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>1 line new threads without even an announcement

This was fucking terrible.

Peru is going to take one spot from NA qualifier of that National team only tournament. it is a fact

Dota should require all national teams. Imagine how much more fun esports would be.


post your dota face
heres mine

There was nation cups, even during DotA, but they died due during DOTA 2.

>tfw no NA teams

>3.5k mmr
>Pick carry
>Other people pick accordingly
>One faggot picks Drow jungle
>Disconnects min 2, never comes back
>We win anyways because of Drow's gold.

Nice game, dotards.

tf is wrong with y'all?

>what is CoL

>Mongolz is now tier 2
I agree

they didn't even qualify for TI m8

stupid image , there's no way Lina and Rylai can be in the same room

visas do not make one american

still the current best all-american team

Defend this




Does one need to be a school shooter to be considered American?

>lol couple are still together
>the dota couple are now an actual slut and an emotionally and mentally broken video game streamer

Without having sex, I agree.

someone post 'it'

>no good streams

thats just a random fan not fwosh

>there are non-image posting subhumans in this very thread

what the FUCK does clicking the small dota symbol in the top left actually do?

Suck a cock, fmab is legendary

after switching from LoL and playing like 4 games i cant believe how much fucking better dota is

not even for the game itself just all the stuff around it

the client, demoing champs, no runes/masteries, cosmetics being largely free, being able to watch any game and search by champ (so i can learn), all the different game modes etc

jesus fucking christ i'm amazed LoL has lasted as long as it has now

I can hardly believe it

>pick abaddon

c-calm down

why does she have cat pupils

Reminder that attaching an image to your post increases reply chances by over 66.67%. You have no reason to handicap yourself unless you have no images to begin with, in which case you have no reason to be here

it dotas

s4 sounds so nice :3
>tfw no s4 gf

All my pictures is anime?

That's racist user

i love slayer
shes so fuinny

is this another one of those lebbit posts

he'd be really good at choking on your dick


>He thinks national pride and being inspired by the accomplishments of his fellow countrymen is a bad thing
This is why TI5 will forever be the best TI. Nothing will ever come close to the joy I felt when this board was flooded with USA spam.

Why is the girl buttdevastated?

i bet


This, accomplishments of fellow countrymen are basically my accomplishments.


i just feel like posting weebms

How do you build on nowadays gulag ? HotD first because stacking the ancients ?

veil aghs octarine rfo
eblade/bkb/blink dagger situational

me too desu

People like this are why i root for china

But user, that's a meme build


Oh, I know this one!

>clg has two teams, one of them is red

>over 800gpm and 900xpm gives me 5.6 farm rating on AM

Why would you implement a rating system that means literally nothing

>close with a girl with huge tiddies and qt
>she's gay

Only way that trash hero works

probably the colour of their logo
that or he's looking for a new dildo


Imagine being a refugee that for 30 years have never seen more than an ankle, and when he saw more it was fat, ugly and old flabs of meat and suddenly debarks into Europe and starts seeeing this shit in plain daylight EVERY FUCKING DAY

I cant blame em desu

And who are you

Fuck, checked his feed, he's just in Vegas

>want to make a faceless void costume
>years of eating and coffee leave my teeth with a slight stain
>think i'll be self-conscious because void is supposed to have pearly whites

Time grinds even mountains to dust.

maybe i'll make the costume with Tentacular Timelord in mind.
that would give me an excuse to make a voidhammer.

if any teens read this, first off get the fuck off Veeky Forums, secondly take care of your teefers.

i do not quite know that feel brother yet i still emphatize

stay hydrated and take care of your teeth
lessons from d2g


what about eg

>a national team (Wings Gaming) won TI6 over all the mixed race teams
>a national team (Newbee) won all of TI4
>a national team (Alliance) won all of TI3
>a national team (IG) won all of TI2
really makes you think


T-thats not Dota user.

Trust of the Benefactor when?

get banned xd

faggot deleted it kek

>home of the imported shitskins
>thinks it can ever be a national team
they were close but they needed a 14 year old paki

Why didn't anyone say that our guy slacks is streaming?

chuan is malay though
also i'd say navi qualifies as slav national team

the most nationalistic country on earth?

it's almost like sharing a first language is a good idea for team sports

please stop posting this meme


is that ixmike

didn't they do that because he was really good when they picked him up? also i thought he was first/second generation immigrant

i just need to 1 star the main quest path to get the alternate style for the legion set, right?

>not in archive

>text only posters can't help but give a (You) to based imagebros
>they think they'll get one in return
nope, you are essentially the cucks of the imageboard. Your only purpose is to sit in the back and watch as I have discussions with other imagebros

>he can't find deleted posts

>Pick Batrider and lock in offlane
>Ally picks in Slardar and locks in offlane
>Oh boy here we go he's just going to farm and sit at the creep wave
>We get to lane and he immediately zones the enemy Anti-Mage
>Enemy Shadow Demon gets out of position while I spam stickies
>Slardar stuns him and gives me the first blood
>We run train on the lane, 50% of the the enemy's deaths by the end of the game are that Shadow Demon and Anti-Mage

wtf I love Slardar now

Are you retarded? Holy shit, off yourself

>limit on imageposts

umm dotards??

This is it, we can get Red to do official art for PPD and make loli Pugna a team Mascot

Does /d2g/ agree?

The guy who wrote it is 4.3k btw

>kotl tier 1
stopped reading there desu


says right in his Liquid profile he's imported by Fear off the streets

didn't even read but here's a you anyway

>puck aghs above warlock aghs

I'm 4.3k and I don't agree with it 100%

Rubick, Shadow Demon, and Ursa should be a tier lower. Brewmaster and Phoenix Aghs should be at least 1-2 tiers higher. Oracle, Dazzle, Jakiro, LC, SF, and Razor should be a tier lower as well.