Blade & Soul General - /bnsg/

Recent Patch Information

/bnsg/ servers
NA Server Group 2 (Mushin/Old Man Cho)
NA Server Group 3 (Jiwan/Dochun/Soha)
NA Server Group 4 (Poharan/Iksanun)
EU Server Group 1 (Windrest/Wild Springs/Highland Gate)

>/bnsg/ Clans Info
>BnS Resources
>Soul Shield and Gear Cheat Sheet

>Automated Equipment Suggestions


>Lewd Folders

>Community Yearbook

>Previously on /bnsg/

Other urls found in this thread:



lolno thhhh

>tired but wanna stay up for an alle lobby

what do I do?

Hugs #1

alle isnt going to be making a lobby

xth for I love Gulgeun!

>want to stay up and join alle lobby
>cour is going to be in it

what do I do?

i just wanna join a lobby right at reset
so i dont have to worry about it later

Is it strange to feel the urge to delete all my chars and start over somewhere remote enough?

it's hard to fit every hud element in this small window

i couldn't find any lbd guides in the op, where should i go to learn how to play? i haven't played since the queues

just rejoin PP, it's gonna be fine

Use your grab whenever you can in dungeons, otherwise keep draw stance up and mash LMB like a champ.

Congrats, you're now as good as every other BD on /bnsg/

who is this?

nth for Yuns

Didn't know you could play bns on your phone.


post lewds with that outfit

>tfw blackram-chan rerolled to cat

maybe later

post cats

post pigs instead

>less than 30 windrest seeds away from getting the complete pig outfit


get out pigposter

are you a cute lyn?

is this your fetish?

I'm a big scary mgon, and I'm gonna look even scarier when I put that on. You'll see.

is that the best way, or just the common way? that sounds awfully simplified

i think my phone is faster :(

>want to reroll
>no other class looks interesting
what do

>big scary mgon
post pics

Learn to anicancel your lightning flash F with flicker LMB.

BD isn't a complicated class. You either stay in draw stance and deal bullshit damage and you act as a grabslut for the rest of your party to blow their load all over the boss with restraint skills.

>tfw you will never run a dungeon with Tukineko again, or see her ever again

Why even live ;_;

Delete all chars and join me in my miserable existence of modesty, race, class, region and game traitor

It's going to be a tough choice alternating between the pig suit and what I currently have now.



she's right here

>See image

Says you!
Reset lobby coming in about 10 minutes, need to relaunch client among other minor details.

>tfw you're the only person online in your clan





Who doesnt

I wanna fuck that cat.

sf4 purples EU


let's have some fun

>tfw too shit for most SF 4s

join anyway

can garry you through most of it, unless it's tomb



Up and at 'em, NA!

Surely you know the drill by now. Come here, strut your stuff, and head home with a fancy box full of 10 Experience Charm Fragments and zero Gold. The endless cycle, ripe for the taking yet again!

Running Daily Challenge circuit, (Ebindrake, Yeti, Gloom, Jin-Jin) + Winter Wrap-Up, NA# 5 2 6 8 4 4.

At last someone finally catches on. Took a few months! Was wonder if anyone would've picked-up on that little filename, eheheh.

(You know what symbol this is)

Whats that newest slut outfit you have there?

No you aren't. Just join, user. You aren't going to learn how to do 4-man content if you keep avoiding them.

xth for male avatarfags needs to impregnate me

event outfit, costs 35 coins

go to bed luu

Well then, brt.



how long does it take to level to cap now? about a day if i'm fast?

Roughly that if you are fast.

You now literally only need to do the story quest. And that alone gets you to lv50 HM3. You can get to HM4-5 if you do some of the blues on the way.

Here's your main
Practice that, and use T3S3 grab. Aside from that, it's just learning how to be out of draw as little as possible in fights, and not dying.

Does this still have spots?

cinderlands is still bullshit, you need to either grind or do sidequests there

moar pls

Of course not


thanks! i'll pick up grab t3s3 and try to practice draw stance ani cancels once i get access to it

who wants to go back to tera with me

your char is really hot in that outfit :ok_hand:

get that gay shit out of here



thanks noxxen

Not me



fuck off pedo fag

how do assassins work in pvp?
they just keep teleporting behind me 24/7 and i don't understand why

Don't hit them when they do that naruto hand sign bullshit


they do it from stealth and ranged and without me even hitting them though
literally can't do shit, i don't understand this class at all

Most classes need to know both their own class and the class they're up against user

what do i do when they just sit in stealth all day while i'm slowed, keep their distance without any way to get close to them and wait for their cooldowns?
i can't win against them at all even though i have no problems against other classes

what class are you?

Then go read through the sin skillset

doesn't help me hitting them when they're in stealth, it's faster to ask people than try and learn a class i never played

What requirements do I need to join nuffins lobbies?

I want to die.

780+ap, legendary stage6, 6 whale gems

go to bed kyoppi

me too

He said lobby, not server

When they go invisible and they're not close to you, block, they will throw a dagger, if it hits, they can teleport instantly to you and daze.

If the dagger has already hit you, you can randomly ss and hope you iframe their daze. Even better is, if you ss into their direction and use lunar slash to knock em out of stealth while you still have the lingering iframe from ss.

>tfw most of bnsg is going to be playing revo so the threads will be just as shit

I can't fall asleep.

thanks m80, will try that in the future

Why are you doing this in the thread?

>tfw still never did desolate tomb

Same and I doubt i'll ever do it

>the summoner keeps pinning the boss instead of letting the BD or Des grab it