/ksg/ - Katawa Shoujo General

Katawa Shoujo General #3123

Emi Edition!

Previous thread: Official website: katawa-shoujo.com/(KS is free)
About Katawa Shoujo: katawa-shoujo.com/about.php
Summer's Clover (Unofficial Miki route by Lilly's writer): ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=9996
KS Alpha (Pre-release version: pastebin.com/weL41ehu
#KSGGames (Risk/Chess IRC Chat): pastebin.com/eaqK2kPq
Pastebin: pastebin.com/syJHnDCB
Writebin: pastebin.com/jUpSAYZE
KSG FAQ: pastebin.com/fFCGBSdi
Shimmie: shimmie.katawa-shoujo.com/
New KSG Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=1834162
Flockdraw: skycow.us/whiteboard
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
/ksg/ exclusive 3DS themes: mega.nz/#!3hkznbaR!Zu_0gWDvitQspHUaEhtUeLG7iJhK4Q_79MpXaASkrQo
Katawa Shoujo Lite: newgrounds.com/portal/view/608881
KS Interactive Shrink: writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1858014-Katawa-Shoujo-shrink

Nth for a happy Hana!

Relatively cute...

Nighty night /ksg/, stay beautiful. Keep it comfy!
Oh I hope I get some rest tonight...


Bros and peace between us all.

My favourite smile!


Emi update: I think I fixed most of the issues regarding the face last thread. I'm not going to move the eyes because I've already redrawn them 3 times and If I have to do it again I'm gonna rage.

Thanks for the advice everyone, if you see any other glaring issues please tell me, hopefully I've already fixed them. I know it's not that good so far, but I haven;t drawn anything other than Hana so it's kinda a big step haha

Night man, sleep well

Looking good so far.

What do you guys even discuss anymore? I haven't been in this thread in three years. I thought it died a long time ago.

us guys discuss how bad hanako's route is and make fun of the guy who wrote it when he comes here and gets mad at it

I personally think she looks adorable

:) TY

Thanks doc.

No problem, I guess.


Damn, people were already complaining after about 300 threads back then and now we're here at a bit over 3000.

It's been quite a few years

Made a quick gif for some shading tips
Chose a base skin color, apply it where it's needed, set the layer as "Multiply"
Once done, create a second layer, and "clip it to the previous layer" So it will only apply to that skin layer you just did
Choose a shadow color, for that try not to choose a darker/greyer color
For the manga style a higher saturation looks good for shadowing
Apply it where needed than use a tool like "blend" or "blur" to smooth the lines
You can see that the shading created by the clothes create a shadow that is "less blurry". The closer something is, the neater his shadow appear

Yeah man, you don't remember that?

Those was over 4 years ago. Either before or during that guy's stay.

Holy crap thanks dude, will try that now! Was that done on Manga studio 5?

Nope, clip studio paint
But don't worry, these tools are pretty basic and I'm pretty sure that any drawing program have those

Try to find your own way to do things. It's more important that you take it a step at a time.
I would simply say that you should avoid shading to grey, like in the neck you have there, do what you need to make it reflect a darker tone of skin more. Layer options can be one method but it's just important you get there how you can.

Oh and Emi's hair is more of a tan-ish brown than a muddy brown, like in that coloring and the sprite here. I'm against selecting a color directly from a reference, but I would recommend keeping it on the side as you select the colors for your own drawing. Getting just the right lightest and darkest tones can still be tough, though.

Oh my god user I had no idea such a tool existed!!! I didn;t expect it to work, but I think it looks way better! Thank you so much, I need to apply this to my older drawings

Yeah I was just doing what I did with pencil, press harder and darker. Bit look at this! miles better. I know its not great, but you have to admit it looks quite a bit better

Well, what tool are you talking about? Anyway, the grey is gone, but any shading at all is hard to see now. Shading shouldn't be overwhelming, but it should be noticeable. Adjust the visibility or choose darker tones, maybe. Hard to say, I don't know exactly what you're doing.

Sorry I got a bit caught in the moment. I'm definitely going to have to practice with it, my overreaction was far more of "Look at all this new stuff I can do now!" and thinking about how I could apply it.

Just using a smooth tool, I had no idea. Yeah the pic is messy, I just did it in a minute or 2. Got very excited

>was far more of "Look at all this new stuff I can do now!" and thinking about how I could apply it.
That's the right idea, discover what things can do, and then work with it to make it better and closer to what you're aiming for. I'm always using something completely new and alien to me in each coloring I did.

>smooth tool
Like, overall? Try it at a bit less intensity, and see if the grey is still an issue.

Wow, and I thought she looked nice before! haha thats awesome!!


Here's another tool that's pretty sweet!
You can use the"soft hairbush" for the blush and then add some lines using the normal pen
I usually use a bright red color, then change the opacity of the layer to get it right
I also used a soft eraser for that because when it comes to blush, something pretty soft usually end up looking cute

Yeah, it's something. Just what did. Obviously I'm not going to be that good with it straight away, I just got to practice. The reason I got so excited is one of the things I hate about my drawings is the "One colour straight to another" shading, and with this that is no longer the case

Turn the intensity down, got it! Do you mean I should not use darker shades at all for shading, or just the colour gray? Is the higher saturated one always the best?

Thanks! Feels like a whole new world has opened haha

Post some of your finished art.

It's hard to tell what they did.
>"One colour straight to another" shading, and with this that is no longer the case
Blending options has always been good to play with.

>Do you mean
Lower the sliders of whatever you were using so it's blurred but not to near-invisibility, unless shading of that subtlety is what you're going for. Generally don't use grey, but if you can blend it correctly you can get away with it.

The drawing used in these gifs is not mine at all, don't get hyped!



Sorry to disappoint you user


ripip hopes and dreams

Moar paint katawas!

How many of you have made a tulpa based on the characters in the game?


Don't worry so much. There was a bit of a delay with Dangerous too, might still be if Kenjibro hadn't pulled through for us.
On that note, was anyone here in /ksg/ on-point enough to get one or two of the new artbooks ordered? I haven't even heard any of that yet.

Not based on characters in the game.

So less subtle shading and blushing, kinda like this?

I'm just using her as a test now, this won't be kept for the final one. I'm not to fussed on whether it looks good or not on her, rather am I getting the techniques right?

On reddit CplCrud confirmed that they won't be selling the artbooks online, so the only way to get them is to know an artist or have been in Japan.

Paint can be fun sometimes

>Kenji has a tulpa
Jesus fucking christ. You should be institutionalized.

Shading's looking better.
The blushing is too much though, that should generally be subtle unless the character is SUPER embarrassed or something. It's also a little off-balance, longer on our left than our right.

I didn't say I had one. Don't you know KSG's past?

>won't be selling the artbooks online
No such thing.
There are resellers in Japan that make a point of taking orders ahead of time and buying up the swag people are looking for at major conventions. The prices tend to be steep but you think it'd be worth it for someone.
Ebay can work too but that's not reliable and possibly even more expensive.

i edited it




That isn't thick, that's obese. Stop ruining a perfectly good fetish with your disgusting one.




Is it wrong to want hanako to be turned into the scum of the eldar?

user, at least post the new pic

Oh wait, it's not out yet. Here's a teaser for ya. With how Cake's working, she might be done with it tonight

Is this guy the new main degenerate of KSG?

Psh, you wish I was new.

He's the main straight degenerate at least

fat lillys aren't as bad as raping hanako so probably not


Alright, got it! Thank for the tips man

It's late here so I gotta get to sleep
Goodnight /ksg/, have a great week!

I haven't been here in a few years so I don't really know which of the garbage has been taken out.

Lol hey at least I'm getting good art done for it. Not like this monstrosity It's not even colored. Literal trash
Good night!!!

He's writing a fat-fiction story.
It's not bad.
Why does these words must come from my mouth.

Night man, hope no one kills you in your sleep.

>good art

So the answer is yes. Hardly an upgrade from farting.

Good night SHG
Didn't you also kill some guy?
That sounds ominous

Yea man, wanna see what's existed before this?

>sounds ominous
I say it to everyone man, just a small joke.

taker pls.

Yea no thanks that image speeks enough for me...

Is this your favorite?

Yea yea yea, alright.
Right? It's just... like who thought that looked anatomical? Who had this idea??
This? This is garbage. There's more, much more, a landfill of garbage that I'm gonna go ahead and spare everyone, myself included, from seeing.
I enjoy fats, sure, but I'm a man of quality over quantity, and hey there's an appeal to what I write so I enjoy doing it.

Plz no. Speaking as a dude with a fat/chubby fetish, I've seen enough horrible KS art. I've been following your story though, you get an image for every chapter?

If you enjoy fats then clearly you're not a man of quality over quantity.

>man of quality

Come on now, there is no difference between these, it's all the same shit.

OH, that's nice! If you don't mind me asking, what's been you favorite chapter? I like getting feedback, cause I'd love to really build on it and make the story as best as I can.
Eh, to each his own. I don't expect everyone to agree with me. Hell. attraction affects everyone differently.

Post fashionable Katawas!

I'm not for your acceptance.
I'm here to see in how bad of a state this general is.

My favorite is chapter... shit I don't remember the number. I think 4/1? I like the idea of stuffing


The worst it's been for the last 1000 that I've been here and probably the overall worst too.

sure i'll post the ones from the fashion-theme artbook

hey wait a minute, der juden refuse to upload it online so i can't

Lol you're not here for typing lessons either, it seems. Tell us, lord of lords, do the peasants of ksg amuse you?

Well thank you! There's a bit of stuffing in a lot of them to be honest, but I've noticed that and 6 are the most viewed ones by a few hundred views, so I figure a lot of people agree lol. I just don't wanna get caught in writing the same thing over and over again. Did you read the latest?


You're a clown, but not in a good way.
You're not making me want to post artbook stuff.

Not yet, haven't been on DA in about a week. I'll check it out when I get home though. You be on later?


Forgive me for not beliving some user who's "come to see how bad the board is" would come with intention of posting the artbook.
Post proof, I'll paint my face like the clown I am. Otherwise, fuck off. Simple as that.
Sure! I'll probably be lurking if the other trips want to control the flow of conversation, but if you want to talk feel free to just say something and I'll respond.

No one cares about your shitty deviant art.
No one cares about your shitty scans.
You'll paint your face like the clown you are? Finally, accepting your place in this hierarchy, newtrip

No, you don't deserve it.


Sure, kid. Won't your mommy be upset when he comes home to find you've been using her computer? Who'll make your chicken tendies for you if you're grounded?


Keep crying you degenerate fuck.

Yea, just above you dressed as the elephant shit.

Oh? Some irrelevant user is trying to talk about trips? Dont suck up to tripfags.