Neptunia General #993 /nepgen/

Last thread : Hyperdimension Neptunia Downloads (Skins, Artbooks, Manga, Guides, Soundtracks, etc.):

Four Goddesses Online: Cyber Dimension Neptune in production. Platform and release date not yet announced.

Superdimension Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls releasing in October 21th NA.

MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies coming to Steam this Fall.

Other urls found in this thread:

I like Blanc.

I love Nepgear!


Okay I'm playing through Rebirth 1 and I thought the difficulty spike was ridiculous when it tells you to go to Avenir 3 and then it drops you off in front of a boss without letting you save

Then I discovered the Life Ring and that there are fifty option dungeons I could go to in the meantime


Taking a head start, eh?

Optional dungeons are actually harder.

Hey, your waifu didn't get scanned

IF wants to give you a kiss. How do you respond?

They didn't drop me off at a boss fight without letting me buy more healing items and save therefore making me do the entire dungeon again though

I grab her titties and twist them pretending I'm trying to tune a radio to reach home base

Cry me a river.
VII has you going through 3 boss fights in a row.
That means NINE BOSSES in total.

-ko means child, and it's also a common last character for Japanese female names.
Adding -ko at the end of a name is obviously just an affectionate nickname.

Adol is my favorite Falcom character but I still prefer ponytail Falcom.


>Twist her titties
Huh, what titties?

Nice Nepgears!

Oh boy! I really love Nepgear so much, look at her cute long hair, her adorable sailor dress, she looks so cute. She's like the little sister I wish I had except I totally want to spoil her and go incest on her with full responsibility!

Because she looks cuter with a ponytail.
Or maybe it's because I always found girls with long hair cuter.

I just thought about something.
Nepnowayfag died, Ghostroach fucked off, and Zombie is more or less dead.

Does that mean I'm the last one left?

That's a valid reason.
Long hair are a bitch to keep clean though.


Those neps can level up


>Ghostroach fucked off

No, user, no.

Oh, damn it. I though I could make a joke about my being the last of Nepgen's Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.


>Noire is 83
I don't think so.

It's just the angle.

Who are you?

I have many names.
Lord Elwood the Third, Jonah Jameson, The One That Brings The End, Ashen One, Bearer of the Curse, Chosen Undead, Courier, Questfag, Spankfag.
But you may call me Paul.

Hey, man.

Or she is getting the purple heart treatment. From D to DD.

I'd give her the D if you know what I mean.

you should seriously kill yourself.


Ow the edge.

Reminder to not let this happen again.

Uzume for #999!

Hey, man. I am the beacon of hope for these lost in the darkness! My gross incandescence will show you the way. If you are afraid of the dark, I will walk with a torch, and light the road for you. If you are lost, I will lead the way with prism stones. If you cannot trust me, I will show you my back. If you need help, my sign will be down for you to call me.
I am a knight of the sun, and I will show you the way to greatness, so take your throne, Unkindled One!

/nepgen/, it's time for an intervention. You have been hitting the image limit too soon. It's time to reevaluate what you're doing with your threads.



Now they're gonna reach the image limit faster on purpose

>first time through RB2
>conquest end
that physically hurt to do, never again

RIP in pieces, smile and optimism.

Nepgear only beats Noire severely enough to save the world in Holy Sword end

Is the Holy Sword ending canon? I heard Fellistella made the Rebirths without really asking CH, so is the Moonlight Sword ending even CH's doing?

help, I can't stop thinking of lewd things about Nepgear

Haaaa... You were at my side, all along.
My true mentor.

My guiding moonlight...

>Is the Holy Sword ending canon
Doesn't really matter since the sequels act like the True Ending is the one that happened

I'd say it's canon enough if CH and IF put their names on it, but beyond that I'm not sure. Holy Sword end is basically a variation of true end anyways, so it isn't entirely unique from the other endings.


Neither the conquest or holy sword endings are canon. Only the true ending is.

Well, it really depends on what your definition of canon is.

Although, considering it's from the Re;birth series, it's probably apocryphal.

Apo what?

That little user here isn't an English native speaker.

I like White Heart.

lets praise the sun together, bro!

Let's praise the sun and murder the shit out of the Nameless King together!

on a side note im really surprisedjust how much im enjoying ds2 sotfs. i was a bit anxious before playing it but its going pretty well. but fuck the gutter and the black gulch, those places can go and fuck them selfs.

DaS2 in solo is pretty fun. It's the multiplayer who's fucked.
Between the poise who seems to make everyone mad and that fucking retarded Soul Memory system that penalizes you for playing ranged, it could be a lot better.

I need good Neptune/Purple Heart pics for avatar.

Here, have Purple Ass' Heart.

Will she be the best nep yet?

C-sha is Cute

well i cant play multiplayer anyway because i dont have psn plus so that thankfully isnt a problem. its just a shame i cant join my fellow sun bros in jolly cooperation.

Dunno if this was posted:



yeah yeah im working on it, hopefully ill have it before the end of the year

Like half a year ago.

>no Vert to use me as a dakimakura

Put in my preorder last night. Can't wait for the nep bike 2bh.

I can feel some evil presence, emerging from my pants.

Apparently Segamin has a very nice butt.

She's the bestest nep.

Nepgear has child bearing hips

Praise Tari... please...

>Ahhhh Nep Jr...Unyielding Blade of Planeptune's CPU. Rise...if you would, for that is our curse.

Imagine how easy it must be to pop off that crotch plate and start fucking the edge out of her.

Post rare neps

>All this Noire bullying in Chapter 5
My sides were not ready for this

What's funnier: Noire abuse or Nepgear abuse?



>I'm gonna have to go back into Mechto Factory/Avenir Storage #Whatever again
I thought I was done with that map, fuck

Best friendship.

the ride never ends

Who is she talking about and why does she want to do that?

Welcome to nepgen.


Everyone nicknames her some variant of "Nep"
When are we gonna get a character that calls her "Tune?"


I like Million Arthur and Nitroplus.

I like Blanc. I want to play with her paw pads. I bet she's fluffy and cuddly.

See that tattoo? It's a seal against it, so user, you will have to use the headphone jack instead.

>the headphone jack

Reminder that tangerines kick ass.

How are you neppers nepping today?

If Nitroplus were a goddess she'd be Butt Heart