/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >[Camelot Gacha part 2 from 8.31 to 9.7]
Servants on rate-up
-5* Lancer Arturia
-4* Saber Gawain
-4* Archer Tristan

>[400 days anniversary from 9.1 to 9.7]
Log in four consecutive days to receive
-4M QP
-40k FP
-4 Golden Apples
-4 Tickets
Logging in anytime during this period will also give you 10 4* exp cards one time only.

>Ten new Bond CEs have been added
Nero Bride - Party Arts 15% up
Brynhildr- Party10% Buster and 10% NP gain
Mysterious Heroine X- Party 20% damage against Sabers
Beowulf- Party 20% damage against Dragons
Fionn- Party 10% Arts up 10% NP damage up
Saber Gilles- Party 20% Buster up 20% Debuff Resist down
Clown- Party 20% NP damage up
Fergus- Party 10% Buster up 10% NP damage up
Charles Sanson- Party 10% instant-kill chance, 10% NP gain
Caligula- Party 20% Buster up, 10% defense down

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php
-New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones, & androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
- Upcoming Prisma Ilya event confirmed
-Mashu Kyrielight voice actress Risa Taneda on hiatus from voice acting to focus on medical treatment for an unspecified illness.


>Frequently Asked Questions

>Mega Pastebin

>Translations Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet


>Alternate servant/CE database

mediafire.com/download/960gn6g6w2p0l8q/FGO Material I.zip
mediafire.com/download/wj405jjjc9ly94e/FGO Material II.zip

Other urls found in this thread:


>FP gacha

Best boy.


I love my waifu!

>no new 1/2 star servants and the old ones will remain forever shit by powercreep and jewing

King of Kings.

Now that mashu is confirmed dying, how do you think it will happen in story

Who's this slut?

To that guy who got Manjew

here's his stats at level 90

My waifu.

Xth for best archer

>only 40k FP given
I want my Angry Manjew


>King of Knights
>doesn't use a shield
I hate this king.

Bradamante when?

Enjoy the kicks you casul.

How many knight medals can I expect a main-mission-only run of Camelot?

You guys ready for when Mashu's VA dies?

Mecha Taneda Risa will replace her


Congratulations user

Going for level 100 Manjew.

Fuck, I need to get to london to farm gear now.

Naked back swimsuit makes me hard

If I put Kayneth CE on Herc, pop Mind's eye, would the next attack he receive reduce a Kayneth CE invul quota?


you're dumb

Mordred stole it.

Seriously though, who needs a shield when your wounds heal themselves with Avalon?

>rolled 40000 FP just today
>still no manjew

That's even worse then. Still finishing Orleans.

BL translations.

>Tamamo-no-Mae (Swimsuit) (after change)
Goddess Metamorphosis: B
The Shapeshift Skill in its highest form.
Undergoes metamorphosis into a goddess.
A staggering feast of buffs. However, she receives a stun afterwards.
It seems that there was a holy woman in a certain cyberspace who acquired this Skill.
Incidentally, Tamamo's Divinity has nonchalantly became A++, but it seems that is because her aspects as Amaterasu is leaking out due modifiers from the summer sun, or something.

>Artoria Pendragon (Swimsuit) (after change)
Who said that King Arthur was a sword-only Heroic Spirit?

She also uses a sword. She also uses a spear. She also uses a bow. She also rides a reindeer and makes surprise attacks on her Saber kins.
As expected, wouldn't you call this an almighty combat skill befitting the King of Knight's reputation?
That aside, the reason why Artoria does not swim has its cause on the protection of the fairy to "walk on water". While alive, she never practiced swimming since there was no need for her to swim. In other words, she cannot swi---

>Marie Antoinette (Swimwsuit) (after change)
In these summer days, Marie Antoinette will probably show you the dream of a true, genuine, celebrity's vacation. Since this is a dream, you'll have to wake up eventually, but the memories will surely remain.

>Anne Bonny惻Mary Read (Swimsuit) (after change)
These two don't even try to hide their favor towards the Master. They say that "because it is just a summer love" as a pretext, but the truth is that this Master is to their liking--- regardless of said Master being male or female.

>Mordred (Swimsuit) (after change)
Miss Surfer Mor is lively during summer, but she feels depressed during fall and hits rock bottom at winter. Thus, for now the Master should just keep her company patiently, reassuringly, even during fall and winter. She should notice eventually. That the door to summer, lies right beside her.

>Scathath (Swimsuit) (after change)
Scathath was the mentor of many warriors but, in regards to the Master, she is aware that "our relationship is not one of mentor and pupil". It should be the same even as she manifests as an Assassin, but she unconsciously ends up trying to train him while saying things such as "how about running around?". As expected... should we see this as her being more festive than usual?

>Kiyohime (Swimsuit) (after change)
...That being said, due also Kiyohime being born in ancient Japan, she has an exceedingly great reluctance towards swimsuits... in short, it seems this is extremely embarrassing for her.
And yet, she is gallantly enduring it in order to please the Master. So, in order to also release her tension, you should surely praise that she looks good on a swimsuit.
But please be advised, we will not concern ourselves at all with any accident that may arise at that occasion.

>Martha (Swimsuit) (after change)
Even if she change her appearance, or if there are some differences in her words, she is still her. Nothing but a perfect holy woman who strives to save the world and people.
Still, as expected, this is an unique manifestation. As she says, is this a trial from the Lord, or maybe---

>These two don't even try to hide their favor towards the Master. They say that "because it is just a summer love" as a pretext, but the truth is that this Master is to their liking--- regardless of said Master being male or female.
>b-but summer is a cuck event


the one that died for not having one in the end

>Since this is a dream, you'll have to wake up eventually
Wait, the Summer event was just a dream?!

That Tamamo Description actually filled in alot of questions huh.

Did they get Mordreds 6th line TL'd yet?

stop, that'd be super cute and i don't want to feel this guilty

Sleepy bird is a cute.


Man I've rolled well over 500,000 FP, and still no manjew. What were these gooks thinking.


>Miss Surfer Mor is lively during summer, but she feels depressed during fall and hits rock bottom at winter.
It's decided. Once I get her leveled, I'm going to stick my surfer Mordred on a team with Santa Alter for when I need to grind Casters.

>It seems that there was a holy woman in a certain cyberspace who acquired this Skill.

Is that supposed to be Kiara?

The Mordred and Kiyo ones are pretty cute.

Could be Extella Jeanne.

>Almost used a Cu as EXP material


>Nothing but a perfect holy woman who strives to save the world and people.

>Memegamesh faggots trying to downplay Achilles because they are insecure about the speedblitz
kek even if Achilles was all E stats and had no other NPs other than the speedblitz, he would still beat Gilgameme easily

Now that everyone has 40k extra FP don't forget to only single roll in the FP gacha. Multirolls are a meme.

Probably Tamamo, in her own ending of CCC, when she ranked up to override the Mooncell briefly, but because of what she did her other Nine tails are suddenly after her.

I did that last time in the anniversary and it was a waste of time.

I don't think Tamamo can be call a holy woman...

please leave this in the other thread.

Does Chapter 17 ever fucking end? This shit is dragging on forever and it's just the same fucking fights from earlier all over again.

It's probably not Jeanne, they wouldnt make references to a game that isnt even out yet

Holy woman would mean an important religious figure, which is Kiara in her cult.

Guess that means we'll probably be getting her as a Servant if they're hinting her skills.

>due to modifiers from the summer sun, or something

>she cannot swi---

>Since this is a dream

>"it's just a summer love"

i really like how they just say "fuck it, just have fun and stop overthinking things"

maybe someone that lost his magic regenerative scabbard and died from an injury caused by heris sondaughter's sword while she killed herim with a spear? also carrying a shield never hurt anyone

>they wouldnt make references to a game that isnt even out yet
Do you even marketing?

Probably. She is, despite her abnormal proclivities, still a holy woman who occupied a high position in a religious sect. Although, didn't she turn into something more alike a demon? Unless absorbing BB counts as becoming godlike.

She was close to being a True Demon, but she also absorbed like thirty goddesses between all the Sakuras.

Welp, I have a bad feeling about this.

BB had the power of one divine spirit, but it was a big one
Passionlip was three divine spirits
Meltlilith is three divine spirits
Kingprotea is one
Kazuradrop probably has three
Violet has three

Each of the Sakuras is basically a divine spirit in cyberspace. Although Kiara only hate like three of them, and was siphoning power from Sakura throughout the plot, which is why her hair became white I think. After the protag beat one of the Alter Egos but refused to finish them off, there was a scene of "Someone" showing up right after that to finish them off and absorb them. Kiara absorbed the divine egos so she could be strong enough to swallow BB, and finally the Mooncell itself.

Yeah Kiara had a lot of divine power

So what happened with the whole "free" 5* feature?

What's going on here?


>still no Ko-Gil CE

ding dong
connection lost

>hate like three of them



Report and ignore you retard. Why would someone who's deliberately try to shit up the thread listen to you?

Pretty sure BB gobbled up like all the big mother goddesses along with the Earth Mother as well. KP is the solo Earth Mother.

Shiniichiro Miki talking to himself.

Switch your clock to JST

Wait, I thought the Sakura Five had a deathmatch, wherein the others died, leaving just Passionlip and Meltlilith. Or did I just miss a Nasu-joke, like when I thought he was joking about Punch Moses?

Enjoy your dead threads

rate my support team

Thanks, gonna try that.

>tfw you have a really irritating voice and would probably hate talking to yourself
People with golden voices are lucky.


I thought that white stuff was something else from the thumbnail.

>In other words, she cannot swi---

But Shirou taught her. What's more, she explicitly says she picked up the watergun at that very same waterpark.


It was pretty much just a joke, the other three egos weren't created in normal CCC I'm pretty sure. She had no reason to pit them to the death against each other, when having more people helping is better. Its basically a Nasu metajoke about how they cut three of them from the story.

youtube.com/watch?v=oyKxKzMwDJk This was actually a pretty cool MAD


I like speaking with fake accents when I'm alone.

She remembers the Waterpark but not Shirou

Its with Gilgamesh the Secret NTR Ending of Ataraxia!

Why do you think she has Gil's jacket on her 2nd ascenscion

Nasu's metajokes are cruel because he just pulls bullshit out of his ass, and then canonizes whatever he likes, like Moses.

Sasuga "Alien from Planet Liar (self-proclaimed)".

Crossover with Coldsteel the Hedgehog when?

>5 4*
>1 is a welfare servant, the other was one of the free ones
>only 1 kaleido
he's not even close to whale

Can you type with fake accents?

Moses splitting the Red Sea by punching it is so cool that we can forgive that

>putting gilgameshcucks on their place is shitting up the thread
Nice meme, only you would ever want a gilgameshcuck hugbox.

any 5* = whale tier

Depends on the accent.

It's the coolest. But, at the same time, it feels a bit like seeing your little brother become a delinquent, so it's a bit of a culture shock.

I would laugh if Moses was voiced by Jonathan or Jotaro

Why do all FSN Servants remember the Fuyuki war except Gil?

He likes to pretend it's not canon since he lost there

My daughteru!
