/ksg/ - Katawa Shoujo General

Katawa Shoujo General #3141

Chubby Librarian Edition!

Previous thread: Official website: katawa-shoujo.com/(KS is free)
About Katawa Shoujo: katawa-shoujo.com/about.php
Summer's Clover (Unofficial Miki route by Lilly's writer): ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=9996
KS Alpha (Pre-release version: pastebin.com/weL41ehu
#KSGGames (Risk/Chess IRC Chat): pastebin.com/eaqK2kPq
Pastebin: pastebin.com/syJHnDCB
Writebin: pastebin.com/jUpSAYZE
KSG FAQ: pastebin.com/fFCGBSdi
Shimmie: shimmie.katawa-shoujo.com/
New KSG Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=1834162
Flockdraw: skycow.us/whiteboard
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
/ksg/ exclusive 3DS themes: mega.nz/#!3hkznbaR!Zu_0gWDvitQspHUaEhtUeLG7iJhK4Q_79MpXaASkrQo
Katawa Shoujo Lite: newgrounds.com/portal/view/608881
KS Interactive Shrink: writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1858014-Katawa-Shoujo-shrink

First for Fat Lilly!

This thread is disgusting. I hope you all die with cancer soon.

For squishy girls, soft butts and smoochable bellies!


Bellies are justice!

Patient please, go away

Seconded. Fuck off with the cancer wishes.

Can't I just hate fat people? You guys are disgusting and deserve cancer, that's all.

I like /ksg/, though, I'm no Patient.

Misha's spectacular testicles

I don't think she has those, but if she did you can bet I'd suck on 'em.

>You guys are disgusting and deserve cancer
And you are a hateful sack of horse shit, yet no one wishes cancer upon you. So please shut the fuck up.

Judging by the art/fics I've seen, she has them and they're bigger than her head

I aporeciate girls who are shapely, and not in the "a humanoid blob is a shape" way

Yuuko a cute, but I'm not really sure about the plus-size thing.

It's not like it's a choice or anything, b-baka.

At least there are no spiders down here.

Are we just sleepy or another hamster died?

Bros, and peace between us all!

Where did you get a higher resolution of that Hanako?

Right back ya, brother.

kiwi and pol-man, are you here?

That's a really good edit! I haven't checked KS beta for updates, is that what they're using for the Misha H-scene? If not, they should!

Uncensored link?

>added drills
Do you want to kill me anytime soon?

Yes it's from Misha's h-scene, just with drills on top of that

Is that you, pol-man?

That would be me indeed


Where what?

Where are you?

>That feel when you will never taste the french vanilla flavor of Lilly's lips
>That feel when you will never give a sleeping Emi a piggyback ride home
>That feel when you will never feel Rin's lips caress your hands as you feed her oranges
>That feel when you will never gaze at the stars with Shizune
>That feel when you will never wake up next to Hanako and take her into a loving embrace
>That feel when you will never feel a sleeping Misha press her soft body against you as you kiss her candy scented hair

Crispy Suzu wishes all a good and safe night... please don't be eaten by werewolves. Thank you.

>tfw you will never marry you're waifu

post pictures of marrying you're waifu

Goodnight, and thanks for the warning about werewolves.

Thanks man!!!
Good night, man!

I love you all.

At work...? Where else would I be at this hour

Night to you, fear no wolves

>5k cancelled due to rain
Well I guess I'll just watch animes and be a lazy asshole till class starts

Oh, sorry.
I didn't mean to interrupt you.

A perfectly legitimate plan. Whatcha gonna watch?

Being lazy is nice, means you are not tired!

No biggie I'm doing fuck all at the moment anyway

What's a 5k?

Kenji, how the hell can you be here for all these years with all the emibros and not know what a 5k is? It's a 5km run.

>try to help user
'oh I don't give a fuck'

Goodmorning cripple-fuckers!

Morning, user! How are you tonight/today?

Most of them didn't run.
Most of my advice goes to the mist.

Clannad probably.

I ain't played the VN, but the anime is pretty airtight so far. I'm about to watch the S1 finale OVA.

good morning! Feeling fresh today?

>that feel when Lilly will never fart on your face

Anyone have "Running Playlist for Runningbros (Week 5 Day 2)" and "Running Playlist for Runningbros (Week 5 Day 3)" from the Running mixes collection? They were removed from mediafire due to copyright claim.

Are you here, pol-man and kiwi-man?

I wonder how her farts smell. Hopefully more like french vanilla tea than haggis.

Oh, nice. Worth watching for those of us who like cutesy romances?

People don't really /eat/ haggis, do they?

>you will never sniff lilly's chicken cream farts


The cutest couple in the world!

Could be!


Wait. Did I do that?

All good, although I slept a bit too long

What do you mean, too long?

>Worth watching for those of us who like cutesy romances?
As far as I can tell so far, more for those of us who enjoy crying.

Slept too long? There's no such thing, user. Sleep is a wonderful thing.

Oh. Well. I might pass it up, then.

clannad? Yeah, man.
Are you committing to it?



go to the light!

I'm in too deep not to. I should start Afterstory today if I've got the time

Have fun, then.
pol-man, kiwi-man, are you here?

More or less right now

What the hell does that mean?

Why do you want to talk to them so bad? I feel bad that you're not getting in touch with them, but surely they'll be around later?

They're ignoring me.

Nah, just busy perhaps

who is RAITA

Well, I failed to make a new scene here.
It is what it is, now.

So where's pol-dood and the actual ksg?

They. Are. Ignoring. Me.

Helllo? Is anyone here?

I could be your boyfriend tonight...

I'm here man. How are you, anything good happen recently?

Well I'd love to have you.
See, most people have been fucking with me tonight. So I kind of wonder what you are. Will they attack you?

Too fucking late.

Will you protect me if they do?

Dont get me wrong. It was a gift that I could sleep so long, but half of the day is over now. Planned to do some cycling after my run, but I gotta drop that now in order to get lunch.

Alright man.

I guess?

The character designer for the Valkyrie Chronicles series, apparently. Just found that out last night. Always thought he was just some doujin artist.

What have you done to improve yourself today?

>tfw this isn't even about me

That's mean Kenji. You make me feel used.

I've run half an hour and got a job. And I'm going to get lunch now!
What have you done to improve yourself today user?

I don't know what you're on about, Kenji. I don't even know if all these messages are even from you or just people impersonating you.

Just get some sleep, man, and when you come back later I bet kiwi and pol will be here.

My day has just started so I drank coffee. Without any milk!

I've been continuing to learn C++ and I got a torrent working!

It's me, man!
Why are you messing with me so much?

What would drive people to make a book based on an omake of one of his doujins?

i'm dead tired after working out today

I'm sure you'll be all better after some rest man.

Here we are! the best run ever!!!

>tfw no rika gf

yeah, i know. just getting back into it all again.

you're the best, man.

I'm not trying to. I'm just confused about what's going on with you, pol, and kiwi.