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Elder Thread: >Official news

Shadow of the Hist DLC is out! (on consoles now too!)

One Tamriel/Update12 announced (October):

>Latest patch notes

>Sales and deals
dlgamer.us/download-the_elder_scrolls_online-pc_games-p-19435.html (authorized reseller)
kinguin.net/es/catalogsearch/result/index/?q=elder scrolls online (some anons have been using it without issues so far)

>Beginner's Guide by Alcast

>Online lore portal and map

>UI addons for PC

>Assorted links

>/tesog/ Guilds
[PC NA] message (not whisper) @clv or @the_kyrox for invite
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>We have a Discord open for every platform:

>Platform poll:

>Can I play X class doing Y role with an Z race?

Other urls found in this thread:


Let the will of Molag Bal be denied!

> It's a "tank keeps trying to aggro the last boss despite the boss being immune to taunts" pledge
> It's a "tank don't change to dps for the final fight" pledge
> It's a "dps ignores the dwemer spheres" pledge
> It's a "dps don't have any AoE damage for the Grubull fight" pledge
> It's a "4 hours or 15 minutes depending on how retarded people are" pledge
And an obligatory shitty healer on top of that. Sometimes I don't even know why I do dungeons with pugs

>It's a "healer's actually a dps" random
>It's a "tank never uses taunt" random
Don't forget about those classics man.

So will it be an unwritten rule that most duels till take place in Fighters guild halls?

Come on user, they'll be in the streets. Fighter guild ones would be boring.

it won't, but it should be

I hope they won't allow duels within city limits

Where would even be the best place to duel? Atop ayyleid ruins?

>Where would even be the best place to duel?

At least it's best faction.

What enchant do I want on my destro fire staff as magicka dd? Someone ingame said prismatic onslaught, since so many enemies in dungeons are undead or daedra. that shit expensive though. Right now I have absorb magicka, simply because that's what I had on hand and to help sustain a bit. Am I good or should I switch it out for something like fire?

You're good until you can make/buy an onslaught. Might wanna up the grade though.

If only this pit didn't have NPCs, it would be perfect.

You're pretty good.

(not me)

Yea but those are universals and are to be expected in most dungeons. The ones I listed are stuff I'm expecting today when veteran Darkshade Caverns are on the menu.

> Not holding the mini crossbow
Wasted opportunity


When this thread dies again at 240 posts, don't bother making a new one. ESO on Veeky Forums is DEAD. IT'S TIME TO LET IT GO!

Consider this a bump, I guess

how much is lich crown in divines? I got it from a dolmen, but it's blue and my MM got no data on it. Neither does anyone I've asked in game. Nor can I find any lich crowns for sale on guild stores. I heard lich divines pieces are pretty expensive though

The Yin and Yang. Life and death. The dark and the bright. The sky and the earth.

The waifu and the anti-waifu.

For a blue cp160 lich crown I got sales data ranging from 5-15k with an average of 10k and most sales are around 10k. For a purple one I got a range of 20-25k with 20k as the average.

If you can, upgrade it to purple and try to sell for 20k.

you're kidding me. just 20k? I might as well fucking deconstruct it

Then just give it away to someone

Is there an addon for UI that lets you keep the default look, but fuck around with it extensively? Currently I use Azurah, which is pretty good, as far making the layout, but it's lacking in individual frame customisation.

I used to use AUI and the LUI, but I feel the best when playing this setup. Plus both of those add unecessary shit I have no use for. AUI especially is very unstable for some reason, and I've had to reinstall it several times before.

I'd like to be able to adjust width and legth of default bars, as well as set different colours for them. Azurah CAN adjust size, but you lose resolution and you can only make them proportionally larger.

They're both ugly

I DO hope that the old dunmer is your waifu. The other one friendszones you pretty hard.

desu neither

Is that hair from the hair pack? I may have to spend some crowns. I have three characters I'd like to adjust.

You don't have a chance with the dunmer. She pets pussy pretty fierce

>tfw you realise TG story was actually about lesbians and getting friendzoned

So, I have a friend who chose bosmer, but they want to be a (NB) healer, ultimately.

How much are they shooting themselves in the foot for choosing a "non-optimal" race for such a thing? Aren't there soft caps in the game anyway, so they'll be almost as good as a High Elf anyway? Or is it a guaranteed reroll/race change?

What? Maybe the Dres' part but you never had a chance. Now Naryu, she's the dark elf to go for

>How much are they shooting themselves in the foot for choosing a "non-optimal" race
depends on how much they care about min/maxing and if they ever plan to do vet trials

>Aren't there soft caps in the game
not anymore

>is it a guaranteed reroll/race change?
again, depends on how much they care about this sort of thing. bosmer offers absolutely nothing for magicka, or for healers. it's a bad choice, but not one that would be impossible to play as. they will never be "the best" healer though.

Only if you're a min maxer

Scroll run if anyone's interested in what actually happens in Cyrodil, it's fun.


They shoot themselves in the foot more by going healer (nb)

Couldn't they make up the lack of Magicka by sacrificing a bit of health? Not that that is a "solution" or anything but it could help the healing output side of it.

With what? Equilibrium?

Nah, because even I know that an Altmer doing the same thing would still be better, of course.

I'm saying making up that 10% extra magicka via attributes and enchants to magicka over health.

At least if you're at a health disadvantage, it can be assisted by just having a good tank. Also, in a way, having slightly less health could make Spell Absorbtion from The Lady champion tree proc more.

Again not trying to justify an inferior choice, just trying to suggest there are ways to cope with it.

user it's kind of expected to go with magicka enchants over health. There are certainly ways to cope with it. Just like in the previous thread there was the user being a sorc in heavy armor. Who was thankfully a dps.

>make up the lack of Magicka by sacrificing a bit of health

and right here's the problem. yes. you could. but on a proper magicka race, you wouldn't need to sacrifice health. you could not only go full magicka enchants, but you'd get more out of them because of a +magicka passive

Well, the stamina regen of bosmer could help with dodge rolling and breaking CC.

Other than that, the benefits to bosmer as a spell caster end there.

This. That said, those are not too shabby things to have in a game that's a lot about movement.

>At least if you're at a health disadvantage, it can be assisted by just having a good tank

This isn't really the case. There's a certain threshold of health you need to meet for endgame content, in order to avoid getting 1shot constantly. It's roughly 17k for dps and heals in PvE. If you absolutely know what you're doing, if you know the mechanics of every boss by heart, if you know for sure that you can avoid lethal damage, you can make do with less than that. A good tank won't help you here, because no matter how good he is, certain boss mechanics will still hit you unless you yourself know how to avoid them.

So, if you have good environmental awareness got it right. Bosmer passives could benefit actively avoiding damage.

Even so, if you know all the shit mentioned above and have awareness, playing with magicka race is still going to be better in the end.

honestly it don't matter at all, they are going nb healer, they are fucked anyway.

If he absolutely wants to play bosmer, tell him to go with stamblade meta

if he absolutely wants to play magicka NB healer, tell him to pick either breton better for pvp, high elf better for general pve or dunmer better for PvE DD necropotence build

I'll probably just tell her if the character in question wants to even attempt vet trials, to pick up a race change and switch to dunmer, but if the character is just going to be healing/DPSing dungeons, it should be fine.

You should amend that to vet dungeons. She would probably struggle in normal trials

if I upgrade item quality, does it also upgrade enchant quality? I have this one item on gold, and it also has a gold enchant, but I don't recall putting one on it. Maybe I forgot.

Probably, for the enchant already on it.

I think that only applies to equipment drops. Crafted gear stays the same

Why do people love to go into ques as anything but what they actually are? Especially those that are above 200?

>18k Hp
>23k stam
>2.4k weapon damage
before food buffs
is this good for vets?

Yes, now let's hope you pay attention to aoes. Stam could probably use a touch more though.

You should aim to have at least 18k health with food buff so drop some HP and put it into stam

>with food buffs
So that's what? 13/14k hp?

I don't like the mechanics for the abilities that grant you passives while slotted. In my opinion, you should be granted the passive so long as it's on either of your weapon bars, not just the one you're currently using. Magelight is the biggest culprit of this as it's just about required on any magicka character and on both bars, effectively taking up two spell slots.

If it's in normal dungeons then it's probably due to how easy the dungeons are at that level.

I could understand that for not using say an sns or a resto staff if they have actual abilities that can make up for it. What I don't get is going in with absolutely no taunt or heal slotted so when the boss goes to someone that isn't the tank it can be salvaged or when there's been burst.
Obviously this would be more okay with a group of friends that can sustain themselves.

It's usually isn't a problem when you put together teams through zone. When you got 3dd and 1h who are geared and with a decent amount of CP, tanks are simply not needed at normal dungeons, because of how fast everything dies. Doing this shit through random queue can be a hit or miss, since you can be teamed up with lvl 12 players and then it won't work.

Hello guys I am not sure how long this post will be but it might turn into a rant, no promises or anything so you've been warned if you decide to read it.

You should never ever choose a race because you will benefit from the passives. Choose the race you actually find interesting and enjoyable for you both lore and appearence-wise. However if you don't give a damn about lore or looks this post isn't exactly for you. Racial passives are ignoreable basically. Even if you want to be the best at what you do, you can't play an "unoptimized" race for that build. 10% might sound good but remember that your stats will never see 50k as their base value. 10% is mostly irrelevant for anything below 100k. I chose 10% in my argument because it is more or less the modifier most races get with their passives. For the sake of being objective about this let me tell you that stat recovery passives impact your character more than base stat passives, damage passives too. Khajit are excluded because they are the only race that gets any sort of critical % bonus, which is still fairly irrelevant unless you go full crit set and if you have a full crit set the bonus you get at max rank of khajit crit bonus, which is 8% won't do you much good considering you will have a good crit base anyway.

This is all irrelevant until you hit max level and when you do you are dependent on gear and glyphs for stats, damage bonuses and crit modifier along with your mundus stone. Bonuses you get from your racials doesn't impact your end game stats a whole lot, stat wise you'll get something between 3000-4500 which is not a whole lot if you chose the race you did instead of the race you found interesting because of passives.

Basically if you want to do magicka templar bosmer or breton stamsorc, yeah go for it. Endgame impact on your character will be minimal.

Can't remember off the top of my head, I think it's around there

>You should never ever choose a race because you will benefit from the passives

stopped reading right there

The other guy's explanation was better

>stat wise you'll get something between 3000-4500 which is not a whole

You should never choose any race but Altmer.

I mean, at least this discourse is keeping the thread alive.

But seriously though, I seriously doubt missing 10% of a stat will disqualify you from doing veteren dungeons even. Vet Trials, maybe.

Hit or miss with vet dungeons. The reason why it's so valued, which you forgot in your post, is how deeps is calculated. A racial bonus to it will eek them out in damage in the end compared to one who isn't, unless they're like a tank.

so much about this post is just plain wrong. user, you severely underestimate just how big of an impact racials are. if you don't care about min/maxing, then OF COURSE you shouldn't care about picking an optimal race. chances are you won't pick an optimal build either. if you do care, however, then the correct race is very important. take a DD for example. picking a redguard for stam build, means you will have much better sustain and more consistent damage output. picking a khajiit for a stam dd every good endgame stam build is a crit build means your damage will be boosted by several k at endgame. that's HUGE.

let's say you got 4500 bonus resource for either of your ability resources. 4500 means you can cast a skill two or if it is a low resource spell three times but that is your base stat. Stat recovery is more relevant than your base stat after you hit 25k with your stats. Let's say you have 40k magicka with gear and racial passivesd but 800-850 magicka recovery your base stat is irrelevant because you can't utilize your magicka properly because you aren't regenerating it fast enough to enjoy your bonus 4500k. By extension any bonus passive to your stats affect you in a very minimal way because stat recovery is way more relevant than raw stat bonuses.


The size of your resource pool doesn't just contribute to how many abilities you can cast. It directly affects the damage of your abilities.

But user, the thread is barely staying afloat.

I agree with It's been my personal experience playing a NB healer that the base game vet dungeons are pretty easy in the end. You don't need min-maxed characters, you just need four people with normal builds who know the mechanics. I haven't done any DLC content and I hear the vICP and vWGT are harder so perhaps there it may make a difference though I suspect knowledge of the mechanics is the main requirement and dps/heal/tanking performance needs to be good but not maximal.

I can understand some people kicking non min-maxed players from their group simply because they can't accept the run lasting 20 minutes instead of 15min. But are the dps races in DLC dungeons so hard you'd need your 2 dds to be min-maxed without which you'd expect to barely manage to succeed?

I said hit or miss for a reason, for vet it's more about knowing what you're doing and that comes with experience. If you really wanna get into dps races then it's speedruns or trials where it begins to matter. Minmaxing for vet dungeons would just lessen the burden for those new to them. Slightly

>It's been my personal experience playing a NB healer that the base game vet dungeons are pretty easy in the end. You don't need min-maxed characters, you just need four people with normal builds who know the mechanics.

Smartest thing said this debate.

I think you are over estimating racial passives, I personally think stat recovery bonuses more important like I stated in my above comment. Still the bonus you get to your damage are from your gear.

You gave redguard as an example so here we go.

Increases Stamina Recovery by 9%

Increases Max Stamina by 10%

Your melee attacks restore 3% of your Max Stamina.
This effect can occur once every 3 seconds

All those numbers look good but considering spell costs it is affecting you very little, sure it is better than having no racial passives supporting your build but is not that "much" better. I mean I can't really make one argument that would blanket the whole situation but go ahead and check your stats and your racial bonuses and google it, google will you percentages if you what is lmao percent of xx thousand and then compare the bonuses you get with your spell cost.

This will give you an idea about how stat bonuses from racials affect your sustainability. You are right about racial damage bonuses, something only altmer and dunmer get and it is around maximum 4% for altmer and 7% fire 3% other elementals for dunmer and what is that like for altmer if they hit 35k dps (which is what most people get at max) 1040 damage bonus. Which is pretty much the same number for dunmer too. Khajit and Bosmer get stealh damage bonuses and numbers will still be around 1-2k and that is not viable for non nightblades in boss fights and monster group clearing.

>tfw in AD and went with Imperial for a stam build because the other races' passives were so crappy it barely made a difference but then they got buffed
Sticking with my imperial anyway, fuck Mer filth


Yeah I put 35k dps there as an overall example for dps to avoid doing a lot of math to get the pretty much same outcome.

I think the takeaway here is if you're trying to build a serious build, don't use something farfetched like a race with stam passives for a magicka build.

I think we're all getting bored of this subject.

The takeaway is that one user can't seem to grasp basic game mechanics and thinks that +10% resource passive equals only about +1k to dps

please make a recovery build and post your dps results so we can all have a good laugh

Hope you're not implying that I'm that user

The takeaway is that one user thinks he knows the mechanics better than everyone else while blatantly forgetting something real important.

Oh look, it's the "are racials a big deal" discussion again.

Deltia settled this some time ago.


They matter. Quite a bit.

That's a terrible thumbnail

So are Deltia and Alcast the most informative channels?

Alcast is the one you want for the most effective builds. Deltia has some good insights in to the game, but he seems a bit out of touch as far as the newer content goes.

All this talk ab out racial passives got me realizing that Nords fucking suck.

Yeah, sure, If you got all races in a room naked and punched them all until they died, nord would still be standing but other than that, they have nothing.

Yeah they do, outside of being a stamtank, and Orcs should've had berserk in some capacity. Especially since redguards got AR.

Thalmor worst race! Worst stealth archer

fuck, just realized it's not easy to get coooking ingredients anymore

spread your filthy lies elsewhere, hussie

You know it to be true, mer. Accept it.

orcs stink

For what level range of cooking?

>said no elves or dark elves ever

does it matter? it's all pretty much the same
but cp 160 ofc

Thalmor isn't a race, you brainless reachman.

Not with that attitude.