/drg/ Danganronpa General: Best Boy&Girl Edition

Last thread hit image limit Don't forget to use spoiler tags (Ctrl+S)!

>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:

>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:

>New Dangan Ronpa V3 is scheduled to be released in 2016 on PSVita and PS4.
Trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=FfMqURJ3ZfE

>Some new info about DR3/DRV3

>DR3 information

>DR3 Anime Episodes (Click to find episodes and stream link) [INSERT UPDATE HERE WHENEVER A NEW EPISODE IS UP]

>Interviews with Danganronpa Writer and Creator Kazutaka Kodaka

>Killer Killer manga revealed to be Dangan Ronpa Gaiden: Killer Killer


>Downloads/Manga/Novels/Character Charts

>DR3: Despair Arc episode 1, lines sorted by character

Other urls found in this thread:


shilling again for AO class trial. We need ONE MORE PERSON!

need an Aoi Asahina!

First for HOPE

Highlights from the last game

Chiaki wishes you a goodnight.



And with that i'll be done for today!

Thanks for everyone for participating in today's games! It was fun!

Remember there is also another game tomorrow if you didn't know at 5pmEST!

Time to rest my eyes and fingers now...

Congratulations Seiko and Alter Ego! Thank you Pryle for hosting this! I'm going to bed now, good night everyone!!

I want to brush Izuru's hair and wash the blood from it!

Sleep well, Saionji!

Thank you for these again! You are the best!
Take some Statistics!

Doing god's work~ Looking forward to tomorrow



Respects paid.

Seiko is 3rd best girl, she deserves the top.

This was fun /drg/. Going to bed, good night all.

Thank you Pryle it was fun

Touko is smelly!

Statistics for Best Girl Games.

Thank you, I can't wait!

Rest well, Pyrle!

Sleep well, Kuma!

Seiko is okay but was a bully wish Aoi would of won

Last post from the game today! This is a preview of tomorrows! 5pmEST!!

I will!

Both big-boobed girls were goners way too soon

Good night!




Big boobers are big targets unfortunately.


Hey Akapo Would you mind getting on steam?

I want to hate-fuck Monaca.

does your dong stretch to space?

I want to love-hug Chiaki!

I want to gently-hug Kotoko

I want to sleep on Akane's boob pillows


I want to hope-fuck Komaeda!

I want to make love to Seiko.

I want to spread Despair with Junko!

I hope that tomorrow there will finally be some interaction between me and the hair!

I want Nagito to hope-fuck me!

Post Seiko.



>tfw general will die again after the anime ends

I don't think so, they will start giving additional information about the new game.

We are not going to die yet, but it will happen eventually.

Not so fast!

Dangan ronpa V3 will be out in jap in september and that will be enough to coax a few threads of its own.

also everyone here is social enough that im sure they wouldnt mind giving out a steam or even just adding someone if they asked.

Don't worry as long as I'm here this thread will never die!

Let's just not think about that and enjoy the time we have together

Oh I'm not touching this general with a 10 foot pole when V3 releases.

I'm sure a lot of people will be avoiding the thread from fear of spoilers

I dont mind seeing the occasional spoilery thing if i dont have the whole picture.

I like piecing things together.

But then there's going to be V3, and another thing thing after that.

Unless V3 bombs expect spike to keep on making more games.

Alright its time for lewd.




delete this

*gets arrested*

too gentle.

Oh no, not these..


I'm OK with this.


the first one never flagged in my mind as lewd, this one however...

Don't worry if you have a get out of jail free card you should be good :^)

>too gentle
Limits are meant to be broken

I knew it was coming

Monaca might get me one
muh heart
muh benis



Tfw Kotoko barely have any lewds

Stop posting this


That's way too lewd!

tfw shes already dead and any potential of getting more art of that therapeutic bod is all but lost.

Artists really need to get their shit together

Whats wrong with that?


Is it bad?

It's not bad...just very lewd

That ones alright

And her character is perfect for it to. Something is better than nothing I guess

Stop lewd posting!

This is one of my favorite images from that artist.

the look on akanes face gets me stimulated


>And her character is perfect for it to
That's the thing, there should be a bunch of pics about being "gentle" with her

No one has ever found the brakes of the lewd train I'm afraid

The look on Kotoko's and Tsumiki's face is one of the many reasons why I love that picture

Feel free to bring the boys to the yard ish.
I am sure somebody will appreciate it.

If this is the problem it can be fixed

she should really look into investing in a bra.

Might have something to do with UDG not being well received.

It sucks because Monaca has a doujin, yet Kotoko doesn't have a single one. It's a crying shame

Delete this!!

>those eyes


What a waste tbqh

MUST... NOT... FAP...

She's secretly an Analyst too

We need our fanservice

Someone really doesn't like drawing hands

That is a nice butt. I need one of those irl to be happy





Akapo's dirty secret