Monster Hunter General - /mhg/

MHGen sucks tama dick edition

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 / Search
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHFU, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous thread:

I want to BE Meowstress!


post your least horrible clownsuit
>Pierce up
>Repeat Offender
>Crit Boost

Generations is shit. MH5 when?

I just got a +5 Sharpness OOO charm, what's a good weapon/set to use this?

I want to play GS.

But It's just so shit.

>MH5 is shit. MH6 when?

How can other trainers even compete?

DB is the only thing that would really need that charm.

>implying looks matter at 240p

Why is Gunlance so hard. I just want to make things explode.

Are you a Time Lord?

Tigrex charge blade likes it

Very disingenuous, user.

Is playing P3rd worth it if I have played 3U?

>horrible clownsuit
user, that's actually pretty okay looking

But in this case MHG is objectively shit. Unlike past installments.

He did say least horrible.

Why the fuck are the mainline games not built with this level of graphics.

Why the fuck is MHF not the standard for Monhun games (looks, not monsters)

Also, I'm so damn glad the japs love them some titties.

P3rd is a completely different game.

Yes. It's different enough.

>But in this case, MH4U is objectively shit. Unlike past installments.
>But in this case, MH3U is objectively shit. Unlike past installments.
>But in this case, MHFU is objectively shit. Unlike past installments.
>MH is objectively shit.


capcom knows the mainline audience isn't made up of graphicsfags


Can we agree that Generations is the best multiplayer MH so far, but the single player campaign is lacking?

Nah, GS is great, you're just shit. Pick up a real weapon instead of those shitter trip machines once in a while.

Best Multi were Dos, Tri and 3U.


How long until Capcom learns the difference?


The other weapons can ignore it in favor of better skills. Although Absolute Readiness exists, so I'd say Razor Sharp is exclusively mandatory on non-element DBs and any CB.

That's MHO genius

>Best Multiplayer
>Not MH3

Multi is shit in Gens. Best is 3U Wii U.

How did she get so thicc?

Terrible single player and easier multiplayer so that they can be soloed more effectively
Not that the last bit is necessarily bad, just a little disappointing

When the fuck will capcom learn to scale monster health based on players present

4u is pretty fucking awful

Best style/arts for ls?

>seeing how fast I can kill stonefist IV with a ice lbg and only hitting his shell instead of using a thunder lbg like i usually do
>doing pretty well, cracked the shell already
>he starts digging
>jogging away, timing my rolls to avoid getting hit by him popping up
>he pops up the 2nd time
>avoid it but flinch directly because a new monster spotted me
>get hit by stonefist popping up
>get up
>cephadrome appears on the monster targeting list
>stonefist angrily taps me with his claws
>get sent flying
>get up
>cephadrome does the flying paralyze move from offscreen
>hits me
>stonefist, backs up, spins, then jumps up in the air
>lands on me

Because graphic whores are much more likely to steal the game via piracy

I think so too, but it's quickly becoming the next FU because...well, it IS the next FU. So maybe keep it to yourself unless you want to summon them.

Go away, shitter.

>tfw you dodge right into the monster and get the adept dodge
Is there any feeling more satisfying?

Hosting unreleased DLC
Also have cat with world's strongest skill


pass 7243

Tri exists.

LS is legit bad. Ignore shitters who say Adept is the new meme.

It's clear times are subpar. Abnormally long frames for weak motion values over all. Meme spirit gauge is dated and needs to be reworked.

Cutting a tail with the LS counter art.

Tri and 3U are both fundamentally superior to FU.

4U and Gen took a major step backwards by taking way to much from FU for their games instead of continuing to move forward.

No, and vice-versa.
Ignore the other two posts.

This is my genuine opinion.

You're just begging to be blacklisted. I won't take your bait.

Guild or Adept.
Many of the hunter arts for LS are great. Go With Sakura slash, Unhinged Spirit, or Critical Juncture.

Adept with Sakura Slash, ignore salty fucks that hate being tripped by it

I can't think of one way in which Gen's multiplayer has exceeded 3U, or even 4U.

Which subspieces will get confusion in MH5?

What about P3rd? It introduced by far the most new monsters in any game.

The following weapons are shitter tier:

Feel free to use anything else.

please dont give me feels

Is Critical Draw not a must anymore for GS in Gens because of the change to WE right?

If so what should I use instead? I'm guessing I should go for Quick Sheath, AuL, HGE or maybe Critical Eye/Boost?

>tfw i like gl and ls
jfmsu senpai
Whats an enjoyable weapon that isnt shit?

But all weapons are shitter tier user.

How can you steal an MMO?

Imagine what else kut-ku can swallow

my cum

I want Tama to lather me up and slide me down his throat!

Good thing I have no problem with naming and shaming.

He's using a cat called Natalie HR 89

There are also two people in the lobby
Sareth HR 117
Denvessay HR 138

Best Blademaser weapon is probably DB, as much as I hate to say it.

Adepts DB is god tier. The ability to cancel out of most animation, sidestep, gain meter from evades is insane. Guild is still great. Touch screen special -> pin wheel is amazing. Striker is classic. Drink Mega Dash juice and it's savage. Aerial is spammy but effective.

Wolf's Maw is probably the strongest hunter art in the game as well.

DB is sort of boring after a while, though (X+A -> X -> A -> X gets old), nevertheless, it's clear times are commanding and it's weak on no monsters.

I want to give Royal Ludroth a big wet sloppy human kiss!


I want to hold hands with a woman

>taking the blacklist meme seriously and actually attempting to tattle on people

I'm at a loss for words. Who the hell cares?

I want to cut off the Royal Ludroths Bananas and make a bed out of them.

>tfw no hold hands and high five emotes

Interspecies sexual activities are not okay user.

Please follow this user's example.


The autists outing themselves in this very thread. In fact, if Sareth and Denvessay want to tell us all who they were playing with today, we should be able to narrow it down relatively easily and avoid whatever turbo cunt thought it was a good idea to namedrop in the first place.


The fact that you responded clearly shows you do.

Think of it this way, you avoid autists that are just looking to put names on a list if they actually blacklist you.

Did I fucking stutter?

Who the hell cares?

I want to put my dick in a monster's butt!

I want to kiss Charlotte on the cheeks

Would you a Tamamitsune?

You? Stop responding.

>Ruko's G form is released in less than 2 days

I can't wait for more magnet fuckery.

You don't tell me what to do fuccboi, fite me irl, I'll pop you in the gob you limey tosser, swear on me mum


Do deviant cat weapons charge cat bars faster?

Shitposters are taking over! Time to post Chameleos.


That's a pretty cool design

Doing Dreadking lvl 2+


>complains about shitposting
>posts shit


it is you who is shit

Brcahy's "slime"?


Actually I secretly lust towards monsters and pretended to hold innocent thoughts towards women hoping to be lambasted in a display of reverse psychology instead


One of my favorites. I love hugs between friends!

Quit getting so mad Sareth.