Fighting Games General /fgg/

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play blazblue

Are you buying BlazBlue CentralFiction?

I like SFV desu

And DOA.

jojos ne1

>modern anime is boring
>modern anime games are boring
What happened?



real talk would you play something like this?

What the fuck is Verse even?
Animations look weird even compared to the other ones in KOFXIV.

wtf I love blazblue now

I would main not-Mokujin.

Naoto tickles my chuuni sensibilities.

Why does this make me cringe? They get so obnoxiously hyped up over such little things. Not just the announcers, but the whole crowd too.

Reminder that you CANNOT zone in SFV.

It is literally impossible.

>Thank you for your support. One (1) Noel body pillow has been sent.


remove this webm immediately

>other shills only get 2 cents per post
>bb shills get a FREE body pillow

how do I sign up

what are some good games to play on fightcade

tickle the user's feet III

wtf i love noel now

I told you why this is fraudulent in the other thread and you didn't respond.

Fuck off, isdd.

twitch tv/aliounesensei

alioune is streaming

Kof 98 and twinkle star sprites

Can you tell me why it's fraudulent in this thread? I didn't see it.

can you imagine buying a guilty gear to play faust
do nothing but super jump and throw bombs
rely on RNGs to win
can you imagine being that person who does that for fun

why is this so popular now?
can you imagine yourself just standing in the far back of the room acting superior too retarded to not just mind your business if you dont like whats going on in front of you? is looking away difficult? you might be brain damaged.

is he showing the real chun li gameplay?

ST, marvel vs capcom, jojo, sfa3 are the fun kusoge

kof98, sfa3, 3s are the good games

sfa3 is the best game on fightcade

What? I'm just saying that I watch this and flinch from secondhand embarrassment.

There is literally nothing cringe about this, maybe you just know nothing about the game and/or the players.

nice doug post

Anyone wanna play doa on ps3 or xbone?

You should stay in rkappa if smash triggers you this hard.
>srk has an article about that olympic shit
>but not about the 4 day smashcon event

nice falseflag faggot, smash isnt welcome here you redditor

>start going to locals
>there's a guy who is awkward as fuck, smells bad and keeps saying how good they are at x game
>play him in x game
>they keep talking inbetween rounds, asking me what I do and other personal shit
>they're literally mashing the shit out of their stick after almost every knockdown
>beat them 10-0
>"oh i don't actually play this game really I play something else"

It's /v/tard lingo and culture complete with subreddit and offtopic general on /v/.

The asspain over no Jubei (at least for now) is incredible. I think he deserves a spot too, but its hilarious how worked up people get over it. I think Mori is playing everyone like a fiddle. They made that joke about how Kokonoe was their ace characters to release when things got tough, but its really jubei.

>/fgg/ defending Tr4sh

Who's up for a taken of smash?

Smash 4 Wii U?

>having a local
Be happy.


Yes. NNID?

Sonic boom has 28-29 frames of recovery. His cr.hp is 8 frames and flash kicks aren't invincible unless ex which he didn't have at the start of the round.

You can notice in that webm that Chun made it to Guile a couple of times and he didn't anti air once, he only used it as a reversal. He cannot punish jump ins while also controlling space with booms, he has to bait them out.
The Chun could've jumped or v-skilled any of those booms, on reaction even, and there's little Guile could've done. Might not have scored a full jump in punish but would have ended up closer as opposed to being pushed out fullscreen by fireballs.

got this.

not everyone is too retarded or devoid of personality they need to cause drama and make fun of things that they dont care about. you are literally r/kappa/eventhubs what boring way to live your life

How can real women even compete?

I am not a thread nor am I a board. I am just user.

you should contact that rank 100 diamond chun and tell him this immediately

>on reaction even

i think his non-ex flash kick is way better as an anti-air than what I remember it being in sf4

Do people block overheads on reaction, or is it just a read

jesus christ who stole your fingernails

The smash4 community seems nice compared to melee autism but it's early so who knows what will happen

>having locals
Must be nice

Are you even diamond rank?

Ittl die once the new game comes out because this game has nothing going for it aside from the fact that its new and not broken.

That's a pretty small dildo, I'd be worried about losing it while in use. Then I'd be one of those idiots who shows up to the ER with some bullshit story about how I got it stuck up my ass while not masturbating.

depends on how fast the overhead is and how good their reactions are

anyone who says "on reaction" needs to post millia blocker

Nice anal plug but the gay club is 2 blocks down, fuccboii.

>Sonic boom has 28-29 frames of recovery
What the fuck?

please guys

Is it just me, or is anyone else here outgrowing video games?

Yeah it's pretty big suffering. FGC thinks they have it bad with melee at evo? Imagine having those eceleb worshipping kids in every chat and at every event next to you.

Fuck you.

I assume being real helps.

yeah ill play, whats your fightcade name

wtf i hate video games now

'LOL' is my fc name

Just take a break and then go back to playing shit when you get bored.

I was joking

Stop projecting, /v/.

>people use Zangief's and Alex's parries more than Ryu's
And after all that nagging to bring back parrying.

'''''lucky''''' claudio was a mistake, remove him immediately

ryu is just so strong he can just forget to use it

I wasn't referring to 2d vs 3d I meant the fact that she's a woman(male).

I don't know. I turned 25 yesterday and I'm thinking about it. Things just don't feel the same anymore.

>tfw you realize something is useless after making a vid of it

Make an actual argument, faggot.

Someone see me in basketball

Kill yourself to save us from another depressed blogshitter that shitposts all day.


we could play a fun game but instead u chose to play me...........................
im going to bed

What a stupid fucking trope. BB really is sniffshit.

>those fingernails

so why would snk make kof 14 a ps4 exclusive when everyone plays on pc these days?

imagine how much money they'd make if they adopted blizzard's strategy for starcraft 2 which was to let brazilians and chinese players pay in small increments per hour and if they pay $60 worth they get to keep the game for free.

like there's a huge market for kof and snk just doesn't seem to understand how to make money from them.


>Gouki got stunned even though he had more health and did more damage to Ryu
This game is bullshit.

Are there more superhero mods? I don't like spiderman

Maybe you're just focusing too much on the mainstream AAA games. You don't have to always play the
>next biggest thing
And no, I'm also not saying to play indieshit.

>Side taskbar
You my nigga even if you use a battop

is akuma called gouki in asian tekken 7?

>spoopy fighter v

>not liking spider-gwen

He (you?) had Counter ON. Does it not work otherwise?

No but I definitely have less and less time to enjoy them the older I get.

That's a lie, you're just becoming a normie.