Leage of legends general - /lolg/

Old Thread: Evelynn Edition!

Current patchnotes: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-617-notes

Yorick rework: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/yorick-champion-update

Upcoming stuff: surrenderat20.net/p/current-pbe-balance-changes

Useful sites:

Other urls found in this thread:


First the Yorick rework.

Then whatever the fuck that teaser was for.

Then HYPE.


xth for every game

Should I pick up Swain or Vlad?
Swain seems to do jack shit until 6, but I'm not sure.

>3 champs I want the most are 6300 ip each
>after 15 levels and 50 games, only have 5500 ip

i want to die

>Our jungler is Master Yi

I already know how the game turned out.


You see, I am not a common spider. A common spider feasts on its' prey the second it gets caught on its' web. But I am different.

When my prey gets caught on my web, I never even let it know of its' predicament. I feed it. I caress it. I perfect it. I sacrifice parts of my self for my prey. I sacrifice my own comrades for it. The more parts of myself I give it, the prettier it becomes. The more treachery I commit for nurturing it, the healthier it looks.

And when this process is complete... When my prey has reached perfection... This is when I strike. This is when I FEAST on it.

And trust me, there is no better taste out there. The more I feed it, the easier it becomes to devour. The more I sacrifice for it, the tastier it is. The more ignorant it is of its' hopelessness, the greater the warmth inside my heart.

katarina was like 22/3 and we couldn't do a single thing past 15 minutes

This is your daily reminder that your waifu a shit.

Your waifu a shit.

See you faggots tomorrow

You have 5 seconds to explain why your main jungler isn't Fiddlesticks.

How do you play the running poison man?

I play since s1 and don't even own him

Teemo jungle is fun.

>maining jungle

I like having fun and winning games

I suggest picking a real champion, like Lux.
Equal amount of damage and utility. is still useful to her team even when behind. Also, she's hot. You literally can't go wrong with her.

Make your next champion choice, the RIGHT choice. Choose Lux.

Play A.Sol instead. He kills shit by just walking around but doesn't have to suicide into the enemy minion waves

Jinx movie when? I wanna see my waifu on the big screen.

Too much reliance on vision, cross one ward and your life is ruined.

How am I supposed to play TF? I'm doing nothing but cs until my ult comes off cd, at which point I ult and yellow card a side lane. Ghost/flash with ms quints and boot start. And I am doing far better than I have any right to. Thing is, even when I get ahead, I don't really feel strong. Just kind of there. Can any TF mains give me some advice?

I can't take Lux top, cunt.

See that alternate currency you can buy champions for?

The one you spend real money for?

Hope ya like getting jewed, kid.

I prefer best half breed.

Step one: Level 1 jungle invade.
Step two: Proxy minion waves

Make sure you got movement speed runes and remember this bullshit CAN carry you to diamond despite having no goddamn right to do so.

Nasus and Renekton are for incestuous sex!


play taliyah instead, she does the same thing but better and you don't instafeed when playing against yasuo or fizz


I have had so much fun toying with mid lanes feelings when i heal half of my missing health back after a quick trade pre-6. Time your trade/backoff cycle just right, you will never go below half-health under favorable conditions.

Also bullying toplane is so easy now that ranged toplanes dont come up that often anymore and you can just poke them, towerdive, and get away scott free dodging that last turret hit by bloodpooling.

League of legends is fake and gay

>playing fotm shit

>its a leblanc one-shots you in 0.5 seconds and there is nothing you can do about it episode

Is it bad form to ask the enemy team to feed you so you can get a chest?

Will Kayle ever get a lewd skin? All other tough girls already have them.


> its a leblanc oneshots my retarded mid in 0.5 seconds but he still won't buy negatron episode

i too often wish my assassin champ could kill enemies fast and maybe even have an escape

A good TF destroys anyone. I can't play him well personally, but it feels like there's nothing you can do against a good TF. He will carry no matter what.

Haven't played in a while. Is cass still a joke?

>[NOTE: There are no Lulu changes in today's update. The original change was picked up erroneously. ]

you're not a common shitposter either.

>not getting fed on your own

literally git gud


>Mid gets bursted down to 10% or straight to 0 with simple combo
>"lol why would I need a negatron if she will burst me anyway"
I want to strangle someone every single fucking time I hear this excuse

Cass is a champ where if you can use her she absolutely fucking shits damage.

Sion is my waifu.
I wanna lick his big massive undead booty.

I like both, but I'd pick Swain if I had to. He is more comfy in lane because you just farm from a safe distance while never running out of mana because your passive regen is absolute bullshit. Then you build your core items and kill people just by being near them while being invincible.

>midlaner plays against zed
>0/6 already
>check his items
>half a morellos and a tear

need to muster all my strength to not just power down my pc when i see stuff like that

She's a fucking tumor.

You don't even need to use your Q to get damage from your E.



I miss feral flare
I miss sated devourer
hell I even miss first devourer

I'm a piece of shit I know

so when is flash gonna reset on kills and assist and on death

makes the game more interesting

>everyone becomes Kancerina

>play le windy man of tilt toplane
>do well
>somehow always mid/jungle keep feeding
>try my best to carry
>team throws in a stupid way

Is memesuo cursed? I cant win with him , i do well and start helping but is always too late , last game i had a tf building shiv and the game before our zed went AP.

How viable is Riven without animation canceling?
I want to play her, but I'm trash at this Q>AA>MOVE stuff.
I have a hard enough time leaning Street Fighter combos on a controller.

use the tank build faggot.

Is kindred still a solid Jungle pick? I was looking at new champs to play and I've got my eye on Kha'Zix, Rengar, Kindred, and Rek'Sai. Can she perform well, or should I grab one of the others on my list?

i was using the tank build you doublefaggot

>animation canceling
literally a meme created by reddit. just press q fast.

god laning against soraka is completely pointless

there is nothing to do there
nobody is going to die
it's pointless to trade

all you do is sit there and hope your support lands a hook

give me the tilt
i need it put onto me

all of you, channel your tilt towards me, i need it, i'm gonna build a home out of all the worlds tilt down here in the sewers

I love Lissandra!
she's my wife

>Losing with the freelo tank build

just pick reksai

Trade on Soraka then. Soraka has pretty shit sustain if you dodge the Q, even with Ancient Coin.

You can all in and exhaust the adc to win the fight and kill her.

i don't want to sleep alone anymore

Kindred is average. If you're determined to learn her, go for it.

Kha'zix is strong right now. Rengar is getting reworked soon and Rek'sai has been nerfed into oblivion.

best boy + best girl = best pair

>get cass supp
>ult enemies backsides for whole game

Turns out a first time cass doesnt make a good supp

>Animation cancels

Just look up the ones that cancel with another ability that's all you really need.

Learn to weave AAs between your spells like a melee Ezreal.

She's not really that difficult.

How detrimental to a game like this do you think it would be if players were allowed to live in little time capsules?

Here's what I mean. What if LoL was broken up into like 15 different versions based on previous major patch updates. If you thought the game was the best during Spring of 2014 for example, you play that version of the game (with only the champions that were available at that time)

I think it would be nice to let people relive their favorite era of LoL. It could have a Starcraft Brood War type of effect too where people can really go back and find the most balanced patch and use that for competitive play from here on out.

>Rengar is getting reworked soon
good one


Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 9 slots left

password is vidya

because i only ever play olaf top

what are those memesticks again?

I don't understand AP players crying about that shit when Abyssal Scepter exists. You sacrifice literally nothing to build it.


Technically it scales now instead of just giving a flat stalemate.

i would love it if WoW did something like that


Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 6 slots left

password is vidya

Can do sir.

I really cannot play against cassiopeia. Anyone got tips?

vlad is a high skillcap champ but very rewarding once you know his matchups and how to play him, I recommend him, he's easy to learn, doesn't really have skillshots but nonetheless you need to adapt a certain style of play to do well on him (his winrates across every elo is like 46% because shitters don't play him right)

Got my Arcade Hecarim figure today.

Its pretty cool.

good sorakas position in a way you have to put yourself in a very risky position to trade on them

it's not that easy. soraka is just very boring overall

Sona is cute NOT lewd!

stop playing

it's for the best, thank me later

Thought she got hit pretty hard
I feel like I'm interested but not dedicated. What exactly makes Kha good right now? Is he better than his counterpart? I'm assuming I should hold off on Rengar until the rework, in case he ends up coming out for the worse.

As for Rek'sai, were the nerfs as bad as they seemed? I'm hearing half and half, some people say she's still one of the best while others say she's completely gone.

play someone who has longer range, or just play a fucking assassin and blow her up

Just play an ADC.

You get DPS and 4 spells.

Of course.

Trundle is the cutest husbando! I love him a whole lot.

g-good night /lolg/!!

is sona good at video games?

Why is she so perfect bros?

>Zed made it past ban phase

Oh boy I love either "Rush Hourglass first item, have mana problems, and lose lane" vs "Rush mana items and lose lane harder"

Because she's not you fucking faggot pedophile with shit taste. Do you want to fuck smurfs too? Because that's literally what yordles are.

she's the best bandlebro

I don't know user, with tits bigger then the next two girls combined, she's pretty lewd

draw how do you think the friendo of the jungle will look
the one who gets it closest gets a sausage in the ass

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 5 slots left

password is vidya

Into the trash it goes.

you're not gonna bait me smochi i know your tricks