US (Horde)

Anyone else noticed this in ICC? Seems Blizzard reused the item id from an old weapon model to one of the new ones used by the Legion demons

These threads have been going on for years and the guilds have ALWAYS been in the OP.

Why change now? Because some retard forces his dead guild there? Jesus Christ.

thought about holy priest in pvp?
i wanted to make a healslut and cloth tmogs are incredibly sexy

>auchnei crypts
why is this dungeon so fucking long just for only 2 bosses

They are very viable tho. Just boring.

doesn't work anymore, it was just for old models

If thats what you want then just make a character on a Brazilian PvE realm. You wont see anyone, ever.

Well I am feeling pretty cool in here.

is there more to that pic or nah

holy is great, the only problem is you have like 14 spells you'll actually use so you'll more than fill your bar

They should make the metamorphosis models use your mogs too.

>guild trying to pick up people for legion raids in trade chat
>(6/13) heroic

its a big guys trying to false flag episode

i just wanna slay internet dragons
why aren't there any other games with good raiding any more

Why is travel form just as fast as cat form as a resto druid?

It's useless except for flight form now....

Just another face

thank you for replying to my recruitment post every thread user!!!!!!

>mexican intellectual

i am just trying to inform people

> tfw waiting for legio nto hit so I could main a DH

I really really want to play my warrior or paladin, but both are dumbed down to such a high degree that it's impossible.

I don't even care if DH have only 2 buttons to press, I just can't look at warriors and paladins while remembering what the classes used to be and what they are now.

why did they make him a fucking paki or someshit

what do euroloos have to do with american guilds?


>need to do a quest in Orgrimmar to be able to grind for the tabard I want
>Saurfang won't even show up where he's supposed to

>roll a tauren shaman cuz they cool as fuck in vanilla and shit
>see that doomhammer is the artifact
>oh shit an orc shammy would be cool
>delete the tauren and make an orc
>play warcraft 3 and see the shadow hunter
>oh fuck troll shammy would be epic as shit
>delete orc and make troll
>see vanilla vid of tauren shammy
>oh fuck that looks way 2 cool
>delete troll shaman and make tauren shammy

or at least the same haircut

this was me when wotlk came out, i couldnt stick to one race

What the fuck are we supposed to do when no guilds are allowed on OP?

Just letting everyone know.



pretty hot desu

nfa and ripip weren't the ones being retards on purpose, if it bothers you that much then nuke reddit guys every time they post theirs

Blizzard never should have combined all the travel forms into one.

Put warcraft in the fucking title so i can find the general faster you faggots

id give that dog a bone

>get in a bg
>swap between a 690 and a 710(730) shoulders
>stats like str, hp and crit doesnt chane

Someone explain this

>searching for warcraft is faster than wow or wowg

>forsaken don't need to surface for air anymore


Are Shaman any good in Legion?

r8 my gnome

Don't reply to him. He's upset because his attempt to become relevant by creating a guild failed miserably.

Btw, NFA has usually 20+ people online at nights, pretty good.

i wanna fuck that gnome

working as intended

>searching for wowg is faster than wow

>playing an MMO

do you even know which guild I'm from


why don't you ask neptulon? i mean vash'jir was such a success that we even got a satisfying conclusion to his storyline

oh wait

It's a gnome.


Should I main my BElf DH or Hummen DK for legion

which is more fun

PvP? Not unless you're resto
PvE? Yeah, sure they're fine.

Which race has the sweetest feets?

searching any of those two would still bring up the thread and is faster than warcraft

Fastest way to get gold after rerolling on RP server?

vash'jr actually had one of the best storylines though dawg

>100 human pally ganking lowbies during hillsbrad invasion
>gets absolutely destroyed by 95 warlock

really brings out the shittiest players

>mfw rolled a fem goblin shammy and never looked back

>not playing master race panda

>Alleria fell in love with human Paladin cock
>Vereesa fell in love with human Mage cock
>Sylvanas fell in love with human Hunter cock

What is it about humans that High/Blood Elves just can't resist?

goat femdom

female worgen

Vashj'ir was god-tier but yeah i hear you.

I mean we did kill the big squid for him

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