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Azura a shit

t. flora, who made this thread

Whoops you caught me

Threadly reminder to post at least 10 Azura images or thread will be shitposted into oblivion.



t. Flora


How is that comic proving any pushed pairings? Are all Azurafags this stupid?

this thread is all the same 3 IPs acting like different people anyway who cares i dont

Post tiddies


>Manfroy doesn't get a unique class

Why do Shitzurafags always shitpost?

before I answer that, let me ask you a question

what answer do you genuinely want me to give you

Post Azura images you fag.

Azura is my wife

Because they are retarded?

t. Flora, whose biggest secret is that she is madly in love with Azura and only shitposts her as self-therapy because she wants to hatefuck

Why do you fucks insist on clogging the catalogue? Finish using the old thread first.



That's not Azura.



I am counting ten (10) Azura images in this thread. That is all, the thread can continue as normal. NO MORE AZURA. Any more azura from this point onward will be considered shitposting and should be ignored, we have hit the *glub glub* quota.

You got it bud, no more Azura.

ok no more shitzura

Post Tiki now, the second best waifu after Azura. We need 20 tiki images for a non shitpost thread.

>Veld and Raydrik dont get unique classes

I am pleased.

wtf I love azura now


Is this satire?


Why is Oboro married to my daughter?

Deviantart my friend, a rather unhollow area.



Topkek how much has he paid for that?

Severa best.

Junpei should have just stopped with Leona and the Sage.

Azura is your wife.



Remove /feg/

Why do you type like a retard?

He's an azurafag


t. Shitzuracuck


Why are you so triggered?

Azura is your wife and you love her very much.

Why did you deliberately poke the bear and act like the shocked transgressed and violated victim when the bear struck back?

No she's not. She's literal shit.

t. unpopularlucinawannabeshitfuwithnopersonalityboringcuck

Why do you even reply?

Felicia is the cutest! Nobody could ever make me feel as happy as she does! She is truly perfect in every single way to me! I want her to always be happy and smiling! I could never ask for more! I love Felicia!

I love Beowulf!

Why are you so triggered?

>this passive aggressiveness
This is the infamous victim complex I hear so much about I guess.

The infamous victim complex that goes both ways.


Why does Lacheslut like that big dumb hunk anyways?

Name a better waifu than Azura.

>this is the level we've reached

Can we please just end these threads already.

Azurafags don't like to be reminded that they type and behave like retards

t. twinhasbetterpersonalityandhairsoiburnedmyselfforhurtingthemcuck

Kaga was trying to trigger Finn/Lachesis shippers.

where did this "le azurafags type like retards" meme come from anyway?

Someone needs to shit on a picture of both Azura and Flora, they are both literal shit

Post sexy guys.

Reminder that if you want Lucina to be cut from Smash you are an Azurafag



Everyone here has married Azura at least once, right?

Better Azurafag than Floracuck.

>everyone in /feg/ is at minimum, an azurafag in denial


Didn't do that yet.


>everyone i know that played Awakening married Lucina at least once just because it felt like it was the *right* thing to do
>literally do not know a SINGLE person that married Azura


>floracucks this mad that their shit waifu is paired more with Jakob (aka a person Flora can't even support with) while Azura had tons of art with Corrin

Wew laddie, looks like flora"""pals""" can never catch a break.


Lucina is prime marriage material.

>it felt like it was the *right* thing to do
what does this even mean

How to spot an Azurafag 101

>anyone that types in a particular way can now escape backlash because it will just be defaulted to those crafty azurafags regardless

woah thanks for the tip




Nope, can't have that. *unsheathes katana*

>tfw genuine florafag
>tfw get bullied everyday
>tfw actually find it hot that flora likes Jakob more than me and my waifu is a traitorous bitch

When will this suffering again

>tfw genuine azurafag
>just ignore all the bullying who cares

wow was that so fucking hard

Can't have you hurt my waifu either *unsheathes SMG*

Okay shitzurafag

This tbqh, it's just gonna be a different waifu tomorrow but with the same shitposting applied. It don't matter. It just don't matter. None of this matters. No one's even going to be talking about what happened today next week.

Who is worse, Azurafags or floracucks?

Would you be able to forgive Flora if she left you for her only shot with Jakob?

it doesnt matter, everyone who answers you today will just have a different answer for you tomorrow

Yes since that's my fetish, any other florafag would agree.