}tf2g} team fortress 2 (two) general

pyro :3 edition

lass >Tips and guides
Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

Sites: scrap.tf tf2outpost.com backpack.tf bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf scrapbank.me
Betting: saloon.tf
Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
ESEA (NA/EU): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
AusFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (Asia): asiafortress.com
FBTF (Brazil): teamfortress.com.br/forum/



>/tf2g/s looking to party queue

Other urls found in this thread:


why is dotsy hiding


sorry /tf2g/
i failed you

didn't someone say they would post there pic in "the next thread" ?

Post winners

d*ng it why would you make a thread
we were dead for a while and it was wonderful

post tf2 filenames


where's the fugkin half left face reveal?????

yeah baby


does this count ?

what are spiderman's stats

fuck i remember that

i don't know dude i don't care about superheroes that aren't muskel

is there anything worse than an e-couple?
>spams chat with cringey shit like "


nigga u just jelly

half left pussyd out

this why you don't trust a tripfag

t. a lonely virgin

You're forgetting
>talks over everyone in voice
>if they're engies they only help each other out, nobody else
>refuses to listen to anyone but their SO
No, there isn't anything worse
Not even furfaggots are this bad, because at least they listen when you tell them to do shit
the only thing worse is a furfaggot couple

never let a medic heal you for more than 10 seconds in a row or you might end up like this

gonna have to try harder for this (You)

does anyone know what tonight's update gonna be about?

kinda worse

>k/d always lower than 1
>0 fucks given about objective
>5th sniper/spy most of the time
>if pyro, never extinguishes
>if medic, only heals players with $300 hats
>no map knowledge
>not even basic english
>150 ping

and they're more common than couplefags

I assume MyM fixes still.

Unless it going to be delay again.

>someone points out I'm just a butthurt lonely virgin
>t-this must be bait f-for my (you)s
sure kid

>t. e-couple
Keep the discussion on topic please
Thanks for the free (You) though
Yeah I hope so, theres a lot of shit from MyM that needs to be fixed
Really I just want stopwatch mdoe back though

> le not giving (you)s im so clever
go to bed kid


i don't like degroot keep

what did he mean by this?

What's your wishlist for the next update, guys?
>Added back stopwatch mode
>Abandon penalties in casual
>No more joining in-progress matches with under 3 minutes on the timer or with only one cap point left for the other team to capture
>Hidden MMR in casual mode
>You can now lose EXP if you do poorly in casual
>Removed Competitive Matchmaking

they don't even pretend anymore

>Abandon penalties in casual
stopped reading there 2bh

>You can now lose EXP if you do poorly in casual
>join an in progress game
>it's the last 6 seconds
>you lose before you can even walk out the spawn door
>lose your ranks
yeah that sounds fun

tf2 invented castles

kill yourself retardo

they did though

any good loadout for the Prinny Hat?

remove casual matchmaking and put the ol' qp system back
new hats



slapping random shit together is your best bet

>We're working on a mandatory update for Team Fortress 2. We should have it ready soon.

>For real this time. Probably.

- John

Make stopwatch Payload and A/D only, and adjust "join in-progress game" timer for KOTH and CTF to be a bit lower. CTF is now best of 5, KOTH and 5CP best of 10.

what did he mean by this?

>tf2 has the code for giving gold/silver/bronze medals depending on your performance in ranked
>doesn't just copypaste it into casual and make them give more xp like overwatch(+150xp for each gold, +100xp for each silver, +50xp for each bronze medal you get)

man, this entire mym thing is half assed

>>For real this time. Probably.
this is why we aren't an esport yet

What's hilarious is that they were probably working on Casual mode the entire time Matchmaking was in beta, and they still botched it.

>at a guess i would say he is calling john a wanker

How do we save TF2 and /tf2g/?

save tf2
tf2g will save itself after tf2 is not total fucking trash


Accept Viva as their savior
Drive all the degenerates out of tf2g
More pubs
More Mann Up
Movie nights return

>Drive all the degenerates out of tf2g
why is a spic using /pol/ memes

Because degenerate is his favorite word, despite being one himself.


30 minutes left!

>remove causal and bring back quickplay
>Fix the pyro
>a good update that isn't a disappointment

>ban all memers and tripfags

>>remove causal and bring back quickplay
hello /v/

>He wants quickplay back

burn everything

happy birthday

why not


thank you!

As someone who plays Medic with the White Energy, who has a best friend who is my pocket Heavy with White Energy as well, I can assure you we don't spam chat with that trash (Because we're heterosexual, after all), it wasn't too much money, and we're always the ones carrying and top scoring

Basically, friends who do that is fine. But Women don't know how to heal worth shit, so of course they make bad Medics and whoever they latch on to are suckers for not getting a better pocket Medic

I wouldn't know what pol memes are. I've never been there

Nah, my favorite word is definitely "Fuck". I'm too normie to be a degenerate myself, praise Christ

>Ban all memers and tripfags
>/tf2g/ is now a ghost town and dies for real
Good plan, let's do it.

What did he mean by this?

Remove all of TF2 from existance.

Exactly, it should happen.


Except me, of course

Exeggutor and burning things is a bad idea

>women dont know how to heal for shit
hello r9k

I fit in as Veeky Forums

I wouldn't know what that means, either. I've also never been to r9k

Makes sense Viva would be a robot, desu. No woman in her right mind would touch that with a 20 foot pole.

Really makes you think...

You only browse here or what?

>women dont know how to heal for shit
t.someone who gets out scored by girl medics alot

did 26dollar died

i was at his funeral
there was a lot of hit girls

dotsy isnt cute

i want dotsy to ask me for a dic pick

oh my god i hate idiots

Nope, I'm a real human being. And they have before

Nah, I post on /mu/ from time to time. I just got back to draw threads on /b/ like I used to back in the day, and I browse /vp/ and /tv/

Except Blaris and I are the ones who do all the outscoring and dominating bitches

muselk is cute


why is spiderman there?

one medic please tf2center.com/lobbies/741753

>Except Blaris and I are the ones who do all the outscoring and dominating bitches
>in pubs
gj, you must be soo good

what does viva thinks of dotsy

>Stacking with your friends in pubs takes skill

hire competent devs

fix known bugs and take a look into performance issues

bring back quickplay/valve pubs

keep casual but make a few changes such as no random crits, no random spread so it becomes a place for comp training

people under x hours can't join competitive (you decide, not really a compfag)

losing a match in comp doesn't remove 75% of your progress

casual servers don't just run a map then kick everyone once it ends, make them run a map rotation and players that stay get more xp

there is nothing that could be done, this general is doomed

why did i even bother writing all this shit

what is the point of last.fm
should i make one
post urs so i can follow you

>someone has an opinion I don't like
>say they're from another board

dude sick reply lmaoo got 'em!!

>You're bad, Viva. You get outscored by girl Medics
>Shit, he posted proof saying otherwise. Better say he still sucks

They're a jew and a degenerate

Who said anything about skill?

Just to show off your tastes in music
Go for it

I use it to find music recommendations.

>Keeping both casual and pubs
The reason they removed pubs was so that casual mode wouldn't be DoA, like comp matchmaking currently is. TF2 doesn't really have a big enough playerbase to support MvM, casual, quickplay, and matchmaking all at once.

oh cool I can show off that I listen to Coldplay and Kanye West


>Your compatibility with BasedViva is medium
You still have garbage taste, though.


>your compatibility wih W_M1 is high
i am ok with this

>shit, he posted one youtube video of him stacking pubs with friends
is that what you honestly call good, you disappoint me 2bh